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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
31 January
Issue No. 55
Program for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in Asia
(PROMISE), funded by USAID/OFDA, commenced
from October 2005. Through consultations
with a number of ADPC partners, five project
countries have been selected – Bangladesh,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and
Vietnam – for implementing demonstration
projects in each country in a highly
vulnerable city with recent history of
hydro-meteorological disasters. Other
components of the program consist of
capacity building, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives in
the selected countries. The objective of the
program is to contribute towards reduction
of vulnerability of urban communities
through enhanced preparedness and mitigation
of hydro-meteorological disasters in South
and Southeast Asia. The main activities from
January to March
2008 are: implementing the
small-scale mitigation projects for each
city, preparing for city-level workshops on
disaster mitigation, promoting school
safety, planning for the conduct of national
courses, and development of case study
ACTIVITIES for January and February 2008:
BANGLADESH – BDPC is continuing to
implement the small-scale disaster
mitigation projects in the wards under
PROMISE Bangladesh. PROMISE-BD conducted
a school simulation on January 22 to
promote disaster preparedness
initiatives. The script mainly focused
on various disaster risk management
issues, including pre-disaster
preparedness activities, actions to be
taken in emergency situation, rescue and
evacuation, and shelter management.
Around 500 college students, high school
students, and teachers, about 200
community members, and other
stakeholders of Ward 37 participated in
the simulation. PROMISE-BD also met the
school disaster management committee to
help them develop a school disaster
management plan. In other activities,
PROMISE-BD is busy preparing for the
city-level workshop, in collaboration
with the Chittagong City Corporation (CCC).
For capacity-building in disaster
mitigation, BDPC is developing a
Memorandum of Understanding with the
National Institute for Local Governance
to develop disaster management training
courses and include the same within
their existing training curricula. BDPC
and the Red Cross will hold a 3-day
community-based emergency response
course (C-BERC) on February 3 to 5. Red
Cross will send 4 local facilitators for
this training. Participants include 20
change agents (CAs), school teachers
from Chittagong, and representatives
from CCC. Activities for next month
include the conduct of the city
workshop, the C-BERC, more school
disaster simulations, and monitoring the
implementation of the small-scale
disaster mitigation projects.
PAKISTAN – AKPBS,P had signed terms
of partnership with communities for the
small-scale disaster mitigation projects
and is now monitoring the projects. For
the project on raising streets and
improving drainage lines in Aliabad, the
activities already carried out were
adding earth to streets to raise their
level, installing covered drains, and
mobilizing communities for street
maintenance. For the project on reducing
physical vulnerability through
developing flood mitigation
infrastructure in Ghera Sudhar
community, the main activities carried
out under the project were filling in
the streets of Ghera Hindu Basti with
earth, and improving sanitation by
installing communal latrines. Both
projects are expected to be completed by
March 2008.
The team organized a health and hygiene
workshop in Maheshwari Colony on January
17; 28 females participated. The
resource persons highlighted the
importance of different components of
hygiene. PROMISE-Pakistan organized an
orientation program for school children
in Government High School, GOR Colony,
Hyderabad; 32 students participated in
the event. At the end of session, the
children were able to understand basic
causes of the disasters and their
effects of human lives and livelihoods.
The resource persons involved the
children in role playing about the
causes of diseases.
PROMISE-Pakistan organized an advocacy
and mobilization seminar in Hyderabad on
January 23, in collaboration with SAFWCO,
the local NGO partner. The purpose of
the workshop was to orient stakeholders
about: (1) the mandate of the District
Disaster Management Authority (DDMA);
(2) the exposure level of different
localities of city Hyderabad against
different hazards; and (3) share a
vulnerability analysis of various social
groups, properties and environmental
resources. More than 200 people from the
District participated in the seminar.
District Deputy Nazim, Mr. Zafar Rajput
was the Chief Guest. Representatives
from government, civil society
organizations and members of the
District Disaster Management Authority
participated in the event. Other
speakers were: Mr. Suleman G Abro, CEO,
SAFWCO; Mr. Shalim Kamran Dost from UNDP;
Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Nangraj from
Agricultural Extension Department; Ms.
Farzana Panhwar, Agricultural Scientist;
and Mr. Masood A. Mahesar, PROMISE
Country Coordinator.
A meeting with District Deputy Nazim Mr.
