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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
31 March 2006
Issue No. 33
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
Through consultations with a number of ADPC
partners, five project countries have been
selected – Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam – for
implementing demonstration projects in each
country in a highly vulnerable city with
recent history of hydro-meteorological
disasters. Other components of the program
consist of capacity building, risk
management advocacy, networking and
dissemination initiatives in the selected
countries. The objective of the program is
to contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. The processes of finalizing
project proposals, and formulating
strategies for project implementation are
ongoing and city demonstration projects are
expected to commence during February-March
PROMISE Activities for March
and April 2006:
A Curriculum Development
Workshop on the proposed course on
Governance and Risk Management was
organized on 2-3 March 2006 in Bangkok,
Thailand. Selected experts from various
countries of the region participated and
developed a draft of the curriculum of
the course scheduled for September 2006.
UNDP-South-South program and UNIFEM has
provided reource inputs and they are in
agreement to collaborate in course
Orientation Workshop of the
PROMISE-Bangladesh project was organized
by the local partner organization BDPC
for around 100 participants from NGOs
and city government officials of
Chittagong Municipality. The workshop
was presided over by the Chief Executive
Officer of the Chittagong City
Corporation. Ten (10) most vulnerable
electoral wards prone to cyclones,
riverine floods, high-tide and
landslides were identified during the
workshop for the PROMISE project.
PAKISTAN - Institutional
and financial assessment of the
PROMISE-Pakistan local partner
organization AKPBSP and review of
project locations will be conducted in
April 2006
PHILIPPINES - The formal
launching of the PROMISE-Philippines
Project and the Project Orientation
Workshop was organized by the local
partner organization CDP on 7 March 2006
in Dagupan City. The MoU between
Dagupan City and the Center for Disaster
Preparedness (CDP) was signed with the
representatives from USAID, League of
Cities Philippines (LCP) and Office of
Civil Defense (OCD) as witnesses. During
the workshop, the Technical Working
Group (TWG) identified eight (8)
communities most vulnerable to flooding.
The five-day training course on
Community Based Disaster Risk Management
(CBDRM) and Participatory Risk
Assessment (PRA) with field practicum
were also organized from 27-31 March
2006 attended by 24 participants from
the city level and 16 participants from
the community level.
SRI-LANKA - A training
course on "Community Based Urban
Disaster Risk Mitigation" was conducted
on 13-17 March 2006 in Kalutara, Sri
Lanka. The training was organized
primarily for the staff members of
Sarvodaya, the local partner
organization for PROMISE-Sri Lanka, and
other stakeholders. Hazard,
vulnerability and risk assessment will
be the primary focus of the Sarvodaya
partner in Kalutara City project
demonstration area for the month of
April. Briefing on PROMISE project
activities for the newly elected town
council officials in Kalutara Town
Council is also planned for this month.
Development of methodology for modeling
flood scenario of the Kaluganaga
catchment will be conducted in
collaboration with the National Building
Research Organization. Focus discussions
on national level training activities
targeted for training of local
government officials will also be
carried out in partnership with SLILG.
VIETNAM - A Participatory
Vulnerability Assessment (PGA) and Focus
Group Discussion (FGD) will be conducted
in the project demonstration area in
Danang City, Vietnam in order to decide
on the nature of project activities to
be implemented under PROMISE-Vietnam.
The Vietnamese counterpart will also be
conducting the baseline survey at the
community level. An inception workshop
to disseminate the results of PVA, FGD
and baseline survey will be organized
within the 2nd quarter.
(1) Third International
Conference on Early Warning (ISDR)
29 March 2006, Bonn, Germany
- More than 1200 participants from 140
countries had gathered in Bonn for the Third
International Conference on Early Warning to
discuss the importance of early warning
systems in reducing disasters. The
conference was hosted by the Government of
Germany under the auspices of the United
nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction. Among the conference's concrete
expected outcome is the establishment of a
checklist of practical actions that will
help countries and communities in developing
effective people-centered early warning
systems; a compendium of some 100 early
warning projects for possible funding and
implementation in all parts of the world;
and the establishment of long-term
mechanisms to disseminate information about
activities and gaps in early warning around
the world.
