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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
December 2006
Issue No. 42
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded by
USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005. Through
consultations with a number of ADPC partners,
five project countries have been selected –
Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka
and Vietnam – for implementing demonstration
projects in each country in a highly vulnerable
city with recent history of hydro-meteorological
disasters. Other components of the program
consist of capacity building, risk management
advocacy, networking and dissemination
initiatives in the selected countries. The
objective of the program is to contribute
towards reduction of vulnerability of urban
communities through enhanced preparedness and
mitigation of hydro-meteorological disasters in
South and Southeast Asia. The planning and
development of city interventions and of
training programs to be delivered in each
country by the PROMISE partners should be the
main focus from October to December 2006.
for December and
January 2007:
- BDPC conducted five training workshops for
Change Agents/volunteers in wards 39 (Halishahar),
16 (Chok Bazar), 9 (North Pahartoli), 8 (Sholokbahar)
and 37(North middle Halishahar). The
trainings were on various disaster issues,
tools and methodologies for conducting
community risk assessment, community-based
disaster risk reduction planning and
preparedness activities, and roles and
responsibilities of CAs/volunteers. The
trainings were inaugurated by the Ward
Commissioners of ward 39 and ward 8.
Community risk assessments were conducted by
residents in wards 16, 9, 39, 37 and 8, for
identifying hazard, vulnerability, capacity
and risk of the community.
communities assessed the elements at risk,
identified the community resources, and
marked the most vulnerable location exposed
to hazard by using the following tools:
Hazard and resource mapping, Livelihood
matrix, Hazard matrix, Seasonal calendar and
time line, and the social Venn Diagram.
During the assessment, the trained CAs/Volunteers
played a vital role in using the tools. Some
trained volunteers acted as facilitators in
conducting CRA. Hazard mapping was conducted
in the same five wards. Finally, six
communities were selected to have mitigation
and risk reduction projects. The communities
are: South Potenga, ward # 41; North Potenga,
ward #40; North Middle Halishahar, ward #37;
South Katroli, ward #11; Sholokbahar, ward
no. 8; and North Pahartoli, ward #9. An
inventory of community-based organizations
was made by youth volunteers in the selected
wards. Next month, the project will focus on
developing IEC materials: flipchart, pocket
calendar and annual calendar. The flipchart
will contain family level disaster
preparedness related information and the
pocket calendar will focus key information
on disaster mitigation and preparedness.
- AKPBS,P completed the hazard and
vulnerability study based on basic
participatory tools such as community
mapping, seasonal calendar, transect walk,
and a baseline survey which was based on
semi structured questioners, interviews and
interaction with community. GIS maps were
prepared of the project sites. Meetings with
Taluka Nazim (Administrator) and Naib Nazim
(Deputy Administrator) of Latifabad, with
the Director General Water and Sanitation
Authority of Hyderabad, and with media
representatives. The purpose of these
meetings was to share the progress of the
program with representatives of Local
Government and ensure participation of
representatives in the community workshop
and hazard and vulnerability assessment
- CDP and Dagupan City's Technical Working
Group (TWG) conducted a writeshop last
29-30th of November to discuss, agree upon,
and finalize the Early Warning and
Evacuation Plan. It was attended by the TWG
and facilitated by Ms. Mayfourth Luneta. The
writeshop resulted in the first draft of the
Early Warning and Evacuation Plan. Though
final editing is still needed, the major
work of putting the components together was
done. Next month, the plan will be presented
to the eight pilot communities for feedback.
TWG and CDP reviewed the proposals on
community-based disaster mitigation
submitted by the eight pilot communities,
and purchased the equipment requirements of
the plans. The equipments include: bamboo
rafts, road guides (so people will not fall
in open canals during floods, indigenous
warning devices (kalungkong), two way
radios, camera, petromax, farm tractor, life
vests, and others. The equipments vary from
one community to another depending upon
their needs. Every community has their own
counterpart, like the labor for building
markers and road guides, and providing
batteries for the flashlights and storage.
The communities were also required to submit
guidelines on the use, safekeeping and
The equipping of the BDCC is to help them in
preparedness and in emergency to lessen the
vulnerabilities ofthe community as well as
the BDCC. Ms. Mayfourth Luneta of CDP presented a
paper on Child-Oriented Participatory Risk
Assessment and Planning at the Pro Vention
Consortium co-hosted by ADPC on December 6
and 7. The presentation included the PROMISE
Philippines experience in using the risk
assessment done by the children in the pilot
communities. Activities for next month are: launching of
the community-based mitigation projects in
the eight pilot barangays; launching of the
Calendar that feature the winning posters
and slogans from the July 16 Disaster
Preparedness celebration; finalization of
Disaster Information Management System
proposal; and continuous planning and public
- Sarvodaya organized the Disaster Safety
Day commemoration on 26th December at
Kalutara, to coincide with the National
Disaster Safety Day. The event included a
morning seminar, a rally, and religious
ceremonies at the Buddhist shrine at
Kalutara. There was an exhibition organized
at the Kalutara city hall in collaboration
with the District Secretaries office,
Kalutara UC, Red Cross, Disaster Management
Center (Kalutara District Coordinating
Office), Green movement and other NGOs.