Rajput, who is also the convenor of the
District Assembly Hyderabad, was held on
January 25 to share the progress of
PROMISE-Pakistan, as well as offering
services to the DDMA. The concept of a
technical working group for the city
government was floated. The District
representative appreciated the efforts
being taken for the city, and it was
decided to convene a follow up meeting
with the DDMA on February 6 to further
explore areas of cooperation and
finalize the formation of a technical
working group.
organized a Climate Change Orientation
on January 10, to make the city’s
mitigation and preparedness plans more
sustainable. The speakers gave
comprehensive input on the risk of
climate change specifically to the
agricultural sectors, as well as useful
tips for preparedness and mitigation for
climate adaptation. The resource persons
were: Ms. Lourdes Tibig, Chief, Climate
and Data Section, Philippine
Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA);
Mr. Cesar Manuel Cabansag Jr., Chief,
Planning and Management Division, Region
1 office, Department of the Environment
and Natural Resources; and Mr. Joseph
Anthony Quinto, Region 1 office,
Department of Agriculture. Participants
were the Technical Working Group (TWG)
members of Dagupan City Government, the
newly-elected Barangay Captains of the
pilot barangays of PROMISE-Philippines,
and Mayor Alipio Fernandez. After the
climate change orientation, Ms. Luneta
and Ms. Emma Molina presented the
concept and highlights of PROMISE
Philippines. This was immediately
followed by an assessment of the project
by all present, and a presentation of
the continuing work done by the
barangays. The mainstreaming disaster risk
reduction (DRR) in local governance
project in the Philippines is
continuing. After the workshop last
December 20, the Department of the
Interior and Local Government held a
follow up activity validating the
integration of the DRM into the
Comprehensive Development Plan on
January 10 to 11. Ms. Lorna Victoria,
one of the directors of the Center for
Disaster Preparedness (CDP), attended
and actively participated in the
workshop. The participants agreed that
the integration of DRM should be in all
steps of the local comprehensive
development planning process at the city
and municipal level. Dagupan City is
being used as an example in some
sections of the Guide being developed
under the project. Ongoing harmonization
of planning processes of different
national planning agencies will include
DRR. DILG will be convening the First
National Conference on Mainstreaming DRR
in Local Governance this coming March 4
to 6. Oxfam Hong Kong had a study tour to
Dagupan on January 17 to 18. The
participants were 16 staff of OXFAM Hong
Kong staff in the region (East Timor,
Vietnam, China and Hong Kong) and staff
from CDP. The purpose of the study visit
was to look at the CBDRM in Dagupan and
their current Climate Change Adaptation.
The following were the highlights of the
study tour: welcome by Councilor Farah
Decano, the Acting Vice Mayor (the
proponent of the City Ordinance
1918-2007 establishing the EOC);
orientation on PROMISE-Philippines by
Mr. Ryan Ravanzo, the City Information
Officer; presentation by each of the
eight barangays on various aspects of
community-based disaster risk
management; dialogue with Mayor
Fernandez; a river tour; and open forum.
The following table show the barangays’
specific presentations:
Barangay |
Activity |
Mangin |
Early Warning System, Plan and
Drill |
Salisay |
Environment-friendly Transport:
”The Kalesa” |
Tebeng |
Indigenous Early Warning Tool:
“The Kalungkong” |
Lasip Chico |
Networking Strategies |
Bacayao Norte |
Adoptive and Mitigation
Approaches of Bangus Fishponds
and the Land Use Plan of Dagupan
City |
Bacayao Sur |
Role playing on the Roles of the
BDCC before, during and after a
disaster |
Pogo Grande |
Water Search-and-Rescue; Waste
segregation process |
Lasip Grande |
Skills in First Aid |
PROMISE-Philippines participated in
several networking activities. Ms Luneta
presented the Oxfam Case Study on CBDRM
highlighting the experience of Barangay
Mangin at the January 25 Media Dialogue
“Engaging Media in Disaster Risk
Reduction”. Ms. Luneta shared the
PROMISE-Philippines experience during an
orientation on January 13 for Baguio
communities under ADPC’s RECLAIM
Project. Finally, on behalf of the TWG,
Ms. Lorna P. Victoria wrote a case study
“Combining Indigenous and Scientific
Knowledge in Dagupan City Flood Warning
System” for a regional publication,
Indigenous Practices and Lessons Learned
for DRR. It will be published by ISDR
Asia Pacific and Kyoto University in May
2008. Activities for next month include: a
study tour of the TWG and CDCC to
Pampanga and Manila; Production of a
video documentary on Barangay Mangin by
Oxfam GB; implementation of the
small-scale disaster mitigation
– Sarvodaya monitored the
work on the newly-identified small-scale
disaster mitigation projects: (1) School
Disaster Preparedness Project, and (2)
Water Resource Management & Solid Waste
Disposal for Flood Mitigation. Sarvodaya
visited the schools and assessed which
are the most vulnerable to disasters.
