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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
Apr 2010
Issue No. 79
The Program
for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Mitigation
in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE),
funded by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October
2005. The objective of the program is to
contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. Components of the program
consist of capacity building in
hydro-meteorological disaster risk
reduction, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives,
and city demonstration projects in selected
countries. Six cities highly vulnerable to
hydro-meteorological disasters were selected
for implementing demonstration projects on
disaster mitigation by urban communities
from 2006 to 2009 – Chittagong (Bangladesh),
Hyderabad (Pakistan), Jakarta (Indonesia),
Dagupan (Philippines), Kalutara (Sri Lanka),
and Da Nang (Viet Nam). The program is now
being implemented in Jamalpur (Bangladesh),
Pasig (the Philippines), and Matara (Sri
ACTIVITIES for April and May 2010:
The PROMISE Bangladesh team focused on
holding flood disaster risk reduction
workshops with the project communities in Jamalpur Municipality. The objective of the
workshops was to have the communities
validate the consolidated risk maps, and do
action planning for risk reduction. The
communities were divided into three
simultaneous workshops, all held on April 12
at different venues. The participants
included elected representatives into
Jamalpur Municipal Council, as well as other
members of the various wards; 22 people came
workshop for wards 1, 10 and 12; 21 people
came for the workshop for wards 2, 3, 4, 5
and 11; 25 people came for the workshop for
wards 6, 7, 8 and 9. Activities for the
month of May for are: 1) the consolidation
of the workshop outputs into a hazard,
vulnerability and risk assessment of
Jamalpur Municipality and the individual
wards; 2) conduct of the CBERC training in
Jamalpur on May 11 to 13; and 3) the
development of a short-list of community
flood disaster mitigation activities based
on the validated community risk assessments
and action plans developed during this
month’s workshops.
activities in the Philippines were
interrupted by preparations for the national
and local elections in May 14. The project
team concentrated on participating in
several networking events to, promote the
work done in PROMISE in Pasig City, as well
as to share the outcome from the previous
site of Dagupan City: 1) On April 2, 2010,
Ms. Luneta shared some preparedness tips and
the CBDRRM PROMISE experience during the
LEAD Camp, a camp for improving the
leadership skills of Youth Leaders, Teachers
and Master guides of the NPUC from different
parts of Luzon. The camp was organized by
the North Philippine Union Conference (NPUC)
of the Seventh - day Adventists. 2) On April
8 Dr. Paul Castro and Mr. Horacio Apuyan
Jr., Pasig City hospital administrators and
PROMISE TWG members, attended the Global
Launch of “One Million Safe Schools and
Hospital Campaign” at the Manila Hotel. The
said campaign was initiated by UNISDR and
the ASEAN, and hosted by the Philippine
Government. PROMISE Philippines partner
Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) was
the secretariat of the event. 3) On April 9,
Ms. Luneta shared the DRR PROMISE experience
to the participants of the RESCUE 101 CAMP
of the Philippine Society of Youth Science
Clubs in Tagaytay that aims to help young
scientists to know about and be a part of
DRR. 4) The 3-dimensional risk map of
Barangay Mangin made during the PROMISE
project in Dagupan City was presented by Mr.
Jake Rom D. Cadag at the forum “Programme
Sharing Amongst ProVention Consortium
Research and Action Grantees in the
Philippines” on April 13. 5) CDP and other
Pasig City partners and stakeholders
attended the Fun Run in Pasig City on April
22, one of the city’s events for Earth Day;
the theme of the run was on climate change
and disaster. Activities for next month are
focused on continuing the CBDRRM training
(community-based disaster risk reduction and
SRI LANKA – A study of
existing local authority by-laws relevant to
disaster risk management (DRM) was initiated
under the PROMISE SL project, with the
inputs of the Federation of Sri Lankan Local
Government Authorities (FSLGA) and their
legal consultants. This is the first ever
effort in Sri Lanka to incorporate the
disaster dimension into the Local Authority
By-laws relevant to development regulations,
particularly for regulating construction
activities. The findings of the study and
the draft by-laws proposed under this
assignment have been presented to the
stakeholders at two workshop held on April
20 and 30 at the Matara Municipal Council
Auditorium. Activities for next month:
training of 20 community respondents
selected from vulnerable location within
Matara city and 10 members from operational
crew of Matara MC and District Disaster
Management Unit on fire safety and emergency
response will be held on May 17 to 18, to be
conducted by the Fire Department Training
Centre of the Colombo Municipal Council.
