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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
September 2010
Issue No. 84
This newsletter is published
through the Program for Hydro-meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE), funded by USAID/OFDA,
commenced from October 2005. The objective
of the program is to contribute towards
reduction of vulnerability of urban
communities through enhanced preparedness
and mitigation of hydro-meteorological
disasters in South and Southeast Asia.
Components of the program consist of
capacity building in hydro-meteorological
disaster risk reduction, risk management
advocacy, networking and dissemination
initiatives, and city demonstration projects
in selected countries. Six cities highly
vulnerable to hydro-meteorological disasters
were selected for implementing demonstration
projects on disaster mitigation by urban
communities from 2006 to 2009 – Chittagong
(Bangladesh), Hyderabad (Pakistan), Jakarta
(Indonesia), Dagupan (Philippines), Kalutara
(Sri Lanka), and Da Nang (Viet Nam). The
program is now being implemented in Jamalpur
(Bangladesh), Pasig (the Philippines), and
Matara (Sri Lanka).
September to October 2010:
BANGLADESH – The ward-level flood
mitigation action plans under the PROMISE
Bangladesh project in Jamalpur Pouroshava
were compiled into an action plan for
Jamalpur. This plan was presented in a
workshop on September 2 at Jamalpur
Municipality Hall, to stakeholders that
included the pouroshava’s Technical Working
Group, ward representatives and other
members of the communities. The action plan
was validated by those present, and
discussions during the workshop developed
several recommendations to include a DRR
section within the municipality development
plan, such as: activation of the Pourashava
Disaster Management Committee (PDMC) in line
with DRR activities; allocation of a DRR
fund for the PDMC from the municipality’s
annual development budget; fund-raising for
DRR issues; and DRR mainstreaming through
the involvement of students and educational
institutional authorities, public service
agencies, and NGOs. The PROMISE BD project
is now concluded, and the month of October
is devoted to developing a case study, risk
assessment report, and final report.
PHILIPPINES – On September 16, the
PROMISE RP team organized a disaster risk
reduction (DRR) Orientation and training for
the Metro Manila regional office of the
Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS).
Three participants from each of the 16
divisions of Metro Manila came to the
training. The facilitators were Ms.
Mayfourth Luneta of the Center for Disaster
Preparedness (CDP), the PROMISE implementing
partner for the Philippines, Mrs. Candy De
Juan of DECS-Pasig City, and DECS-NCR point
person Ms. Genia Santos.
Pasig City CBDRRM TWG and CDP followed up on
the DRR Plans and Contingency plans of the
pilot communities. On September 29, 2010 the
TWG and the Barangay Captains had a meeting
regarding the status of the plans, and only
two communities were able to submit their
draft while the rest were still finalizing
their data and/or plans plans (a barangay is
the smallest political and administrative
unit in the country). It was then agreed
upon that the Barangay Affairs Office will
receive the funds for the early warning
system and will release it to the barangays
once their respective plans are approved.
Volunteer rescuers from PROMISE RP pilot
sites were able to participate in a rescue
orientation organized by Pasig City Rescue,
the city’s rescue unit. The training need to
enhance skills of local rescuers was
recognized from the city’s experience with
swift water during Typhoon Ketsana in 2009
that occurred especially in the river and
floodway. A Swift Water Rescue Orientation
was held on October 1 for one rescuer from
22 barangays at medium- or low-risk to flood
disasters, while the eight high-risk
barangays under PROMISE Pasig were allowed
to send two each. Mr. Rommel Antinero from
the Pasig City Rescue was the resource
person of the training. The training content
included the following skills: how to
conduct a swift water rescue; use of
different gadgets for swift water rescue
(like throw bags); and tips on how to handle
the rescue. The training included a video
presentation on SWR. At the end of the
training, the eight barangays under PROMISE
were each given a throw bag with 30 meters
of rope for use in swift water emergencies;
the bag was funded by the program.
CDP was given a Recognition Award for
supporting the City’s Environmental Advocacy
during ceremonies for the 4th Year
Anniversary of Pasig Green City last
September 13.