Small meetings were held to create
awareness on the project activities, and
the first workshop for the Solid Waste
Disposal System project was organized
this month for the villagers in
Kudawadduwa GN division. Sarvodaya
drafted an agreement to work with SEEDS
for the Micro-credit Scheme for
Vulnerable Personnel for Disasters. They
have completed the first round of
selection of loan applicants from among
the PROMISE projects; ten persons were
selected to obtain the loans. SOP
development for the EOC Kalutara was
completed. Discussions will be held with
officers of DMC Kalutara on the
developed SOP during next two weeks.
Activities for next month include the
completion of the flood model by Dr.
Nandalal, continuation of the
small-scale disaster mitigation
projects, initiate the micro-credit
program, and begin installing flood
markers in Kalu river.
VIETNAM – CECI revised the
guidelines, translated it into
Vietnamese and sent it to city authority
for their comments. It was also sent to
ADPC for comments. PROMISE-Vietnam is
developing picture books for awareness
raising among school children. The
entries to the drawing competition on
Disaster Preparedness and Living
Environment Protection for primary
school pupils will be used as
illustrations. After several revisions, the designs and
cost estimates of the four approved
small-scale structural mitigation
projects were finalized and approved by
the district authority. The preparations
for construction were completed this
month. Agreements were signed between
PROMISE Vietnam, the people’s committee
(PC) in the concerned wards, and the
district steering committee for
commitments on investment, local
contribution and definition of
responsibilities. Competent local
builders were selected and approved.
Project supervision boards were set up
including participation of ward
authorities, district engineers, ward
engineers, Community Development Groups
and engineering consultant of PROMISE
Vietnam. A training programme was
scheduled to these Community Development
Groups on how to supervise the works.
Construction has already started and is
expected to finish in mid March 2008. A lot of work has begun for the two
small-scale non-structural mitigation
projects. One project, on community
awareness raising on disaster
preparedness and safe building
practices, was incorporated into the
Training and Public Awareness components
of PROMISE-Vietnam. In this project,
training classes on Disaster
Preparedness and Building Practices were
held in six wards of Cam Le district.
The 14 Change Agents trained on CBDRM
and dissemination skills under the
PROMISE project took part in the
delivery of these training classes. More
than 200 people from the grassroot level
and some section chiefs participated in
seven training classes; 85 participants
are female. The two – day training
classes disseminated information on risk
identification and assessment,
development of disaster preparedness
plan and good building practices towards
a safer community. The second project is on Improving
Emergency Response of Cam Le District.
The project approach is to provide
equipment and training to first
responders of district and wards.
Equipment such as generators, electric
saws, wireless loudspeakers and first
aid kits were turned over to the
response teams by end of January.
PROMISE Vietnam in collaboration with
the Red Cross Association of Danang City
conducted a capacity assessment to
select trainers, with the final aim to
create a local resource on emergency
response techniques. A three-day TOT
(training of trainers) was held for nine
selected people from five wards of Cam
Le district. These trainers would
participate in delivering 17 training
classes to first responders at community
level. The updated training manual from
ADPC on Community-Based Emergency
Response Course will be used. Next month’s activities include:
in-house workshop for finalization of
guidelines on urban planning and safer
construction techniques and
distribution; continued implementation
of six community based disaster
mitigation subprojects; implementation
of awareness raising campaign; and
finalization of picture books for
primary pupils under school programme.