For more information, please
see ISDR website <
http://www.unisdr.org/ >
(2) USAID and National
Disaster Warning Center to establish rapid
tsunami alert system in Thailand
24 March 2006, Nonthaburi,
Thailand - The U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) announced the signing of
a Memorandum of Agreement with the Thai
National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC) to
strengthen tsunami warning system
capabilities in Thailand. Under this
partnership, the U.S. Government and NDWC
will launch a joint program to develop a
Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification System
(TARNS) for Thailand. The signing ceremony
took place at NDWC headquarters near
Follow link for further
(3) 4th World Water Forum,
Mexico City, 16-22 March 2006
On 16-22 March 2006, experts
from all over the world gathered in Mexico
City to discuss the 4th World Water Forum's
main theme: "Local Actions for a Global
Challenge" giving focus on ways to improve
the handling of water-related challenges,
such as flooding and drought, at a local
level where they generally have their
greatest impacts. The forum participants
were seeking to develop practical, financial
and political means to support local
actions, which if extended on a regional and
global scale, would help meet water-related
targets set by the UN Millennium Development
Please see WMO website for
press release
(4) 62nd UNESCAP Commission
Session, 6-12 April 2006, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bangkok (United Nations
Information Services) - The Government of
Indonesia will be hosting the 62nd UNESCAP
Commission Session which will take place on
6-12 April 2006 at the Jakarta Convention
Centre. This year's theme topic is "
Enhancing Regional Cooperation in
Infrastructure Development, including that
related to Disaster Management." Heads of
Government and State, Ministers and senior
officials from 62 member and associate
member countries and territories of UNESCAP
are expected to participate. A special
feature of this year's Session is the
Pacific Leader's United Nations ESCAP
Special Session (PLUS). A first in UNESCAP
history, PLUS will provide a unique Asian
and Pacific intergovernmental platform for
Pacific leaders to articulate their concerns
and engage in interactive dialogue with
other delegations from UNESCAP members on
strengthening Pacific island developing
countries and territories through regional
Please see website for
(5) Call for Papers: DEBRIS
FLOW 2006
On 7-9 June 2006, the Wessex
Institute of Technology, UK and
Technological Education Institute of Kavala,
Greece will be organizing the First
International Conference on Monitoring,
Simulation, Prevention and Remediation of
Dense and Debris Flows. The meeting will
study fundamental mechanical principles as
well as rheological properties, and
phenomenological aspects of debris flows.
Particular focus will be given to modeling
techniques and case studies. The conference
will also address the problem of debris
flows disaster mitigation using structural
and non-structural measures.
Papers are invited on the
topics outlined and others falling within
the scope of meeting. Abstracts of no more
than 300 words should be submitted as soon
as possible. Submission of abstracts
electronically is strongly encourage.
Abstracts should clearly state the purpose,
results and conclusions of the work to be
described in the final paper. Topics for
submission include the following:
Mass wasting and solid
Slope failure and
Sediment, slurry and
granular flows
Solid transport within a
Hyper-concentrated flows
Debris-flow phenomenology
and rheology
Debris-flow triggering
and mobilisation mechanisms
Debris flow modelling
Debris flow disaster
mitigation (structural and
non-structural measures)
Case studies
Computer models
Rock falling problems
Mechanics of
All papers presented at
Debris Flow 2006 will be published by WIT
Press in a volume of WIT Transactions on
Ecology and the Environment (ISSN
1743-3541). Please see website for other
requirements <
(6) Call for Manuscripts for
Disaster Management Handbook
Disaster management and
emergency services professional, elected
officials, and practitioners as well as
academics in various relevant disciplines
are invited and encouraged to contribute
original, unpublished, manuscript for the
Disaster Management Handbook. This handbook
will be a comprehensive reference work and
textbook to share experiences and
understanding, through a case-based approach
including first-hand and theoretical
analysis, on the interrelated issues of
preparedness, response, recovery, and
mitigation in dealing with disasters. Both
manmade disasters and those resulting from
nature, worldwide, will be included.
