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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
February 2007
Issue No. 44
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
Through consultations with a number of ADPC
partners, five project countries have been
selected – Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam – for
implementing demonstration projects in each
country in a highly vulnerable city with
recent history of hydro-meteorological
disasters. Other components of the program
consist of capacity building, risk
management advocacy, networking and
dissemination initiatives in the selected
countries. The objective of the program is
to contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. The processes of finalizing
project proposals, and formulating
strategies for project implementation are
ongoing and city demonstration projects are
expected to commence during February-March
for February and March 2007
– BDPC conducted action planning workshops
based on the community-level planning
workshop outputs on needed activities, done
in January and February. At the beginning of
the workshop, project manager described the
project goals, objectives and briefly
explained the methodology of Community Risk
Assessment. Then project staff shared the
CRA output highlighting the respective
community’s vulnerabilities and capacities.
Finally the participants were asked to do
some paper work to prepare an action plan by
identifying needed activities, what
organization has responsibility over needed
activities, and who will do the follow-up.
The list of needed activities were related
to shelter improvement, flood mitigation, an
early warning system, and emergency
BDPC has completed the conduction of all 10
mock exercises during this reporting month.
The main purpose of this exercise was to
promote disaster preparedness initiatives at
family and community level with cooperation
of City Corporation and other relevant
stakeholders. This is the endpoint of work
over the past weeks, when an implementation
guideline and script were prepared for the
mock exercise, a number of coordination
meetings were organized in the respective
Ward commissioner’s office for implementing
the mock exercise, generating publicity for
the exercise to ensure the full
participation of the community, and actors
had rehearsals to ensure a better
Activities for next month are the
preparation and conduct of CBDRM training,
and awareness-raising in public schools.
– AKPBS(P) prepared the draft
report on Hazard Mapping and Participatory
Vulnerability Assessment. The report also
highlights a set of broad recommendations to
address the frequent problems of floods and
sewage treatment cum disposal system.
AKPBS(P) is currently updating and
finalizing the hazard and vulnerability
study. Activity Workshops and community
meetings were organised for developing
proposals of small-scale mitigation
– CDP and Dagupan City’s Technical Working
Group (TWG) conducted an orientation seminar
on February 6 on the PROMISE Disaster
Preparedness Experience for representatives
and local leaders from 23 barangays of
Dagupan City. This activity was done to
initiate the involvement of the other
barangays in Disaster Preparedness in
Dagupan City, and to inspire them to
duplicate the experience of the pilot
barangays in their own barangays. The
seminar made a positive impact upon those
who attended, since they come from the
barangays that are not covered by the
demonstration project. The PROMISE
experience was shown in a presentation of
Emma Molina, City Agriculturist, and a
testimony from Robert Abalos (Barangay
Captain of Pogo Grande, one of the 8 pilot
communities). There was a
question-and-answer session on the project,
handled by Ms. Mayfourth Luneta of CDP.
There were also some public awareness
materials distributed through the event,
including some posters from Philippine
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS),
and the Filipino version of the book
Christian Perspective on Disaster Management
by the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP).
CDP met with USAID representatives to give
project updates and present the calendars
that featured the winning posters and
slogans from the July 16, 2006 Disaster
Preparedness celebration.
Ms. Luneta presented a paper “Child Oriented
Participatory Risk Assessment and Planning”
during the ProVention Consortium Forum 2007
in Tanzania last February 13 to15. The
theme of the forum was “Making Disaster Risk
Reduction Work”, and around 111 participants
attended the forum. CDP was invited as a
partner, and the Dagupan PROMISE experience
was shared during the Partners’
Presentation, and in the exhibit where
Public Awareness materials from the Project
PROMISE in Dagupan was shown as well as the
“kalungkong”, the local early warning device
made from bamboo used by households in the
demonstration barangays.
Ms. Luneta attended the Avian Influenza
Meeting of Civic Organizations where they
shared their AI activities. USAID and
AusAID also came to explore possibilities of
helping each other fight avian influenza.
Dagupan City will be having a Medical
Responders Training and possible inclusion
of different hazards such as AI can be seen.
