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supported by
Jamalpur has a population of 132,700 and the
area of 53.28 km2, where 58% of the land use is
for agriculture. To the east, Jamalpur is
bounded by the Brahmaputra River while Jamuna
River is at the west. The city is prone to
floods, cyclones, soil and river erosion and
water logging. Of the city’s 12 administrative
wards, wards 10, 11 and 12 are low-lying areas
and densely populated by poor, landless and
vulnerable communities. Contributing factors of
floods and water-logging include river bank
erosion, shallow water table, inadequate water
retention areas, inadequate flood protection
structures, poorly maintained and inadequate
drainage network, and poor solid waste
management. PROMISE BD will run from November
2009 to August 2010. Its activities are to
identify the most vulnerable communities in Jamalpur and reduce their vulnerability through:
(1) participatory risk assessment and action
plan development; (2) community-based mitigation
activities; (3) training of trainers on
community based emergency response; and (4)
advocacy for mainstreaming DRR by reviewing the
Jamalpur Pouroshava Development Plan and making
recommendations based on the participatory risk
assessments and action plans.
Pasig City
– the Philippines
Pasig is part of Metro Manila in the
Philippines. It is a primarily residential and
industrial city but has Ortigas Center, one of
the top business districts in the metropolis
with numerous high-rise office buildings,
residential condominiums, commercial
establishments, schools and malls. Pasig City is
affected by riverine flooding from Pasig River,
and local flooding from typhoons. Pasig City has
an award-winning emergency preparedness
program,. However, the recent Typhoon Ketsana in
September 2009 made the city government realize
that their preparations were not enough for
floods that magnitude and their impacts. PROMISE
RP will run from November 2009 to August 2010.
Its activities are to identify the most
vulnerable communities in Pasig and reduce
their vulnerability through: (1) participatory
risk assessment and action plan development; (2)
mitigation and preparedness through a review of
the city’s SOPs and disaster risk management
plans; (3) capacity building of city emergency
responders, and awareness-raising in schools;
and (4) advocacy through workshops for
mainstreaming DRR.
– Sri Lanka
Matara is a city with a population of 76,000
in 2007, and located on the southern coast
of Sri Lanka within a rapidly developing
urban commercial center. Nilwala River flows
through the city to the Indian Ocean. During
monsoon season, the river carries flood
waters from the hills to the flat lands,
often causing severe damage to crops,
agricultural lands, and the urban built up
area. Rapid urbanization and high
in-migration exacerbate the flood disaster
risk almost every year despite the
structural mitigation measures already
taken. PROMISE SL will run from October 2009
to August 2010. The project implementing
partner is The Asia Foundation (TAF), whose
main focus is local governance, and has
added disaster risk reduction to the areas
it supports. Project components include: (1)
Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
and Development of City Hazard Map; (2)
Mitigation and Preparedness; (3) Training
and Public Awareness; and (4) Advocacy for
Mainstreaming Risk Management.
Bangladesh (2006 – 2008)
Chittagong is located in the southeast part
of Bangladesh with total land area of
5,282.98 km2. The total population of the
city is about 5.2 million with population
growth rate and density of 1.48% and 1,191
persons per sq. km, respectively and is
growing at a high annual growth rate. As a
port city, Chittagong has traditionally been
a major centre for trade and commerce. The
economic base in Chittagong is more solid
and wider than that of Dhaka and has
considerable scope for expansion if
appropriate measures are taken. The coastal
areas of Chittagong are highly prone to
natural disasters such as cyclone and tidal
surge. On the other hand, floods caused by
heavy rainfall, tornado, and even
water-logging are common disasters in the
valleys and hilly areas within city
administration. These affect the livelihoods
of people, especially that of the poor and
the vulnerable.
Jakarta – Indonesia
(2008 – 2009)
Jakarta Metropolitan City is
the capital of the Republic Indonesia, and
corresponds to DKI Jakarta Province. It is
administered by a provincial government,
five municipalities (Southern Jakarta,
Eastern Jakarta, Central Jakarta, Western
Jakarta, and Northern Jakarta) and the
thousand islands Regency. The economic
growth of DKI Jakarta in 2006 contributed
more than 17% to the national GDP, and 60%
of the nation’s money circulation is in
Jakarta. In mid 2006, the numbers of
population in DKI Jakarta Province is 8.96
million, with approximately 2,041,466
households. The population density is
between 13,000 to 15,000 people/km2,
reaching as high as 20,000 people/km2
in some areas. Modern-day Jakarta has
661.52 km2 land area that
stretches across alluvial lowland of a mean
elevation is 7 m above mean sea level, and
40% of the land area is below MSL. It is
very prone to any type of perennial and
five-year inundation due to excessive
rainfall and flash floods along the rivers
systems that pass through the mainland. The
water system of rivers, drains and canals
exits in the northern coastal area that
extends 35 km from West to East. Inundation
are often aggravated by the onset of swell
(a long wave influenced by storms during
monsoon) that could reach up to 2 to 4 m,
and by inundation due to the combination of
sea level rise, land subsidence, and/or high
tide during full moon (locally called
. The South and East consist of some lake
and swamp land with a total area of 121.49
hectares in 2006, which are used as a water
reserves region but also for new residential
areas due to its fresher climate.