From the Region
Massive earthquake in Indonesia, no deaths
(based on a report from Alertnet)
A major
earthquake of 7.7 magnitude occurred off the
coast of Aceh in north-western Indonesia on
April 7, triggering panic and power
blackouts, but no deaths were reported. The
quake struck around 5:15 a.m. (2215 GMT
April 6), with the epicenter at a depth of
31 km, located 200 km west-northwest of the
coastal town of Sibolga. There were a
series of smaller aftershocks after the
initial major quake. The Hawaii-based
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center initially
gave a tsunami alert was given for
Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia that was
eventually cancelled. Indonesian
officials said that a tsunami of 40 cm had
been detected in a few areas including
Banyak island, where some homes were
Massive earthquake in China, over 2000 deaths
(based on reports from Xinhua and
A rapid series of
strong earthquakes hit a mountainous and
impoverished area of China's Tibetan Autonomous
Prefecture of Yushu in Qinghai province early
Wednesday, April 12. About 2,200 people were
killed as of April 30 after a 7.1-magnitude
earthquake struck at 7:49 a.m. local time. The
epicenter is at the Rima Village in the
Shanglaxiu Township, a sparsely populated town
with many pastures and farmlands. However,
about 50 km east is Jiegu, the government seat
of the Yushu prefecture, where more than 85
percent of the houses had collapsed. About
9,100 people have been hospitalized, and over
40,000 were treated by emergency medical teams.
Relief operations are still ongoing, and were
disrupted by a sandstorm and heavy snowfall on
April 25.
Tornado in eastern India
(based on a report by Alertnet)
Up to one million
people in eastern India lost their homes when a
tornado struck the states of Bihar and West
Bengal on April 13, killing 137 people. More
than 200,000 houses were reported fully or
severely damaged by the storm that had wind
speeds of 120 kph.
hot India this April
(based on reports from Alertnet, ibnlive.in.com,
and India Blooms)
A severe heat
wave sweeping India, with maximum temperatures
of almost 44 degrees Celsius in the Ridge area
of West Delhi, the highest in 52 years. Over 80
people died due to the heat wave. Severe heat
wave conditions are also reported over other
parts of India including Orissa, Jharkhand,
Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and
Moving Tehran?
Reuters and The
New York Times ran reports that the Iranian
government is considering relocating the city of
Tehran and all its inhabitants to safer grounds
due to the high risk of an earthquake disaster,
and distributing the government offices therein
to the rest of the country. Located in a very
high seismic zone at the foot of the Alborz
Mountains, Tehran and the surrounding region has
had eight large destructive earthquakes with
magnitude greater than 7 from 4 B.C to 1830.
The metropolis can swell to 15 million people
during the work day, and with some high-rise
buildings and other structures not built to
standard, the prospects of a disaster are indeed
high. Read more at:
Malaria cases rising in Cambodia
(based on a
report by IRIN)
The number of malaria cases
recorded in Cambodia has increased
significantly, say health officials, citing
several reasons, including and early rainy
season and better detection. The National
Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria
Control reports a 41 percent increase in cases
from 2008 to 2009, with 83,217 recorded
infections in 2009 versus 58,887 in 2008.