The volume will serve as
vehicle to share real-world experiences,
concepts, and understanding about disasters
in order to learn from practices so as to
craft constructive workable public policy
that will contribute to the prevention of
needless loss of life and minimize economic
devastation from such catastrophics events.
The book will be used as textbook in
undergraduate and graduate courses including
among others: community planning; emergency
management; business and public
administration; sociology; and economic
development. It will also serve as a
valuable compendium and library reference
for professional practitioners in the field,
business and government leaders, and
legislators who deal with the applied
practice of disaster response and prevention
every day.
For information and
manuscript requirements, please contact Jack
Pinkowski, Nova Southeastern University
Details of the handbook can be located at <
(7) US IOTWS Small Grants
Program (SGP)
The United States
government’s Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning
System (US TWS) was launched by USAID in
response to the December 2004 tsunami
The SGP provides strategic
support for partners in the region to
conduct activities that support or enhance
development of tsunami warning system
components at national and local levels. The
goal of SGP is to reinforce and encourage
regional cooperation, sharing experiences
and lessons learned between Indian Ocean
countries, the U.S., and the international
community, and promoting country-specific,
community-based contributions to the IOTWS.
The U.S. IOTWS program will provide grants
through the SGP up to US$25,000 with a more
limited number up to US$100,000. The SGP
will invest in capacity building and
technical assistance, including training
exercises at the local and community level.
Projects funded by the SGP would contribute
to the end-to-end multi-hazard warning
system in the following categories: National
Warning Center and Disaster Management
Capacity Building; Last-mile Warning
Communication; Local Preparedness: Coastal
Community Resilience and Hazard Analysis
The SGP will be available
only for the projects implemented in
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and
the Maldives-the countries most severely
affected by the December 2004 disaster.
Applications for Small Grants from Asian,
U.S., or international non-governmental
organizations, community-based
organizations, associations, and
universities, with primary emphasis on
country-specific and community-level
institutions will be considered.
The IOTWS Program Integrator
(PI) will be accepting and reviewing
proposal abstracts from January to May 2006.
The PI will accept Word and PDF files
containing the following information.
Project Title, Organization
and Point of Contact
Project Objectives
Expected Products/Outcomes
Relationship with ongoing projects &
targeted beneficiaries
Strategy for Sustainable Implementation and
General Budget
For further information,
please contact Ms. Kathryn Hoeflich, Small
Grants Program Coordinator, US IOTWS Program
Integrator (contractor) at <
khoeflich@irgltd.com >
(8) Call for Nominations:
2006 Mary Fran Myers Award
Nomination for the 2006 Mary
Fran Myers Award is now open. The intent of
this award is to recognize people whose
program-related activities, advocacy
efforts, or research has had a lasting,
positive impact on reducing hazard
vulnerability for women and girls. The award
committee is especially interested in
soliciting nominations from countries
outside the United States. People whose work
adds to the body of knowledge on gender and
disasters, is significant for the theory
and/or practice of gender and disasters, or
has furthered opportunities for women to
succeed in the hazards field are eligible to
receive the award.
The Mary Fran Myers Award was
established in 2002 by the Gender and
Disaster Network (GDN) and is
co-administered by GDN and the Natural
Hazards Center.