Sarvodaya also arranged a visit for ADPC
representatives to the Kalutara city
demonstration project target communities on
December 27, to see the progress of the
hazard and vulnerability mapping.
- CECI conducted a series of workshops on
safer construction techniques in Danang in
response to the devastation from typhoon
Xangsane. The first workshop was on
"Construction Techniques Resistant to
Natural Disasters", held November 29. In
attendance were
than 60 participants from city-level
government departments and professionals
involved mostly in urban planning and
building construction. The objective was to
introduce PROMISE-Vietnam's proposed housing
reconstruction projects, and to seek their
support and feedback. More than 60
participants attended the workshop. Resource
persons came from Danang City government:
Urban Planning Department, Climate Change
Department, Construction Department; other
resource persons came from ADPC, CECI and
other organizations. The presentations
emphasized strategic approaches to
mitigating disaster risk from typhoons and
floods, such as strict regulation of private
construction, raising land for building
urban settlements, promoting residential
apartments that use up less land and are
more resistant to typhoons and floods, and
recognizing the relationship of climate
change with the possibility of disasters.
Presentations were made on the principles of
safer building construction to mitigate
disasters, and several housing models were
presented to and reviewed by participants,
including CECI's proposed "Reinforcing and
Construction of Local Housing Models". The
workshop was aired on a local channel that
evening. The second workshop was a two-day training
on typhoon- and flood-resistant
construction, held November 30 to December
1. The purpose was to train 18 local
builders and contractors who might be
involved in CECI's housing reconstruction
projects. Training methods included
presentations of principles, field visits to
train participants to identify examples of
well-built and poorly-built housing, and
group exercises to apply the principles.
Resource persons gave helpful comments on
how to improve the models that the
participants developed during group
exercises. Other activities for the month included
developing a booklet on flood- and
typhoon-resistant house construction and a
calendar for disseminating safe building
techniques .
The phase I activities under
PROMISE are city demonstration projects in
the five countries. The partners, city
governments and communities have been
focusing on hazard, vulnerability and risk
assessment. The partner agencies have
carried out the assessment using various
tools that were shared in training workshops
with city officials and communities. The
following photos are samples of the
community maps produced. Top row, (left to
right): Bacayao Norte, Dagupan; Desathra-Western,
Sri Lanka. Bottom row (left to right): So Do
Phuang Hoa Xuan, Viet Nam; Ward 41,
Chittagong, Bangladesh; Union Council 13,
Hyderabad, Pakistan.

click on image
to enlarge.
(1) Supertyphoon Durian hits
the Philippines, 30 November 2006
(based on reports from the
Philipipine Daily Inquirer, IFRC, USAID/OFDA
and NDCC)
As of 11 p.m. Nov. 29, the
supertyphoon (local name Reming) was 190
kilometers east of Virac, Catanduanes, with
maximum sustained winds of 195 km per hour
and gusts of up to 230 kph. It was expected
to unleash strong rain and winds and
possible storm surges upon landfall. It was
moving west northwest at 17 kph, and more
than 25 provinces and Metro Manila were
placed under storm alerts. Classes were
suspended at all levels in these affected
areas. For three hours, walls of mud roard
down from Mt. Mayon, burying houses up to
their rooftops, and rocks "as big as cars"
tumbled down. By the time it left, thousands
of families were affected.
Loss of life was minimized because of the
forced evacuation order in landslide-prone
areas of Camarines Sur province enforced two
days before the typhoon hit, but the damage
to properties and government facilities is
much higher than from typhoon Xangsane.
The Philippine National Disaster
Coordinating Council (NDCC) put the death
toll at 425, the injured at 507 and missing
at 599, and about 140,000 families badly
affected. The damage assessment listed
39,955 houses destroyed and 108,945 houses
damaged. The typhoon knocked out power and
communication lines in many parts of Bicol
Region and Southern Tagalog Region.
The international community has responded to
the disaster. Pope Benedict XVI expressed
sadness over the disaster and was praying
for strength and comfort for the families of
the deceased and for rescue workers.
U.S. Ambassador Kenney issued a disaster
declaration on Dec. 4, and the Office of
U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) is
providing USD 250,000 to the Philippine
National Red Cross Society and other
humanitarian organizations working in the
affected area. This assistance is to support
relief commodities, basic livelihood
assistance, road clearing and debris
removal. In addition, USAID is airlifting
relief commodities valued at USD 130,000 for
approximately 7,000 families in the
The Canadian government pledged CAD
1,000,000; half is coursed through the IFRC
and the other half through the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA).
The International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) released
an initial emergency assistance of 100,000
Swiss Francs from its Disaster Relief
Emergency Fund. The Netherlands Red Cross
pledged 40,000 Euros.
The IFRC modified international appeal
issued on Dec. 20 noted that a series of
strong typhoons that battered the
Philippines in only ten weeks. These
typhoons caused extensive damage over a
wide-spread area covering 62 of the
country's 79 provinces, of which 5 were
affected by more than one typhoon. The
typhoons referred to are Xangsane (Sept. 25
to Oct. 1, gusts of 185 kph), Cimaron (Oct.