– PROMISE SL organized training on First Aid
and emergency response for a second batch of
30 residents of vulnerable communities
within Matara City. The training ran in end
September, conducted by the St. John’s
Ambulance group. PROMISE SL is now
concluded, and the month of October will be
devoted to writing a case study, the report
on the risk assessment, and the final report
for the project.
From the Region
Risk Reduction Project Portal for Asia and
the Pacific
Asia Partnership (IAP) initiative on
‘Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR
interventions in Asia and Pacific’ developed
the portal with support from the Asian
Development Bank. The primary objective of
the initiative is to develop a system which
would help in exchange of information on
implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
projects in the region; ‘Who is doing what
and where’ and thus help in identifying
gaps, increasing coherence and planning at
the regional level. The portal can be viewed
at: http://www.drrprojects.net/drrp/drrpp/home.
Online dialogue: Accelerating Implementation
of the Hyogo Framework for Action in Asia
and the Pacific, September 27 to October 8
organizing this online forum to obtain
valuable and strategic feedback from
practitioners working in the area of
disaster risk reduction, climate change,
sustainable development and other related
subjects are encouraged to participate and
contribute to the dialogue by sharing their
experiences, lessons learned and challenges
encountered. The dialogue will be part of
the build up to the 4th Asian
Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk
Reduction (AMCDRR) in Incheon, Korea in
October, and the discussions will be
summarized and published in Asian Disaster
Management News. This round of the dialogue
has two topics:
Regional Action for Disaster Risk
Reduction - Experiences of the three
previous Asian Ministerial Conferences,
Declarations, regional action plan,
regional programs, and regional stock
taking and mapping
Visioning at what do we want to see
coming out of the 4th AMCDRR
- What should we do at the community,
sub-national, national and regional
level to accelerate HFA implementation?
Typhoon unleashes heavy rains and landslides
in North Korea
(based on
a report by Alertnet)
Dozens of
people have died in North Korea after heavy
rains and landslides caused by a typhoon
which hit the Korean peninsula earlier this
month, state media report. More than 8,300
homes were destroyed, over 30,000 hectares
of farmland inundated, and about 65 km of
railway tracks were washed away. South Korea
this week responded to Pyongyang's requests
for emergency flood aid, the latest in a
series of conciliatory gestures between the
rivals after a period of heightened tension
following the sinking of a South Korean navy
ship in March. Heavy rains over the past two
months have caused severe flooding and hit
food production.
(4) Bangladesh floods
(based on a report by IRIN)
Late monsoon rains in mid
September caused riverine flooding, eroded
riverbanks, inundated about 80 villages, and
forced more that 140,000 people to evacuate
from their homes in 10 districts.
Floodwaters have destroyed about 40,000
hectares of farmland in the districts of
Sylhet, Sunamganj, Moulvi Bazar and Hobiganj.
In west-central Sirajganj District alone,
the high water flow washed away a large
segment of a flood protection levee on the
western bank of the Brahmaputra, and forced
nearly 35,000 people in 60 villages to leave
their homes. In Sherpur District, nearly
60,000 people were either stranded in their
homes or forced to flee to higher ground.