Direct questions and submit
materials (e-mail attachments only) by May
15, 2006, to Madhavi Malalgoda Ariyabandu at
mariyabandu@yahoo.com. Nominations are due
by May 15, 2006. For more information, visit
(9) 6th Asian Seismological
Commission (ASC) VI General Assembly and
Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation, 7-10 November
2006, Bangkok, Thailand
“Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation” is this year's
6th ASC conference theme. The events are
being organized by the Asian Seismological
Commission (ASC), IASPEI with the Thai
Meteorological Department (TMD), National
Earthquake Committee of Thailand (NECT),
Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) and
the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC). Apart from the conference, symposium
sessions on different scientific themes will
also take place. The ASC organizing
committee is inviting scientists,
seismologists, geophysicists, geologists,
and earthquake engineers as well as experts
from concerned institutions, agencies, and
organizations to contribute and submit
abstracts on (S1) Subduction Zone,
Seismology and Tsunami; (S2) Strong Motion
Seismology; (S3) Earthquake Forecast; (S4)
Management/Reduction of Risk; (S5)
Observational Seismology and a Special
Session on the 8 October, 2005 Kashmir
(Pakistan) Earthquake.
The deadline for submission is on 30 April
2006. Please visit 6th ASC General Assembly
website for details
or send an email to the ASC Secretariat at
<asc2006_loc@tmd.go.th> or <asc2006_loc@yahoo.co.th>
(10) 100th Anniversary
Earthquake Conference,18-22 April 2006, San
Francisco, California
The theme for this year's
conference is "Managing Risk in Earthquake
Country". The conference is being organized
in commemoration of the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake. The 100th Anniversary
Earthquake Conference will also include
EERI's 8th U.S. National Conference on
Earthquake Engineering (8NCEE) and 58th
Annual Meeting, SSA's Centennial Annual
Meeting and the OES Disaster Resistant
California Conference.
Conference details can be viewed at <http://www.1906eqconf.org>
(11) Public Health
in Complex Emergency , 8-20 May 2006,
Bangkok, Thailand
The Public Health in Complex
Emergencies training program (PHCE) is a
two-week residential course that focuses on
critical public health issues faced by NGOs
and Ministry of Health personnel working in
complex emergencies. IRC and World
Education, Inc. have assisted regional
partners at American University of Beirut,
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in
Bangkok and Makerere University Institute of
Public Health in Kampala to implement this
important training program. The goal of the
course is to enhance the capacity of
humanitarian assistance workers and their
organizations to respond to the health needs
of refugees and internally displaced persons
affected by these emergencies.
Please visit website <
> or email Ms. Janette Lauza-Ugsang, PHE
Project Manager at <
janette@adpc.net >
(12) African
Aid Relief and Disaster Management 2006,
9-11 May 2006, Gallagher Estate, Midrand,
The conference aims to
continue to educate and update suppliers on
UN, Aid Agency and NGO procurement
procedures, policies and specifications.
Typically this conference includes VIP
networking lunches for UN procurement
officers, delegates, speakers and
exhibitors, cocktail parties and private
meeting areas with a computerized
buyer/seller matching system.
To register, please go to <
(13) NATO Science Program
Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) “Management
Of Urban Earthquake Risk In Central Asian
And Caucasus Countries”, Istanbul, Turkey,
14-19 May 2006
The ARW has the main
objective of providing a forum to discuss
and elaborate on the innovative and
applicable means of disaster risk management
and reduction in cities, focusing
particularly on large cities in the Caucasus
and Central Asian countries. The ARW aims to
address the practical constraints and
opportunities of a risk mitigation planning
process to institutionalize sound disaster
risk management practices in cities.
Further information about the
meeting and the participation can be found
at <
(14) 5th University
of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
Conference on Public Health and Disasters
21-24 May 2006, Long Beach, California
This conference is designed
for public health professionals as well as
individuals and organizations from both the
public and private sectors involved in
emergency public health preparedness and
response. The diverse topics will be
relevant to public health and medical
practitioners, emergency medical services
professionals, researchers, and managers
involved in the wide range of emergency
public health issues resulting from natural
and human-induced disasters.
For further conference
information, please see <
(15) Third Tsunami Symposium,
The Tsunami Society, 23-25 May 2006,
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Third Tsunami Symposium
will be held at the University of Hawaii
East-West Conference Center on 23-25
May 2006. The Symposium will have sessions
on Numerical Modeling, Tsunami Preparedness,
Tsunami Instrumentation, Experimental
Modeling, Landslide Generated Tsunamis,
Hawaii and Doak Cox, December 26 Asian
Tsunami, Risk Analyis and General Session.