27 to 29), Chebi (Nov. 12), Durian (Nov. 30)
and Utor (Dec. 10).
(2) Typhoon Durian hits Viet
Nam, 5 December 2006
(based on reports from the
On December 5, Typhoon Durian
struck southern Vietnam, causing severe
damage to coastal areas, collapsing houses,
damaging infrastructure, and flooding
schools. The provinces of Ba Ria Vung Tau,
Ben Tre, Binh Thuan, Vinh Long, and Tien
Giang were most affected by the storm.
The typhoon left 73 people dead, 16 missing,
injured 1730 persons, and severely affected
a large number of residents. Early
preparation and evacuation efforts reduced
the loss of life. The typhoon caused an
estimated USD 22 million in damages, and
destroyed about 35,000 houses, damaged about
182,000 houses, damaged 767 school rooms and
sank 813 ships.
U.S. Ambassador Marine issued a disaster
declaration on Dec. 5, and the U.S. Agency
for International Development (USAID)
announced that it will provide $100,000 in
support of the Viet Nam Red Cross for
emergency relief supplies to the areas most
affected by the typhoon.
(3) Call for Student
UCLA invites abstracts from
students for a poster session at the 6th
UCLA Conference on Public Health and
Disasters. To be eligible for consideration,
poster abstracts are to be authored solely
by students and must be submitted either
electronically or by fax no later than April
2, 2007. The conference will be on May 6-9,
2007 in Torrance, California. This
multidisciplinary conference will bring
together academicians, researchers,
practitioners, and policy makers from public
health, mental health, community disaster
preparedness and response, social sciences,
government, media, and nongovernmental
organizations to address the public health
consequences of natural and intentional
disasters. For more details, please contact
Chara Burnstein, UCLA CPHD; (310) 794-0864;
(4) The World Disaster
Response Summit-Atlanta, Georgia: January
23, 2007
Organizers: : Equity
International. Suggested attendees at this
international event include individuals
active in Katrina reconstruction, disaster
housing, temporary structures, emergency
communications, emergency command and
control, aerial surveillance, satellite
imagery, emergency health, emergency food
distribution, water purification, hurricane
preparedness, pandemic flu preparedness,
biodefense, earthquake preparedness, tsunami
preparedness, facility security, business
continuity, risk management, disaster
management, and other areas of disaster
preparedness and response. Learn more at
(5) Second Alexander von
Humboldt International Conference: The Role
of Geophysics in Natural Disaster
Prevention-Lima, Peru: March 5-9, 2007
Sponsors: European
Geophysical Union (EGU) and Geophysical
Institute of Peru. This conference will
focus on volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
tsunamis, landslides, avalanches, and
extreme climate and/or meteorological
events. To learn more, contact Peter Fabian,
EGU; +49 8161 714740 (Germany); fabian@met.forst.tu-muenchen.de;
(6) The 100th CIG Annual
Conference and 3rd International Symposium
on Geo-information for Disaster Management -
Toronto, Canada: May 23-25, 2007
Organizers: Canadian
Institute of Geomatics (CIG). The Joint CIG/ISPRS
Conference on Geomatics for Disaster and
Risk Management will concentrate on
geomatics technologies (satellite
positioning, remote sensing, GIS, geodetic
and hydrographic surveying). For more
information, please visit:
(7) IASC Humanitarian Early
Warning Service - HEWSweb
The IASC Humanitarian Early
Warning Service (HEWSweb) is an inter-agency
partnership project aimed at establishing a
common platform for humanitarian early
warnings and forecasts for natural hazards
and socio-political developments worldwide.
The main objective of HEWSweb is to bring
together and make accessible in a simple
manner the most credible early warning
information available at the global level
from multiple specialized institutions.
The HEWSweb service has dedicated pages for
each type of hazard (see top navigation
bar). This includes dedicated pages for
drought, floods, storms, locust, volcanoes,
earthquakes, weather, El Nino, other hazards
and socio political developments. Although
HEWSweb currently covers mainly natural
disasters, its next development phase (6-9
months) will allow for the consolidation and
further enhancement of such as well as for
the development of the socio-political
pages. The page can be found at:
(8) "What the
Rapanos-Carabell Wetlands Decisions Mean to
Floodplain and Stormwater Managers" by
In June, the U.S. Supreme
Court handed down its decision in a case
known as Rapanos-Carabell that involves the
geographic extent of the area which the
federal government may regulate as
"wetlands" under the Clean Water Act of
1972. This paper from the Association of
State Floodplain Managers explores the
decision and what it means for floodplain
and stormwater management. The issue can
also be explored in terms of
decentralization and determining what is the
appropriate level of government that should
regulate wetlands. The report can be found
(9) "A Legal Analysis of
Emergency Powers Granted in Mississippi Law
Regarding Pandemics and Bioterrorism"
Since the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, many states have reviewed their
public health laws to determine whether they
could respond effectively to public health
emergencies. This report (35 pp.) is the
result of a review of Mississippi's laws
that determined that some incremental
changes should be made regarding emergency
public health powers. The report can be
found here:
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