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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
31 January 2006
Issue No. 31
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
Through consultations with a number of ADPC
partners, five project countries have been
selected – Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam – for
implementing demonstration projects in each
country in a highly vulnerable city with
recent history of hydro-meteorological
disasters. Other components of the program
consist of capacity building, risk
management advocacy, networking and
dissemination initiatives in the selected
countries. The objective of the program is
to contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. The processes of finalizing
project proposals, and formulating
strategies for project implementation are
ongoing and city demonstration projects are
expected to commence during February-March
(1) ADPC Welcomes
New Member of the Board of Trustees
The Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC) is pleased to
inform you that the new Norwegian Ambassador
to Thailand, H.E. Mrs Merete Fjeld
Brattested (appointed on September 2005) has
accepted the invitation to join the ADPC
Board of Trustees. The invitation was
followed by a briefing on ADPC's work on
disaster management and preparedness in the
region held on 23 January 2006. ADPC is
governed by a Board of Trustees whose
composition is international in character,
reflecting the nature of the Foundation's
work. The Board is responsible for policy
setting and oversight of the operations of
the Foundation according to its objectives
and under the Foundations Charter and
To learn more about ADPC
Board of Trustees' roles and
responsibilities, please visit
(2) Indonesia: Grant to help
boost health and nutrition in
Tsunami-affected Aceh, ADB, 20 January 2006
Manila, Philippines- A US$2 million grant
from ADB's Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction
(JFPR), financed by the Government of Japan,
will help improve the health status of the
tsunami-affected population in Aceh,
Indonesia. The project will complement
activities under the health component of the
ADB's Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency
Support Project and ADB's Decentralized
Health Services Project and will be carried
out in Banda Aceh and the three districts of
Aceh Besar, Aceh Barat, and Aceh Utara
because of their high population density and
large numbers of internally displaced
For further project information, please
(3) Hyogo Framework for Action: A
A Disaster Prevention Symposium to mark the
first year anniversary of the Hyogo
Framework for Action took place in Kobe,
Japan on 18 January 2006. The Hyogo
Framework (HF) is a global blueprint for
disaster reduction efforts for the next 10
years. HF offers guiding principles,
priorities for action and practical means of
achieving disaster resilience for vulnerable
communities. The Hyogo Framework calls on
governments to invest in measures such as
national and local risk assessments, early
warning systems, public awareness and
education, better urban planning and safer
building construction codes. A 6-page
brochure and a 5-minute video have been
prepared by the UN/ISDR for this occasion to
explain the main goals of the Hyogo
Details of HF event, brochure and video can
be viewed at the UN/ISDR website. Please see
(4) 6th Asian Seismological Commission (ASC)
VI General Assembly and Symposium on
Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Preparedness
and Mitigation, 7-10 November 2006, Bangkok,
“Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation” is this year's
6th ASC conference theme. The events are
being organized by the Asian Seismological
Commission (ASC), IASPEI with the Thai
Meteorological Department (TMD), National
Earthquake Committee of Thailand (NECT),
Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) and
the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).
Apart from the conference, symposium
sessions on different scientific themes will
also take place. The ASC organizing
committee is inviting scientists,
seismologists, geophysicists, geologists,
and earthquake engineers as well as experts
from concerned institutions, agencies, and
organizations to contribute and submit
abstracts on (S1) Subduction Zone,
Seismology and Tsunami ; (S2) Strong Motion
Seismology ; (S3) Earthquake Forecast; (S4)
Management/Reduction of Risk; (S5)
Observational Seismology and a Special
Session on the 8 October, 2005 Kashmir
(Pakistan) Earthquake.
The deadline for submission is on 30 April
2006. Please visit 6th ASC General Assembly
website for details
or send an email to the ASC Secretariat at
<asc2006_loc@tmd.go.th> or <asc2006_loc@yahoo.co.th>
(5) Consultation on draft Inter-American
Development Bank policy
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
is in the process of drafting a new Disaster
Risk Management Policy. This policy is
intended to improve the Banks ability to
assist the borrowing member countries in the
attainment of their development goals in
sustainable economic growth, poverty
reduction and promotion of social equity, by
supporting their efforts to proactively
manage disaster risk. The IDB is now
circulating the second round of consultation
and seeking your comments on the Bank's
Disaster Risk Management Policy draft
document. The Draft of the Policy, the
consultation plan and other supporting
documents can be located at
(in English)
(in Spanish).
In the current phase of the consultation
process, the Bank will accept comments until
the 21st of March, 2006. Please contact Mr.
Niels Holm-Nielsen <
> for further details.
(6) The 7th International Symposium on
GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal
Zone Management, 12-16 July 2006, Wollongong
and Sydney New South Wales, Australia
Organizers of this symposium invite
scientists and practitioners interested in
research and application of GIS to all
aspects of coastal science, management and
policy to submit abstract and paper in
following topics: Spatial infrastructure for
the coast; Spatial research ; Management
issues; CoastGIS community. Abstract
submission has been extended until 28
February 2006.