For additional information, contact the
Tsunami Society President and Symposium
Chairman, Dr. Barbara Keating at Keating@soest.hawaii.edu
or Program Chairman, Dr. Charles Mader at
Please see website for
further conference details <
http://www.wcdm.org >
(16) 13th Annual Conference
2006, The International Emergency Management
Society (TIEMS) , 23-26 May 2006, Seoul,
South Korea
"Advances in global emergency
management" is this year's TIEMS conference
theme. The conference will be hosted by the
Korean National Emergency Management Agency
(NEMA) and the Korean TIEMS Chapter. The
conference hopes to attract 500-1000
participants in the field of Emergency
Management and to encourage benegeical
discussion to shape the future of emergency
Visit website for further
conference information <
http://www.tiems.org/index.php >
(17) 16th World
Conference on Disaster Management, 18-21
June 2006, Toronto, Canada
The theme of the 2006
conference is "The Changing Face of Disaster
Management - A Global Perspective." The
conference is being organized by the
Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP)
in partnership with the International
Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)
and Disaster Recovery Institute (DRI). The
purpose of this conference is to listen and
learn, plan and prepare, and educate and
exchange views on the lessons to be learned
from all disciplines of disaster and
emergency management.
Please see website for
further conference details <
http://www.wcdm.org/ >
(18) The Third Session of the
World Urban Forum , 19-23 June 2006,
Vancouver, Canada
The Government of Canada will
be partnering with the UN-HABITAT to host
this historic biennial meeting. "Our Future:
Sustainable Cities-Turning Ideas into
Action" is the theme meeting for this event.
This gathering aims to identify solutions to
the critical problems facing the cities
around the globe. The program elements
include dialogues, plenary sessions and
keynote addresses, debates, round table
discussion and networking and training
For further information and
general queries, please send your email to
wuf@unhabitat.org or visit <
(19) Risk Analysis 2006:
Fifth International Conference on Computer
Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard
Mitigation , 19-21 June 2006, Malta
Risk Analysis 2006 is the
fifth in the popular conference series on "
Computer Simulation in Risk Analysis and
Hazard Mitigation". The conference is
concerned with covering all aspects of risk
analysis and hazard mitigation, ranging from
specific assessment of risk mitigation
associated with both natural and
anthropogenic hazards. Engineers and
managers involved in the development of
simulated risk analysis as well as
researchers in academia and industry are
encouraged to attend. This meeting will act
as an interdisciplinary forum for discussion
of problems of common interest. Risk 2006
will include a special session on MultiRISK.
This session aims to address multiple
hazards and consequent risks which endanger
a local community or region by a combination
of various processes. Presentations are
encouraged addressing new conceptual
approaches as well as case studies for
For further information,
please see <
(20) United Nations/ESA/Zambia
Regional Workshop on the Applications of
Global Navigation Satellite System
Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa, 26-30
June 2006, Lusaka, Zambia
This Regional Workshop which
will take place in Lusaka, Zambia will focus
on the applications of global navigation
satellite system technologies that benefit
the social and economic growth of the
Sub-Saharan African countries, aims at
action planning for implementing specific
applications for the region. The Office for
the Outer Space Affairs of the United
Nations and the Government of the Republic
of Zambia are responsible for organizing the
workshop. Sponsorship of the Workshop is
still open to interested entities.