From the Region
(1) Two-week frost in Jordan (based on
a report from IRIN)
two-week-long frost killed crops over a
5,000 km2 area this January. Initial
results showed many farmers in southern
regions had lost 50 to 80 per cent of their
products. The crops affected by the frost
include bananas, zucchinis, potatoes, beans
and peppers. The government is developing a
compensation scheme for the farmers, and is
conducting an awareness campaign on frost
disaster mitigation. The impact of the
unusually heavy frost has been exacerbated
by desertification, caused in part by the
lifting of subsidies on fodder and the
subsequent overgrazing. The disappearance
of surface water of the Dead Sea, the Jordan
and Yarmouk rivers, as well as the Azraq
basin, also meant a reduction of an
important buffer against extreme cold.
Officials from Jordan's meteorological
department said frost appeared this year two
months earlier than usual, and that the
length was also unusual.
(2) Bird flu spreading in Bangladesh, India
and Myanmar (based on
reports from IRIN, WHO and Reuters)
January 22, the Department of Livestock
confirmed the presence of the H5N1 virus in
84 poultry farms across Bangladesh. Since
March 2007 when the first bird flu case was
reported, more than 360,000 chickens have
been culled at 93 poultry farms in 48
sub-districts of 29 districts and six
metropolitan cities across the country. FAO
reported that 21 out of 64 districts have
H5NI and the numbers may increase. FAO also
warned that the disease appeared to be
endemic in the country and that surveillance
and control campaigns have not interrupted
the virus's transmission between provinces.
The government has adopted several measures
to control the spread of the disease, which
so far has not infected humans. Spraying
with anti-viral disinfectant is done at key
points, including 11 border crossings with
India that is battling its own outbreak of
the virus. Security forces are closely
checking for any illegal poultry and egg
imports from India. Rapid Response Teams (RRT),
with 11 trained members per team, have been
put in place in all 64 districts. Five
trained RRT members in each of 471
sub-districts have personal protective
equipment. Antiviral drugs have been stored
at district hospitals for the use of those
who cull sick birds. More than 225,000
volunteers from more than 4,400 unions had
been trained to visit rural households and
educate people on important health practices
such as reporting dead or sick birds, safe
disposal of solid poultry waste, safe
disposal of dead birds, and proper hand
In India,
the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying
and Fisheries has announced Avian Influenza
outbreaks in poultry in 9 districts: Birbhum,
Dakshin Dinajpur, Murshidabad, Nadia,
Bankura, Burdwan, Maldah, Coochbehar and
Hooghly. The outbreak areas have been
identified, the districts bordering the
outbreak areas have been alerted, and active
surveillance is ongoing; Rapid Response
Teams with personal protective equipment are
in the outbreak areas. Culling operations
are underway followed by necessary
compensation efforts. Reuters reported
spraying roads and markets in Kolkata.
Myanmar, the Livestock Breeding and
Veterinary Department has confirmed a new
outbreak of H5N1 on 27 December 2007 in
Yankham village, 580 km northeast of Yangon.
More than 1,000 chickens have been killed to
contain the outbreak and so far no case of
human infection has been reported.
cases of Avian Influenza have been reported
from Indonesia and Myanmar. WHO reported
124 laboratory-confirmed human cases of
avian influenza in Indonesia, with 100
deaths since July 2005. The latest case of
human infection of H5N1 avian influenza in
Indonesia was of an 8-year-old boy from
Tangerang District, Banten Province who
developed symptoms on 7 January 2008, was
hospitalized on January 16, and died in an
AI referral hospital on January 18. The
first case of human infection in Myanmar was
of a 7-year-old girl from Shan State,
announced on 14 December 2007.
(3) Extreme cold kills more than 500 in
Afghanistan (based on
reports from IRIN and Reuters)
More than
300 people have died and dozens of others
have been injured by cold weather and heavy
snow in several Afghan provinces over the
past four weeks. The main victims are
children and elderly people as they are
particularly vulnerable to winter diseases
such as pneumonia and other respiratory
infections. Livestock deaths are reported
as higher than 83,000, and represent a
significant loss of the main sources of
livelihood for families in rural areas. The
Afghanistan National Disasters Management
Authority (ANDMA) said 25 out of 34
provinces were affected. Herat Province in
western Afghanistan was hit hardest with
over 137 deaths and more than 41,000
livestock lost. Thousands of internally
displaced persons (IDPs) in several camps
and settlements in Herat, Helmand and
Kandahar provinces are feared to have been
severely affected by the winter weather.