Key sub-themes and issues can be viewed at
(7) The Fourth (4th)
Disaster Management Practitioners (DMP) for
Southeast Asia Workshop
March 8-10, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
“Learning from
community-based practices: Strengthening
policy and partnerships”, the theme for this
year’s workshop, emphasizes the need for
continued learning about community based
approaches to disaster risk reduction and
underlines the importance of formulating
policy and strengthening partnerships for
wider integration of CBDRM into the social
and economic development processes. The 4th
DMP SEA Workshop is being held in the
aftermath of the great Asian tsunami and the
other large scale disasters in the region
and worldwide; e.g. the earthquakes in Nias
Island, Indonesia and Pakistan and hurricane
Katrina in the US. The relevance of
community-based approaches to disaster risk
reduction has been underlined both by the
disastrous events and the response needs, as
well as in the policy and institutional
reform efforts. Likewise is the increasing
need for establishing and strengthening
multi-sectoral partnerships and networking
to promote integration of community based
approaches into broader socio-economic
development processes. The workshop is being
organized under the PDR-SEA project of ADPC.
The workshop is now accepting registrations.
For more information, please contact Kaikim
Chiang at kaikim@adpc.net
(8) The International Symposium on
Management System for Disaster Prevention (ISMD
9-11 March 2006, Kochi, Japan
The Symposium strives to review disaster
prevention systems for better effectiveness
and efficiency. Discussions will focus on
how to do research and investigation on
causes of disaster, how to design and
operate software and hardware
infrastructures, and how to build systems.
Disaster prevention as a system is also
going to be discussed from a management
point of view.
For further information, visit
(9) 2nd Asia Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Seismic Hazard and Damage
Mitigation in the Asian Region, Manila,
Philippines, 10-11March 2006
This conference which is coordinated by the
Asia Council for Earthquake Engineering (ACEE),
will be hosted by the Association of
Structural Engineers of the Philippines ,
Inc (ASEP). ACEE 2006 will provide an
excellent forum to bring together
researchers, professionals, engineers,
scientists and academicians to promote and
exchange new ideas and experiences in the
broad field of seismology,
earthquake engineering, seismic risk and
disaster mitigation.
The conference will be held at the Manila
Pavilion Hotel, Ermita , Manila, Philippines
on 10-11 March 2006. For more information,
please see <http://www.aseponline.org>
or send an email to the ASEP Secretariat at
<aseponline61@yahoo.com>; <asep_acee2006@yahoo.com>.
(10) Third International Conference on
Early Warning (EWIII) - From Concept to
Action , 27-29 March 2006, Bonn, Germany
This year's EWC III will be hosted by
Germany under the auspices of the United
Nations. The conference hopes to attract the
interest of Governments, Parliaments,
International Organizations, practioners,
experts in early warning and disaster risk,
and the scientific community. EWC III
follows the World Conference on Disaster
Reduction (WCDR) which was held in Kobe,
Japan on January 2005, and will focus on
the promotion of selected practical early
warning projects. EWC III subtitle "From
Concept to Action" reflects implementation
of the Hyogo Framework for Action agreed in
To register, please visit
(11) 6th Regional Training Course on
Tsunami and Earthquake Vulnerability
Reduction for Cities (EVRC-6), 27-31 March
2006, Bangladesh
ADPC is pleased to announce the conduct of
the 6th Regional Training Course on Tsunami
and Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction for
Cities (EVRC-6) scheduled to take place in
Bangladesh on 27-31 March 2006. The course
is being organized under the Urban Disaster
Risk Management Team (UDRM) of the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in
collaboration with CARE-Bangladesh . EVRC-6
is designed to provide greater understanding
of the causes and effects of earthquakes and
tsunamis and how to mitigate such impacts
in order to reduce damage and loss of lives
from these destructive events.
For course information, please email Mr.
Muhibuddin Usamah, UDRM Project Coordinator
< muhibuddin@adpc.net >
(12) 100th Anniversary Earthquake
Conference,18-22 April 2006, San Francisco,
The theme for this year's conference is
"Managing Risk in Earthquake Country". The
conference is being organized in
commemoration of the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake. The 100th Anniversary
Earthquake Conference will alo include
EERI's 8th U.S. National Conference on
Earthquake Engineering (8NCEE) and 58th
Annual Meeting, SSA's Centennial Annual
Meeting and the OES Disaster Resistant
California Conference.
Conference details can be viewed at <http://www.1906eqconf.org>.
