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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
May 2010
Issue No. 80
The Program
for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Mitigation
in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE),
funded by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October
2005. The objective of the program is to
contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. Components of the program
consist of capacity building in
hydro-meteorological disaster risk
reduction, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives,
and city demonstration projects in selected
countries. Six cities highly vulnerable to
hydro-meteorological disasters were selected
for implementing demonstration projects on
disaster mitigation by urban communities
from 2006 to 2009 – Chittagong (Bangladesh),
Hyderabad (Pakistan), Jakarta (Indonesia),
Dagupan (Philippines), Kalutara (Sri Lanka),
and Da Nang (Viet Nam). The program is now
being implemented in Jamalpur (Bangladesh),
Pasig (the Philippines), and Matara (Sri
ACTIVITIES for May to June 2010:
– Twenty-seven commmunity participants from
Jamalpur participated in the Community-based
Emergency Response course organized on May
11 to 13 under the PROMISE project there.
Other developments in the project include
the finalization of structural mitigation
activities at ward level, to be funded
partly with municipal funds. Ward-level
committees will be formed to monitor the
progress in these activities. Finally,
flood mapping was done this month and will
continue until June.
The Barangay Kapitolyo
Disaster Coordinating Council (BDCC) was
activated on May 1 due to flash floods in
this community in Pasig City. The city
government sent a team to support the BDCC
but the community were able to cope and
immediately start cleaning and draining the
water. Project activities in the
Philippines were still interrupted by the
national and local elections held on May 14,
so most of the month the project team
concentrated on networking with various
organizations to promote the work of PROMISE
in Pasig and Dagupan. Finally, the project
team reached out to the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports division in
Pasig City to promote a disaster risk
reduction (DRR) orientation for public
school teachers and administrators.
A series of regional seminars
on local governance was co-organized with
the Federation of Sri Lanka Local Government
Authorities (FSLGA), with the support of
Disaster Management Center (DMC), Office of
the Commissioner of Local Government (OCLG),
The Asia Foundation (TAF), the National
Building Research Organization (NBRO), and
ADPC through PROMISE. The objectives of the
seminars were to highlight the important
role of local authorities and administrators
in DRR, and to create awareness on the
available mandates for disaster risk
management. The one-day seminars were held
in Galle on May 14, in Kandy on May 17, and
in Baticoloa on May 21. For capacity
building this month, PROMISE SL organized a
training course on fire safety and emergency
response on May 17 and 18. Thirty
participants came from vulnerable locations
within Matara City. The sessions were
conducted by the Fire Department Training
Centre of the Colombo Municipal Council.
From the Region
ASEAN 10+3 Seminar on Urban Disaster Emergency
The countries
of the Association of South East Asian
Nations plus 3 framework held a seminar on
urban disaster emergency management last May
5 to 7 in Beijing, China. The aims of the
seminar revolved around three themes: to
promote disaster information exchange and
experience sharing in Comprehensive Urban
Disaster Prevention and Reduction; to
enhance capacity building on urban disaster
emergency management of the countries; and
to promote exchange and regional cooperation
on urban disaster management. The Seminar
was opened jointly by representatives of the
Chinese Government and the ASEAN
secretariat, followed by keynote speeches by
PRO China, UNISDR and ADPC, and
presentations by the country delegates. The
ADPC keynote address by Mr. NMSI Arambepola
stressed how disparities in equity and
equality increase vulnerability and lead to
disasters when coupled with uncontrolled
urban growth, high exposure to hazards, and
a limited institutional structure at
city-level to respond to and prepare for
emergencies...All these contributed to
deliberations over the needs and priorities
for ASEAN 10 + 3 regional cooperation in
urban disaster risk management. Heads of
State/Government of ASEAN Member Countries
had a substantive meeting with the Heads of
State/Government of the People’s Republic of
China, Japan and the Republic of Korea.
The ASEAN 10 +
3 Seminar ended with the adoption of the
final report that included the following
recommendations to improve urban disaster
risk management and urban disaster emergency
management: 1) Governments need to take
immediate action in urban risk assessment
through hazard mapping and vulnerability
assessment, with the support of national
technical institutions and experts. 2)
Reduce disaster risk accumulated from
previous urban development, and avoid
creating new urban disaster risks in the
future. 3) Governments need to start
nation-wide evaluation of the safety of
schools and hospitals against earthquakes.
4) Governments need to be more proactive in
reducing urban risks due to geo-physical and
hydro-meteorological hazards such as floods
and storms through collaborative effort and
concerted action with concrete action plans.
Landmark legal remedies for environmental
protection in the Philippines
The Philippine
Supreme Court have promulgated a set of
procedures and legal remedies for protecting
the environment while balancing economic
interests and promoting sustainability as a
principle. The “Rules of Procedures for
Environmental Cases” or A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC
were effective 29 APRIL 2010, and include
the world’s first writ of nature (writ of
kalikasan) that is a remedy available to
a natural or juridical person whose
constitutional right to a balanced and
healthful ecology is violated or threatened
(download the Rules of procedure with
rationale here:
The writ has been hailed by many as a
landmark policy for the Philippines and the
world (read for example the statement by
Greenpeace at:
A test case has already been filed by the
Global Legal Action on Climate Change to
compel the government to implement two
existing laws that could ease flooding (read
on the case here:
Floods in Afghanistan
on reports by IRIN)
Flash floods
have killed over 80 people, killed
livestock, ruined crops, and damaged more
than 5,000 houses in 12 provinces last end
April to early May. Rapid assessment teams
comprising staff from UN agencies, NGOs and
government bodies have posted relief needs
Floods and mudslides in Tajikistan
on a report from IRIN)
Heavy rains
triggered mudslides and floods that killed
at least 15 people and 40 others are
missing. Thousands lost their homes as well
as a small river overflowed on May 7 in the
town of Kulob, found close to the Afghan
border and about 195km southeast of
Floods in Sri Lanka
on reports from IRIN, DMC and Alertnet)
pre-monsoon rains during May 14–20 affected
the southern and western coastal areas of
Sri Lanka in Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara,
Puttlam, Ratnapura and Galle districts.