(5) Report on Sustaining Food
Security in Asia
The International Rice
Research Institute and The Asia Society
released a Task Force report on Food
Security and Sustainability in Asia. It
presents steps that governments, businesses,
NGOs and regional and international
organizations can take. It also underscores
the need to develop an international
consensus on the production of biofuels from
food crops that takes into account its
impacts on food security, climate change,
energy security, and environmental
sustainability. The report can be downloaded
B. Calls for
(6) Call
for Participation: 3rd South South
International Citizenry Based Development
primary aim of the South-South Citizenry-
Based Development Academy is to provide
capacity development support to citizenry
based development oriented disaster risk
reduction initiatives in the Asia and
Pacific region, as well as inter
regionally. The theme for this academy is
"Harmonization of Disaster Risk Reduction
and Climate Change Adaptation at the Local
and Community Level: Building Resilience of
Communities in the Bicol Region". The
sub-themes include: Gender, Disaster Risk
Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation;
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
Adaptation and Livelihood and Food;
Security; Children and Youth Participation
in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate
Change; Adaptation; Partnerships Supported
at the Provincial Level; and Partnerships
Supported at the Municipal Level. This
year’s academy will be held on 22-26
November 2010 at the Central Bicol State
University of Agriculture (CBSUA), Pili,
Camarines Sur, Philippines. For the
brochure and enquiries, please contact: 1)
for Philippine-based participation: Dr. Cely
Binoya, CBSUA,
Malu Cagay, Center for Disaster Preparedness
or Lorna Victoria, CDP,
2) for International participation :
Zenaida Delica-Willison, UNDP,
Call for
Abstracts: Spatial Thinking and Geographic
Information Sciences
University of Tokyo. Abstracts will now be
received for the international conference
"Spatial Thinking and Geographic Information
Sciences" that will take place at the Hongo
Campus of the University of Tokyo from 14 to
16 September, 2011. Contributions dealing
with (but not limited to) the following
fields are encouraged: Geospatial
predictability and decision making; Spatial
thinking and GIS; Spatial and spatiotemporal
data analysis and visualization; Web and
mobile services, geospatial systems and
applications; GIScience Education and
Training; Political and social system and
spatial thinking; Spatial thinking for
planning; Public management and spatial
thinking; Environmental psychology; and
Spatial thinking models. The highest
quality papers will be published in a
special issue of Environment and Planning
B: Planning and Design. Conference
C. Conferences and Courses
Resilience (AOR 2010) – Singapore, 5-6
October 2010
Organizer: International Association of
Emergency Managers. Asia-Oceania Resilience
(AOR 2010) will bring together private and
public sector professionals in security,
emergency management, crisis management,
business continuity management, risk
management and disaster relief, focusing on
Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Conference
topics are on mitigation, preparation,
response and recovery. Visit the conference
The 10th
International Training Course on Flood
Disaster Risk Management from 11-22 October
2010 in Bangkok, Thailand
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC). FDRM course offers an
integrated approach to the development of
flood risk reduction strategies under the
challenging circumstance of climate change,
which enables a holistic view of flood
situation and the needed prepared measures.
It is specifically designed to meet the need
of disaster management professionals,
researchers, policy makers, planners,
academicians, administrators and disaster
management and career seekers. For
inquiries, please send email to:
Call for
Participation: World Disaster Reduction
Campaign on Making Cities Resilient in
Thailand – Bangkok, Thailand: 13 October
commemorate the 2010 International Day for
Disaster Reduction, the UN International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center are
launching the
World Disaster
Reduction Campaign on Making Cities
Resilient in Thailand on Wednesday,
at United Nations Conference Centre. The
campaign will highlight the good practice
and successes of cities in Thailand. Thai
city governments are invited to sign up for
the campaign, and the public is encouraged
to nominate a city as a champion for urban
resilience. The launch will include an
awarding ceremony for model cities of urban
resilience. For more information, contact
Dr. Jerry Velasquez of ISDR Asia Pacific
or Dr. Peeranan Towashiraporn
The 6th
Regional Training Course on GIS for Disaster
Risk Assessment, Level-II from 1-12 November
2010 in Bangkok, Thailand
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC), Asian Institute of Technology
(AIT), and Faculty of Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation (ITC),
University of Twente. GIS4DRA Level-II is
an advance course attempts to provide
knowledge and skills in multi-hazard risk
assessment and loss estimation to the
professionals with GIS and Remote Sensing
(RS) background as well as in multi-criteria
analysis for decision making. This course
designed to the professionals who are
interested in multi-hazard risk assessment
using these tools and will be suitable for
practitioners working in government
organization, municipalities, NGOs,
international organizations and academic
institutions. For inquiries, please send
email to:
(12) Special
Conference Session: 'Disaster Risk
Management' – Hanoi, Vietnam, 2 November
Session organizers: Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC), and Faculty of
Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), University of Twente. A
special session on 'Disaster Risk
Management' at the 31st Asian
Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) will
take place on 2 November 2010. The session
will feature disaster-related topics. For
more details on the conference, go to:
D. Useful Resources
Tsunami Guidelines, Indian National Disaster Management Authority, 2010
Indonesian Low-Carbon Growth Studies,
Indonesian National Climate Change Council (DNPI),
Tools, Toolkits and Frameworks for Air
Quality Management
(16) World
Disasters Report 2010: Focus on Urban Risk, IFRC
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