Both government and international aid
organizations have conducted evacuation and
relief operations. Blocked roads, rugged
terrain and insecurity have hindered access
to remote areas.
(4) Lost islands of Indonesia?
Surveying & Mapping magazine reported that
Indonesia has lost 24 of its more than
17,500 islands due to natural disasters and
environmental damage. Citing Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries minister Freddy
Numberi, the report mentioned that four
islands disappeared due to the December 2004
tsunami, and 20 other islands in Sumatra's
Riau province and in the Seribu island group
in Jakarta Bay had vanished due to
exploitation and environmental damage. To
read more, please go to:
(5) India releases national guidelines for
flood management (based on
a report from The Times of India)
Disaster Management Act of 2005 created the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA),
State Disaster Management Authorities and
District Disaster Management Authorities at
national, states and districts level
respectively. Under this mandate, the NDMA
released the guidelines this January,
containing both structural and
non-structural mitigation measures. Among
the critical elements of the guidelines are:
the preparation of flood risk maps;
enactment and enforcement of flood plain
zoning regulations, expansion and
modernization of flood forecasting and
warning services; the implementation of a
system of inspection, maintenance and
restoration of structural measures;
establishing river basin organizations for
effective inter- and intra-state
coordination for flood management;
introduction of flood insurance schemes; and
the establishment of coordination mechanisms
among central agencies and basin states for
the operation of reservoirs to optimize
flood moderation with other uses. Other
guidelines released by the NDMA have covered
earthquake management, chemical (industrial)
disasters, medical preparedness and mass
casualty management, and for the preparation
of State disaster management plans.
B. Calls for Submission
(6) Call for Papers: Conference on
Information Systems for Crisis Management
The joint
Conference on Information Systems for Crisis
Management combines the programs offered by
the 3rd International China Workshop on
Information Systems for Crisis Response and
Management (ISCRAM-CHINA) and the 4th
International Symposium on Geo-Information
for Disaster Management (Gi4DM). The
language of the conference is English.
Papers are invited that deal with any aspect
of the design, development, deployment,
operation, or evaluation of information
systems for crisis management (ISCRAM track)
and/or the collection, management, analysis,
sharing and visualization of geo-information
for disaster management (Gi4DM track).
Prospective authors must submit an abstract
of their paper by February 15, 2008, and
indicate whether they submit to the ISCRAM
track (for papers focusing on Information
Systems) or to the Gi4DM track (for papers
focusing on Geo-Information). Upon
acceptance, authors will be invited to
submit their full paper by April 15, 2008.
All abstracts and papers will be evaluated
and selected by the International Scientific
Committee. Abstracts and full papers must
use the Conference Template which is
available from
(ISCRAM-CHINA2008 menu). Submissions by
e-mail only to the following address:
For more information, please go to:
http://www.iscram.org/ and
(7) Call for Papers: Annual Hazards and
Disasters Student Paper Competition
The Natural
Hazards Center is pleased to announce its
fifth annual Hazards and Disasters Student
Paper Competition. Papers may present
current research, literature reviews,
theoretical arguments, or case studies.
Subject matter may include, but is not
limited to, floods/floodplain management,
Hurricane Katrina, earthquakes, climate
change, warning systems, hazard mitigation,
emergency management, vulnerability, or
other topics relevant to the
social/behavioral aspects of hazards and
disasters. Papers will be judged on their
originality, organization, and demonstrated
knowledge of the topic. One undergraduate
and one graduate winner each will receive
$100; mention in the Natural Hazards
Observer; publication on the Natural Hazards
Center Web site; and an invitation to the
Annual Hazards Workshop in Boulder,
Colorado, registration fees included. The
deadline for submission is March 14, 2008.
Additional information is available at:
C. Conferences and Courses
(8) National Conference on Mainstreaming
Disaster Risk Reduction in Local Governance
– Makati City, Philippines: 4-6 March 2008
Department of the Interior and Local
Government, Government of the Philippines.
The Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG) is convening the First
National Conference on Mainstreaming
Disaster Risk Reduction in Local
Governance. The conference will bring
together officials from national, regional
and local authorities, and disaster
management practitioners to share their best
practices, experiences, and initiatives to
reduce vulnerabilities to natural disasters
and mitigate potential disaster damage and
losses on the local level. Conference
topics include: opportunities provided by
risk financing and risk transfer; the role
of the private sector in DRR; and
mainstreaming DRR in planning and budgeting
in different administrative levels. For
more information, please contact Dr.