Rainfall of 330mm fell within a 24-hour
period of May 19-20, and the SL Department
of Meteorology issued a bad weather
advisory, and the National Building Research
Organisation issued landslide level 2
warnings to prepare people for evacuation if
they were living at or next to cut slopes in
Ratnapura, Kalutara, Galle, Colombo and
Gampaha. The water destroyed 498 houses,
damaged 2499 houses, and inundating many
roads. Nearly 550,000 people were affected
- 194,000 people are from Gampaha alone –
and the government had open 85 evacuation
centers; by end May only 21 centers were
still operating.
Flood alert up in Pakistan
on a report from IRIN)
Villages in Shangla, Mansehra,
Kala Dhaka and Kohistan districts are under
threat threat from flooding from a lake in
Hunza district that was formed after a
landslide in January. As many as 50,000
people could be at risk as rain and melting
glaciers are contributing to the increase in
the lake’s water level. People from 32
flooded villages were evacuated.
B. Calls for Submission
Call for nominations: ISDR Campaign Making
Cities Resilient: “My City is Getting Ready”
The UN
International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction had a global launch of their
campaign on May 30. Cities that have signed
up for the campaign come from all around the
world including China, Germany, Haiti,
Nicaragua, the Philippines, Senegal, and
Sweden. It is possible to take part as
participants, role model cities and local
leaders. Learn more about the campaign at:
C. Conferences and Courses
Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Local
Development course
Delnet and the International Labor
Organization. Enrollment is now open for
the semi-residential course on Disaster Risk
Reduction within a Framework of Sustainable
Local Development. The course is aimed at
key players in local development management
and disaster risk reduction, such as policy
and decision-makers and practitioners. It
intends to guide students on developing a
strategic local development plan that
incorporates DRR concerns. Learn more about
the course at:
Benefiting from Earth Observation - Bridging the
Data Gap for Adaptation to Climate Change in the
Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region – Kathmandu, Nepal,
4-6 October 2010
ICIMOD, GEO and GIS Development. The main
objective of the international symposium is
to foster regional and international
cooperation to promote the use and access to
earth observation for improved scientific
knowledge and understanding for adaptation
to climate change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan
region. The themes include space-based
information for disaster management and
spatial data infrastructure for climate
change adaptation. For more information,
please go to:
Announcement of ADPC Training Courses
ADPC announces
three training courses under its Urban
Disaster Risk Management (UDRM) theme in the
second half of the year 2010. The main
objective of these training courses is to
build the local, regional and international
capacity in disaster risk reduction. ADPC
offers a state-of-art training experience in
these courses by integrating study
materials, case studies, audio visual tools,
field visits, hands-on exercises and
integrated learning strategies. The
extensive experiences in developing the
understanding and skills of city development
stakeholders in dealing with potential
disaster risk through PROMISE in six Asian
countries during last five years will be
integrate in these training courses.
The 5th
Regional Training Course on GIS for
Disaster Management, Level-I from 16-27
August 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand:
GIS4DM Level-I is an introductory course
aims to impart knowledge and skills to
disaster management practitioners in
using GIS and spatial data for disaster
risk assessment and use of risk
information for disaster risk reduction.
This course designed to the disaster
management professionals who intend to
use GIS in their day-to-day work and
will be suitable for professionals
working in government organization,
municipalities, NGOs, international
organizations and academic institutions.
Co-organizers: Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT) and Faculty of
Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), University of Twente.
10th International Training Course on
Flood Disaster Risk Management from
11-22 October 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand:
FDRM course offers an integrated
approach to the development of flood
risk reduction strategies under the
challenging circumstance of climate
change, which enables a holistic view of
flood situation and the needed prepared
measures. It is specifically designed to
meet the need of disaster management
professionals, researchers, policy
makers, planners, academicians,
administrators and disaster management
and career seekers.
6th Regional Training Course on GIS for
Disaster Risk Assessment, Level-II from
1-12 November 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand:
GIS4DRA Level-II is an advance
course attempts to provide knowledge and
skills in multi-hazard risk assessment
and loss estimation to the professionals
with GIS and Remote Sensing (RS)
background as well as in multi-criteria
analysis for decision making. This
course designed to the professionals who
are interested in multi-hazard risk
assessment using these tools and will be
suitable for practitioners working in
government organization, municipalities,
NGOs, international organizations and
academic institutions.
Co-organizers: Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT) and Faculty of
Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), University of Twente.
Internationally experienced practitioners
and experts from ADPC and partner
organizations will conduct and facilitate
these courses. These courses will be very
much helpful in opening new dimensions in
organizational work front and render new
approach towards safe and sustainable
development. It will also help to improve
the skill of disaster management
professionals who intends to work in the
field and use GIS in their day-today work.
For more information and registration please
D. Useful Resources
Outcomes in the Philippines, ADB 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2007, Ministry of
Environment and Forests, 2010
India’s urban
awakening: Building inclusive cities,
sustaining economic growth, McKinsey Global
Institute, April 2010
Gender into Community Based Disaster Risk
Management. Training Manual, TLC 2010
Political and Economic Update
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