Please see website for detailed workshop
information <
> or contact Ms. Ayoni Oyeneyin, UN Office
for Outer Space Affairs at < ayoni.oyeneyin@unvienna.org>
for nomination and funding, Ms. Sharafat
Gadimova, UNOOSA for the workshop agenda and
programme and Ms. Beatrice Mwape, the
Central Board of Health (workshop focal
point) at < bmwape@cboh.org.zm> or <
(21) Conference
on Geoinformation for Development (gi4dev),
Bridging the divide through partnerships, 7
July 2006, Salzburg, Austria
gi4dev is one thematic focus
of the annual AGIT Symposium, Every year the
AGIT Symposium attracts more than 1,000
participants from all field within Applied
Geoinformatics. The conference addresses
people working the the overlapping fields of
geoinformation, development co-operation and
technology transfer. Practitioners and
scientists are invited to participate, to
share experiences and to strengthen exchange
and networks. The conference will cover
topics on (1) Geoinformation for development
- what are the pressing issues? (2)
Methodologies and tools and (3)
Institutional requirements.
Visit website for further
conference information <
http://www.agit.at/en/gi4dev/index.asp >
(22) Regional Training Course
on Community Based Disaster Risk Management
(CBDRM), 17-28 July 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
Community Based Disaster Risk
Management (CBDRM) provides an opportunity
for participants to acquire skills and
obtain knowledge on “how to” design and
implement programs to reduce disaster risks
and vulnerability and build community
capacity to promote a ‘culture of safety.’
Through exercises and simulations they will
practice risk assessment and risk management
planning. The participants will also have a
chance to learn about globally acknowledged
programs and projects on community based
disaster risk management from leaders of
these initiatives. In particular the cases
will include examples from the South Asia,
South East Asia and Pacific regions. The
course is being organized by the Training
Resource Group (TRG) of ADPC.
For more information on the
course, please contact the Training Resource
Group Leader at: <
tedadpc@adpc.net >
(23) The 7th
International Symposium on GIS and Computer
Cartography for Coastal Zone Management,
12-16 July 2006, Wollongong and Sydney New
South Wales, Australia
CoastGIS 2006 is the seventh
in a series of international conferences on
research and the application of Geographical
Information Systems (GIS) to the marine and
coastal zone. The idea for a series of
symposia entitled CoastGIS was born from the
collaboration of the International
Cartographic Association’s Commission on
Marine Cartography and the International
Geographical Union’s Commission on Coastal
Systems. The Local Organising Committee of
CoastGIS’06 has been offered a small bursary
to be used to assist bona fide research
students from developing countries to attend
Emailed submissions can be sent to Ron
Furness at<
rfurness@ozemail.com.au> and must reach
him by midnight on 30th April 2006.
Applicants should seek a return email
delivery receipt to ensure their application
is received by the due date. Symposium
information can be viewed at <http://www.uow.edu.au/science/eesc/conferences/coastgis06.html
(24) 2nd Symposium on
Disaster Mitigation: EXPO Disaster 2006:
Panama World Showcase for the Risk
Management Industry, 3-6 August 2006, Panama
The 2nd Symposium on Disaster
Mitigation will cover sessions on (1)
Disaster mitigation techniques for urban
cities (2) Disaster economics (3)
Reconstruction after disaster (4) New
building codes (5) Dissertation of FEMA
official as to effects of hurricane Katrina
(6) Disaster mitigation techniques at the
workplace (7) Pro-active risk management vs
Re-active risk management and (8) New
technology. The symposium will be conducted
under the core concept of EXPO 2006: Panama
World Showcase for the Risk Management
Visit website for further
information <
(25) International Disaster
Reduction Conference (IDRC), 27 August –1
September 2006, Davos, Switzerland
The conference will address
different kinds of risks (e.g. risks due to
natural hazards, technical risks, biological
and chemical risks, but also pandemics,
terrorism, climate change, endemic risks,
etc.). A truly integrated and participative
approach is planned to ensure that the
valuable lessons learned about risk
reduction from a wide spectrum of fields are
applied correctly for the benefit of
communities, countries and regions. The he
IDRC Davos 2006 will be a valuable forum and
strategic platform for the world’s risk
management community. The program will
include topical plenary sessions and panel
debates, scientific and policy-oriented
thematic sessions, special regional sessions
for Africa, Asia, North and Latin America
and Europe and side events organized by
different international and national
organizations, exhibits, and special
recognition of international pioneers in
risk reduction.