Activities for next month are holding TWG
meetings for adjustments of plans and
budget, preparation for the Search and
Rescue Training, preparation and actual
sharing of learning in Disaster Risk
Management with the Baguio City Disaster
Coordinating Council of Benguet Province,
and the preparation and training in
Hydro-Meteorological Risk Assessment in
· SRI-LANKA – Sarvodaya
organized a prize awarding ceremony for
winners of the children’s painting
competition last January. Sarvodaya
organized a hazard and vulnerability
assessment workshops for communities in
Kalutara held last February 8. Future
activities will be towards establishing a
networking meeting of collaborating
volunteers of the Early Warning System from
communities upstream and downstream of
Kaluganga River in the cities of Kalutara
and Rathnapura. Sarvodaya met with the
Mayor and the District Secretary of Kalutara
on February 21 to update them on current
progress and future development of the
– CECI in collaboration with the People’s
Committee of Cam Le district implemented the
house construction program to help the
victims of Typhoon Xangsane. Through this
activity, 21 out of the 23 planned houses
were completed by the end of February. The
house construction was funded by CIDA and
the Canadian government for the Xangsane
typhoon relief programs, and the design of
the houses is based on house construction
models that resulted from the PROMISE-Viet
Nam training and workshop on safer
construction techniques held last December.
The preparations continued for CBDRM
training at community level. The activities
for next month include: (1) follow up on the
construction of the 2 remaining houses; (2)
start to develop guidelines on urban
planning and building codes; and (3) conduct
training on CBDRM at community-level.
Indonesia floods: DKI Jakarta Province,
Bekasi and Tangerang, Banten Province
(based on reports from the Associated Press,
OCHA/ReliefWeb, and BAKORNAS)
Jakarta was stricken by floods after
non-stop rain from February 1 to 2, and
rivers overflowed.
About 60 percent of the city was inundated
at the height of the floods, as about 40% of
the city is
below sea level, and the area has poor
drainage. Some survivors were stranded by
surging waters. Authorities had to cut off
electricity and the water supply in many
districts. During the floods, 61 people
died in Jakarta and Banten as of February 21
(OCHA), and over 100,000 houses were
The general situation in flood-affected
areas has returned to normal.
Dengue and diarrhea cases were reported due
to stagnant and contaminated water,
respiratory problems, skin infections,
tetanus, leptospirosis, and other
water-borne diseases. Authorities have
initiated fogging, fumigation and
chlorination activities to prevent the
outbreak of disease. Medical
teams go on rubber rafts into the worst-hit
districts to prevent outbreaks of disease
among residents without clean drinking
Evacuation to safer ground was necessary,
and done by the government with the help of
the communities themselves. Temporary
shelters have been established by local
authorities, civic organizations, and the
local community. Facilities such as mosques
and public schools and buildings are being
used. Local governments have established
field kitchens, mobile health services and
temporary shelters to respond to the
overwhelming needs. Helicopters from
BAKORNAS were mobilized to distribute relief
in the more isolated areas. The army
continues to assist in evacuating people and
in air dropping relief items.
Seasonal heavy rainfall causes landslides
and flash floods each year in Indonesia.
Jakarta is regularly struck with floods, the
last worst one was in 2002, with this event
being worse than that flood. Dozens of slum
areas near rivers are washed out each year.
Some residents refuse to move, others say
they cannot afford to live elsewhere.
Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso blamed
deforestation in nearby Puncak, while
environment Minister Racmat Witoelar blamed
the issue building permits despite predicted
negative environmental impacts.
(2) Call for Papers: Canadian Risk and
Hazards Network
The Annual Symposium of the Canadian Risk
and Hazards Network (CRHNet) welcome
abstracts from emergency planners and other
professionals, academics, and researchers.
This year's symposium, which will be held
November 6-8, 2007, in Vancouver, focuses on
the theme of Forging Partnerships for
Disaster Resilient Communities. Organizers
particularly encourage presentations that
demonstrate and/or discuss research-practice
partnerships. Abstracts must be submitted
online; the deadline is March 31, 2007.
Abstracts may be submitted for individual
oral presentations, organized sessions,
panels, or posters. For further information,
please contact Prof. Stephanie Chang,
Program Committee Chair (stephanie.chang@ubc.ca)
(3) Call for Abstracts: "Disaster and
Emergency Management Evaluation"
Editors of the journal "New Directions for
Evaluation" are calling for abstracts for a
special issue on the theme of "Disaster and
Emergency Management Evaluation." The issue
aims to encourage applied, empirically
based, and theoretical contributions towards
the review and examination of disaster and
emergency management evaluation in
international and domestic settings.
Accepted abstracts will be included in the
full proposal and submitted for review.
Upon approval by the editorial board,
authors will be invited to submit papers of
not more than 20 pages in length. The
deadline for abstracts is April 9, 2007.
For more information, visit:
(4) Mary Fran Myers Gender and Disaster
Award: 2007 Nominees Sought
The Gender and Disaster Network and the
Natural Hazards Center invite nominations
from around the world those who should be
recognized for their efforts to advance
gender-sensitive policy, practice, or
research in the areas of disaster risk
reduction. The award committee is
especially interested in soliciting
nominations from outside the United States
and strives to enable award recipients with
high travel costs to attend the Natural
Hazards Center workshop in Colorado.