Marqueza L. Reyes, UP Department of
Geography, University of the Philippines,
and Ms. Priscella Mejillano, Bureau of Local
Government Development, DILG,
(9) 37th Regional Training Course on
Disaster Management – Bangkok, Thailand:
March 17 – April 4, 2008
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).
This ADPC flagship course aims to facilitate
effective strategies and systems for
disaster prevention, mitigation, response
and recovery, applying risk management
processes in order to identify, assess and
deal with disaster risk assessment,
utilizing an emergency coordination center
to manage disaster events and assess key
implementation issues and requirements in
disaster management. To download the course
brochure, please go to:
download here.
(10) Regional Course on on Climate Risk
Management: Science, Institutions, and
Society – Bangkok, Thailand: April 21 to May
2, 2008
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).
The course provides an opportunity to
enhance the capabilities of professionals to
manage risks associated with climate
variability, change, and extremes. For more
information on this course, please go to:
download here
(11) 2nd Regional Course on Use
of GIS & RS in Disaster Risk Management –
Bangkok, Thailand: 5 to 16 May, 2008
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC). The course provides an
opportunity to enhance the capabilities of
executive managers and technical staff
involved in disaster risk management by
providing them with understanding on the use
of spatial information in disaster risk
management. The course is co-organized with
the International Institute for
Geo-information Science and Earth
Observations. For more information please
go to:
(12) Workshop on the Applications of Global
Navigation Satellite Systems – Medellin,
Colombia: 23 – 27 June 2008
United Nations, Colombia and the United
States of America. The programme of the
Workshop will include, but not be limited
to, the following topics: (a) use of global
navigation satellite systems (GNSS)
technology in precision agriculture, climate
change, landscape epidemiology, e-learning;
(b) regional/national experiences and case
studies on GNSS applications; (c) sharing
experience of implementing GNSS applications
projects in the region, particularly on
issues, concerns and lessons learned during
the implementation; (d) exploring the
possibility of setting up national and
regional coordinating mechanisms; (e) review
the status of currently existing plans and
projects on GNSS; (f) group discussion
sessions to exchange views and to identify
priority areas for pilot projects to be
launched. The workshop is hosted by and
co-organized with the Vice Presidency of the
Republic of Colombia, and the Colombian
Commission on Space (CCE). For more
information please contact Ms. Sharafat
Gadimova, United Nations Office for Outer
D. Useful Resources
(13) Sound Waves Can Trigger Earthquake
Daily reported that Paul Johnson and
colleagues at Los Alamos have shown that
seismic waves – the sounds radiated from
earthquakes – can induce earthquake
aftershocks, often long after a quake has
subsided. Using a device that simulates
earthquakes in a laboratory setting, their
research demonstrated how wave energy can be
stored in certain types of granular
materials, like the type found along certain
fault lines across the globe. They also
found that this stored energy can suddenly
be released as an earthquake when hit by
relatively small seismic waves far beyond
the traditional "aftershock zone" of a main
quake. A surprising result of the research
was that the release of energy can occur
minutes, hours, or even days after the sound
waves pass; no explanation has yet been
discovered. To read more about this, please
go to the original article:
(14) World Disasters Report 2007: Focus on
Discrimination, IFRC, 2007
Report produced by the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies looks at discrimination in
disasters based on gender, ethnicity, age,
and disability. It asks key questions such
as: How does discrimination affect the
vulnerable in an emergency? How can we spot
What can
we do about it? The report tries to find
policy gaps in the protection of the rights
of vulnerable people. To download the
document, please go to:
(15) Country Focus 5: Pakistan
section is a focus on online resources on
the countries under the GUGSA project or
PROMISE program, both funded by USAID. The
countries that will be featured are (in
order): Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand
and Viet Nam. Here is a list of online
resources on Pakistan:
on Post Earthquake Rapid Assessment
Northern Pakistan – 8 October 2005”
(2005) by ADPC:
Download >
Disaster Preparedness for Natural
Hazards: Current Status in Pakistan
(2007) by ICIMOD:
Download >
Profile of Pakistan:
View >
Profile of Pakistan:
View >
AlertNet’s profile of Pakistan:
View >
Portal on Pakistan:
View >
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