For further conference information, please
visit <
(26) First European
Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology (1ECEES), 3-8 September 2006
Geneva, Switzerland
The First European Conference
on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
(1ECEES) 2006 is a joint event of the 13th
European Conference on Earthquake
Engineering (EAEE) and 30th General Assembly
of the European Seismological
Commission (ESC). This conference will
provide excellent opportunities for
exchanges between seismologists and
earthquake engineers. A comprehensive grant
program, financed by the Swiss Government,
will support the participation of students
and young researchers from economically weak
For more information about the conference,
please see <
http://www.ecees.org/ >
(27) Refresher Course on
Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction in Cities
(EVRC) focusing on the use of spatial
geodata, 24 October - 6 November 2006,
Bangkok, Thailand
The refresher course focuses
on earthquake vulnerability reduction and
the role of geo-information and earth
science within this process. The course
centers on the contribution of earth science
spatial information in the process of
earthquake risk management and it has the
following objectives: (1) to communicate the
current state of the art in geodynamics and
seismology, earth observation,
geo-engineering, geophysics, GIS modeling
and decision support for earthquake risk
assessment; (2) to strengthen the knowledge
and skills of earth scientists from
Southeast Asia in the use of spatial
information for earthquake hazard assessment
(3) to improve the understanding of the role
and responsibilities of the various
stakeholders in earthquake disaster risk
management and to discuss the various
methods for earthquake hazard and risk
assessment and earthquake vulnerability
reduction (4) to demonstrate to the
participants the design and set-up of a
disaster management information system (5)
to strengthen connections with the ITC
alumni and (6) to strengthen connections
between ITC, AIT, ADPC and other partners in
the region.
The course is intended for
the following persons: ITC alumni in the
fields of Geoinformatics, Geo-information
Management, Urban Planning and Land
Administration and Earth Resources and
Environmental Geosciences; Representatives
from government organizations and NGO's
responsible for disaster management in
cities prone to earthquake hazards on the
Mekong region; Participants to the 6th Asian
Seismological Conference; Members of the
staff of participating Universities in the
CASITA and BRIDGE projects. Women in related
fields are encouraged to apply.
The course is being jointly
organized by the ITC-The Netherlands, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the
Asian Institute of Technology. Interested
participants may contact Dr. Mark van der
Meijdi, ITC-Netherlands Course Coordinator <meijdi@itc.nl.nl>
and/or Ms. Clarence Carlos, ADPC contact
person <clarence@adpc.net
Visit website for details: <
(28) 9th International
Conference on Global Spatial Data
Infrastructure (GSDI-9), 6-10 November 2006,
Santiago Chile
The theme for the 9th
International Conference of the Global
Spatial Data Infrastructure is " Spatial
Information: Tool for reducing poverty".
This conference will provide an occasion for
interaction and cooperation among
disciplines that use and develop spatial
technologies and databases and with
policy-makers at local, regional and global
levels. GSDI-9 will also provide
opportunities to participate in and attend
plenary sessions, technical sessions and
commercial exhibits.
For more information, please
visit conference website
(29) 34th Regional Course on
Disaster Management (DMC-34), 6-24 November
2005, Bangkok, Thailand
The purpose of this course is
to provide comprehensive disaster management
knowledge and skills to enhance the
capabilities of executive managers who have
key disaster management responsibilities. It
is designed to enable professionals working
in disaster management, development and
donor agencies to effectively integrate
disaster management into their development
programs and policies. Participants will be
encouraged to develop key skills and adopt
proactive attitudes through participation in
lectures and reflection on a range of key
issues raised during discussions and
practical activities. The course is being
organized by the Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC) under the Resource Training
For additional course
information, please see <
(30) Flow
Regimes from International Experimental and
Network Data (FRIEND) 2006 Conference, 27
November-1 December 2006, Havana, Cuba
The objective of the
conference is to present the results of
the UNESCO FRIEND (Flow Regimes from
International Experimental and Network Data)
research programme that has stimulated
international cooperation to meet local and
regional needs. Topics for conference
include Hydrological data, Biophysical
processes, Prediction and forecasting of
hydrological extremes, Hurricane
impacts, Large-scale hydroclimatological
variability, Climate change impacts
and Capacity Building.