Established in 2002, the Mary Fran Myers
Award recognizes that vulnerability to
disasters and mass emergencies is influenced
by social, cultural, and economic structures
that marginalize women and girls, and may
also expose boys and men to harm. The
intent of this award is to recognize women
and men whose advocacy, research, or
management efforts have had a lasting,
positive impact on reducing disaster
vulnerability. The deadline for nominations
is April 15, 2007. For more details, please
contact Elaine Enarson
enarsone@brandonu.ca or by phone, (204)
571-8575, or visit:
(5) UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction
The United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) is calling for
the nomination of individuals or
institutions for the 19th U.N. Sasakawa
Award for Disaster Reduction, for
outstanding and internationally recognized
action in the following fields:
The implementation, at international or
regional level, of activities designed
to strengthen people's awareness of
disasters triggered by natural hazards;
The launching of scientific activities
contributing to technological innovation
facilitating disaster prediction;
The launching of scientific or social
activities contributing to the
strengthening of disaster risk
The promotion of activities which reduce
the economic impact of disasters and
contribute to sustainable development;
Any other activities recognized as
essential in promoting disaster risk
reduction (early warning, environmental
management, land use planning, promotion
of building codes, awareness-raising,
education, etc.).
The deadline for nominations is June 29,
2007. For more information and the
nomination packet, visit:
International Meeting of Psychology in
Emergencies and Disasters--Buenos Aires,
Argentina: March 21-23, 2007
Sponsored by: The Argentine Society of
Psychology for Emergencies and Disasters.
The theme of the conference is "The Role of
Communities and Institutions in Disaster
Reduction," and sessions on human factors in
disaster management. For more information,
(7) 68th ASPA National
Conference--Monumental Possibilities:
Capitalizing on Collaboration Washington,
D.C.: March 23-27, 2007
Organizer: American Society of Public
Administrators (ASPA). This annual
conference will focus on collaboration
across sectoral and governmental lines,
extending to topics such as budgeting,
finance, accountability, and performance;
intergovernmental and international
relations; human resource management and
social equity; responding to threats and
disasters; public safety, law, and the
courts; ethical issues and administrative
courage; environmental justice, public works
management and policy; housing, social
services, health policy and management;
environment, science, and technology;
education for the public service; the
political context of public service; issues
in local government; and issues in federal
service. Learn more at
(8) “Communicating
Disasters: Building on the Tsunami
Experience and Responding to Future
about disasters sometimes ends up as
communications disasters. How can these
mishaps be minimised, so that the power of
established and new forms of mass media can
play a more meaningful role in managing both
hazards and disasters? This was the broad
question addressed during the brainstorming
meeting in
Bangkok last December
organised by
TVE Asia Pacific (TVEAP) and United Nations
Development Programme - Regional Centre in
Bangkok (UNDP-RCB). The
meeting recognised that the media must
evolve its own ethics, guidelines and
strategies for covering hazards and
disasters, and these cannot be imposed from
outside. All participants agreed on the
value of greater understanding and
cooperation between media practitioners,
development professionals and disaster
managers. Please find the full report here:
(9) "Community-Based Disaster Management
Toolkit" – IDEP
The Yayasan Indonesia Development of
Education and Permaculture (IDEP) has a
webpage of a community-based disaster
management toolkit all in Bahasa Indonesia.
This toolkit contains a manual of general
guidelines on preparedness and prevention of
disasters at community level, a ready-to-use
management form book in the event of a
disaster, brochures and posters on disaster
preparedness, and eight comic books on
different disaster topics. Please visit the
toolkit here:
(10) 2006 Disasters in Numbers - CRED
The Center for Research on the Epidemiology
of Disasters (CRED) has released a two-page
document of hazard and disaster statistics
for 2006. A total of 395 disasters were
recorded in 2006, with 226 floods, 66
windstorms, and 30 related to extreme
temperatures. Disasters in 2006 killed
21,342 people, with economic damage of about
$19 billion. Indonesia, the Philippines,
India, Afghanistan, Viet Nam and Pakistan
are in the top ten list of countries most
hit by disasters. To read the statistics,
please visit here:
(11) ADPC and the Asia Pacific Natural
Hazards and Vulnerabilities Atlas
website of the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC)
has the Asia Pacific Natural Hazards and
Vulnerabilities Atlas. Under this atlas
project, ADPC gathered and contributed data
for Thailand and Vietnam, specifically
historical hazards and disasters,
infrastructure, land use, and other
statistical background information. From
this, the PDC team in Hawaii has produced
the “Vietnam Natural Hazards and
Vulnerabilities Atlas”,
found here:
The atlas has a dynamic map viewer
through which disaster spatial information
may be accessed and viewed over the
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