Vulnerability comes from the settlement of
some of the catchment areas, and from
continuing land subsidence due to a
decreasing water table.
Hyderabad - Pakistan (2006 – 2008)
Hyderabad is a historical city of Sindh
Province of Pakistan having established in
1843. It is the 8th largest city in Pakistan
and 2nd largest in Sindh Province with a
population of 1.6 million and a growth rate
of 2.62%.The female population is 47%. Its
importance lies in the fact that it is the
District capital and the nearest town to the
biggest metropolis, Karachi. The city has a
lot of tourism potential due to its
archaeological and historical sites and also
due to the presence of river Indus and
various lakes. Its growth potential also
lies in its small-scale industries, and it
is a centre for handicrafts and has good
educational and health facilities. Hyderabad
is one of more disaster-prone cities in
Pakistan and is often plagued by floods due
to torrential rains. According to the city
government officials, 20% of the population
lives in the low lying areas that are
flood-prone. To make the situation worse,
the water table in the low lying areas is at
some places less than 1 meter below the
surface, which limits the capacity of the
soil to absorb water. Currently the city has
the maximum capacity of draining out one
inch of rainfall in 24 hours which is
insufficient. As the result of sudden
monsoon rains, the low lying areas of
Hyderabad face the problem of drainage
disposal and stagnant water causes damage to
infrastructure, housing, etc, as well as
becoming a source of water-borne diseases.
Dagupan – the Philippines (2006 – 2009)
Dagupan City has a total land area of 4,008
hectares and is a sub-regional center for
trade and commerce, finance, high-level
health and education services in Northern
Luzon. Dagupan City is located along the
seacoast on an eastern margin of the delta
of Agno River and lies just a meter above
sea level. Flooding in Dagupan is a common
problem and the situation is further
aggravated by the onset of high tide. Tidal
back flow has created secondary rivers that
in turn made the islets where the eastern
barangays are found. There are seven river
systems that traverse Dagupan, all of which
drain out to the Lingayen Gulf. Most of the
rivers are presently heavily silted. The
silt deposits are caused primarily by
upstream riverbank erosion, and
proliferation of squatters along riverbanks.
The shallow river beds resulting from
sediment transportation and deposition, is
the cause of heavy flood in the city in the
past years. Typhoons are experienced often
and are responsible for heavy rains in the
upper catchment and subsequent flooding in
the city. During the earthquake of 16 July
1990, Dagupan suffered widespread damage and
have had direct impact on the flooding
situation. The dynamic lateral shifting of
Pantal River in the recent past gave rise to
its meandering pattern and left numerous
abandoned channels and created a low-lying
flood-prone terrain made up of levees and
Kalutara – Sri Lanka (2006 – 2009)
Kalutara is a medium size urban coastal city
in Sri Lanka with a population of over
100,000 with annual growth rate of 1.2%.
Kalutara has a prominent administrative role
as the district capital and has shown
tremendous growth and development potential
as a rapidly developing satellite town due
to its proximity to the capital city
Colombo, tourism and fisheries industry, as
well as being the site for many
export-oriented industries and related
investment. The city is prone to frequent
events of riverine floods, annual flash
floods (the most recent was in May 2003),
droughts and rain-induced landslides. The
coastline of Kalutara was heavily affected
by the tsunami of December 2004.
Da Nang – Viet Nam (2006 – 2008)
Da Nang, with a population of about 816,831
and population density of 599 persons per
sq. km, is a dynamic city of the Key
Economic Zone in central Vietnam. Da Nang is
an important communications hub of the
central region, with its international
airport, deep-water seaports and north-south
land routes and railways completely and
conveniently developed. Being located on the
World Heritage Route, it also has tremendous
tourism development potential in addition to
the potential for economic development. Da
Nang is frequently subjected to flood and
storm disaster events. Severe storms with
strong wind often occur together with heavy
rain, causing river water level rise and
flooding. Drought, which occurs almost every
year, is another major threat to the local