For detailed information, please see <http://www.friend-amigo.org/conferencia2006/>.
(31) Using Climate to Predict
Disease Outbreaks: A review
This document was written as
a guidance for the Department for the
Department of Communicable Diseases and
Surveillance and Response (CSR), the
Department of Protection of the Human
Environment (PHE), and the Roll Back Malaria
Department (RBM) on the potential of early
warning systems based on climate variations
to enhance global surveillance and response
to epidemic-prone diseases.
To download, please visit <
(32) Introduction to
International Disaster Management by Damon
P. Coppola
The purpose of " Introduction
to International Disaster Management" is to
provide practitioners, educators and
students with a comprehensive academic
overview of the players, processes, and the
special issues involved in the management of
large-scale natural and technological
disasters that exceed one or more nations to
respond. The book provides a global
perspective on risk, hazards, and disasters.
It explains the various private,
non-governmental, national, and
international agencies that assist in the
preparedness, mitigation, response and
recovery to national and regional events. It
also discusses special issues encountered in
the management of international disasters,
and gives a detailed explanation of the
conflict related to "complex humanitarian
emergencies". The book also serves as a
reference to governmental and other agencies
involved in international disaster
management activities, and is the first of
its kind to take a global approach to the
topic of international disaster management.
The book is due out on
September 2006. To learn more about this
book, please visit <
http://www.books.elsevier.com >
(33) International Charter:
Space and Major Disasters
This is a joint initiative to put space
technology a the service of rescue
authorities in the event of major disasters.
The Charter aims at providing a unified
system of space data acquisition and
delivery to those affected by natural
man-made disasters through Authorize Users.
The images obtained were used by national
rescue teams, United Nations agencies and
non-governmental organizations as base maps
for assessing damage to infrastructures;
measuring the extent of landslides and for
selecting localities where emergency aid was
most needed.
To learn more about the initiative, please
visit <
http://www.disasterscharter.org/ >
(34) Media Kit for Community
Based Disaster Risk Management
This kit has been produced for the Media
Professionals who participated in the
National Media Orientation Workshops in five
project countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao
PDR, Timor Leste and Vietnam). This kit will
serve as a guide for the media professionals
as i) a Handout for the National Orientation
Workshop for Media , ii) to raise the
awareness of media about its role in
disaster reduction and; iii) to enable them
to perform the role in an effective manner.
The media kit is available
for download at <
Disaster to Development - A case study of
tsunami relief in Thailand
This case study documents the
post-tsunami work of North Andaman Tsunami
Relief (NATR). The report aims to give an
overview of how the philosophy and guiding
principles of NATR were put into action, as
well as to analyze the challenges and
successes of the work in this
tsunami-impacted region of Thailand.
Please follow the link to
download <
(36) UNISDR Asia & the
Pacific website
This new webpage by UN/ISDR
provides you with relevant information
related to regional activities, events and
publications that are taking place in Asia &
the Pacific region. This website also
highlights the overall achievements and
progress made by their regional partners and
ISDR Asia & the Pacific in advancing
disaster risk reduction through out the
region, along the lines of the Hyogo
Framework for Action (HFA).
To view, please follow this
link <
http://www.unisdr.org/asiapacific >
(37) Open House International
Open House International (OHI)
aims at improving the quality of built
environment through encouraging greater
sharing of decision making by ordinary
people. It also aims at developing the
necessary institutional frameworks which
will support the local initiatives of
parties in the housing process. It has a
small but solid group of subscribers of
around 400 and publishes quarterly in March,
June, September and December.
To register, please see <
http://www.openhouse-int.com/index.php >
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