Factors cited by the agency include: an
earlier-than-usual rainy season, a late
distribution of insecticide-impregnated bed
nets, and internal migration to malaria-affected
areas, a natural cyclical rise in the number of
cases every two to three years, but also a wider
health care coverage that encourages better
detection and reporting. The number of cases is
still significantly lower than 12 years ago,
when there were 170,387 infected persons and 865
B. Calls for Submission
(7) Surat
Safe Habitat - Planning and Design Competition
Surat Municipal
Corporation and partners are holding national
level planning & design competition for
professionals and students. The “Surat…..Safe
Habitat.” Design Competition for Disaster prone
Resilient Design/Planning is a two-part process
consisting of an Open Competition followed by a
Project Development Period. The Competition is
intended to generate innovative solutions for
Disaster prone resilient design/ Planning under
two themes: Theme I: Planning and Design of low
income group cluster housing prone to frequent
flood, andTheme II: Spatial Area planning of low
lying area with high flood risk. For more
details, go to:
(8) Access
to Justice Award
AlertNet and
the Clifford Chance Foundation have partnered
for the Access to Justice Award - a donation of
money and time from that will be made to a
charitable organisation that promotes access to
justice. The intention is to help promote the
initiative to NGOs doing important work in the
AlertNet community. The winner will be given a
donation of £50,000 and 500 hours of pro bono
volunteering hours over an 18-month period. For
more information, go to:
C. Conferences and Courses
(9) Workshop
on Space Technology Application in Disaster
Reduction, 5-7 May 2010, Beijing, China
National Disaster Reduction Center, Ministry of
Civil Affairs, PRO China. The workshop is
organized to strengthen capacity-building among
the member countries of ICDO against disasters.
To be held at the same time in Beijing is the
"Integrated Disaster Reduction and Sustainable
Development Forum". For more information contact
Mr. Shirish Ravan:
(10) 9th
Regional Training Course on Earthquake
Vulnerability Reduction for Cities – Bangkok,
Thailand: 10-21 May 2010 – POSTPONED
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC). Due
to the prevailing uncertainty in Bangkok’s peace
and order situation, the course is postponed and
a new date will be announced later. The course
is designed to impart greater understanding of
the causes and effects of earthquake and
collateral hazards, primarily focusing on
mitigating such impacts in order to reduce
damage and loss of lives with sustained
development. Please contact Mr. Amit Kumar for
updates on the situation or to register, tedadpc@adpc.net.
The brochure is available at the following link:
(11) 4th
Central Asia GIS Conference – Bishkek,
Kyrgyzstan, 27-28 May 2010
Austria-Central Asia Centre for GIScience at the
Kyrgyz State University of Construction,
Transportation and Architecture, and the Centre
for Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), University of
Salzburg. The 4th GIS-in-Central-Asia Conference
will be held in Bishek, with the main objective
of bringing together GIS academics, researchers
and practitioners in the Central Asian countries
for international cooperation and knowledge
exchange in GIS education. The current
conference’s main theme is WATER, with a
subtheme on Risk: WATER posing a threat to
settlements among other subthemes. For more
information and registration please go to:
(12) 2nd
Ukrainian conference Earth Observations for
Sustainable Development and Security – Kyiv,
Ukraine, 14-17 June 2010
Space Research Institute et al. The Conference
is an opportunity to discuss the prospects of
aero- and space-born data utilization for
natural resources management, sustainable
development and security, and establishment of
the Ukrainian segment of GEOSS (GEO-UA system).
Areas of the discussion include disaster
reduction and climate change. For more
information and registration please go to:
D. Useful Resources
Hazard Profile of Myanmar, July 2009
India’s urban awakening: Building inclusive
cities, sustaining economic growth: MGI,
April 2010
Institutional Arrangements for DM in
Myanmar, 2009
(16) Local
Governments and Disaster Risk Reduction:
Good Practices and Lessons Learned: UNISDR,
Mar 2010
Regional training manual on disaster risk
reduction for coastal zone managers, 2010
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