(13) Public Health in Complex Emergency ,
8-20 May 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
The Public Health in Complex Emergencies
training program (PHCE) is a two-week
residential course that focuses on critical
public health issues faced by NGOs and
Ministry of Health personnel working in
complex emergencies. IRC and World
Education, Inc. have assisted regional
partners at American University of Beirut,
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in
Bangkok and Makerere University Institute of
Public Health in Kampala to implement this
important training program. The goal of the
course is to enhance the capacity of
humanitarian assistance workers and their
organizations to respond to the health needs
of refugees and internally displaced persons
affected by these emergencies.
Please visit website
. Interested participants may also send an
email to Ms. Janette Lauza-Ugsang at <janette@adpc.net>
(14) African Aid Relief and Disaster
Management 2006, 9-11 May 2006, Gallagher
Estate, Midrand, Johannesburg
The conference aims to continue to educate
and update suppliers on UN, Aid Agency &
NGO procurement procedures, policies and
specifications. Typically this conference
includes VIP networking lunches for UN
procurement officers, delegates, speakers
and exhibitors, cocktail parties and private
meeting areas with a computerised
buyer/seller matching system.
For registration please go to
(15) 5th University of California at
Los Angeles (UCLA) Conference on Public
Health and Disasters 21-24 May 2006, Long
Beach, California
This conference is designed for public
health professionals as well as individuals
and organizations from both the public and
private sectors involved in emergency public
health preparedness and response. The
diverse topics will be relevant to public
health and medical practitioners, emergency
medical services professionals, researchers,
and managers involved in the wide range of
emergency public health issues resulting
from natural and human-induced disasters.
For further conference information, please
(16) Third Tsunami Symposium, The Tsunami
Society, 23-25 May 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii
The Third Tsunami Symposium will be held at
the University of Hawaii East-West
Conference Center on 23-25 May 2006. The
Symposium will have sessions on Numerical
Modeling, Tsunami Preparedness, Tsunami
Instrumentation, Experimental Modeling,
Landslide Generated Tsunamis, Hawaii and
Doak Cox, December 26 Asian Tsunami, Risk
Analyis and General Session.
For additional information contact the
Tsunami Society President and Symposium
Chairman, Dr. Barbara Keating at Keating@soest.hawaii.edu
or Program Chairman, Dr. Charles Mader at
Visit website for symposium details
(17) 16th World Conference on
Disaster Management, 18-21 June 2006,
Toronto, Canada
The theme of the 2006 conference is "The
Changing Face of Disaster Management -
A Global Perspective." The conference is
being organized by the Canadian Centre for
Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) in partnership
with the International Association of
Emergency Managers (IAEM) and Disaster
Recovery Institute (DRI). The purpose of
this conference is to listen and learn, plan
and prepare, and educate and exchange views
on the lessons to be learned from all
disciplines of disaster and emergency
Please see website for further conference
(18) United Nations/ESA/Zambia Regional
Workshop on the Applications of Global
Navigation Satellite System Technologies in
Sub-Saharan Africa, 26-30 June 2006, Lusaka,
This Regional Workshop which will take place
in Lusaka, Zambia will focus on the
applications of global navigation satellite
system technologies that benefit the social
and economic growth of the Sub-Saharan
African countries, aims at action planning
for implementing specific applications for
the region. The Office for the Outer Space
Affairs of the United Nations and the
Government of the Republic of Zambia are
responsible for organizing the workshop.
Sponsorship of the Workshop is still open to
interested entities.
Please see website for detailed workshop
or contact Ms. Ayoni Oyeneyin, UN Office for
Outer Space Affairs at < ayoni.oyeneyin@unvienna.org>
for nomination and funding, Ms. Sharafat
Gadimova, UNOOSA for the workshop agenda and
programme and Ms. Beatrice Mwape, the
Central Board of Health (workshop focal
point) at < bmwape@cboh.org.zm> or <
(19) Risk Analysis 2006: 5th
International Conference on Computer
Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard
Mitigation, 19-21 June 2006, Malta
Risk Analysis 2006 is the fifth in this
popular conference series on "Computer
Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard
Mitigation". The conference is being
organized by Wessex Institute of Technology,
UK and sponsored by WIT Transactions on
Ecology and the Environment. Covering a
series of important topics, which are of
current research interest and have practical
applications, the conference is concerned
with all aspects of risk analysis and hazard
mitigation, ranging from specific assessment
of risk to mitigation associated with both
natural and anthropogenic hazards.
For more information, please visit
(20) Regional Training Course on
Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM),
17-28 July 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)
provides an opportunity for participants to
acquire skills and obtain knowledge on “how
to” design and implement programs to reduce
disaster risks and vulnerability and build
community capacity to promote a ‘culture of
safety.’ Through exercises and simulations
they will practice risk assessment and risk
management planning. The participants will
also have a chance to learn about globally
acknowledged programs and projects on
community based disaster risk management
from leaders of these initiatives. In
particular the cases will include examples
from the South Asia , South East Asia and
Pacific regions. The course is being
organized by the Training Resource Group (TRG)
of ADPC.
For more information on the course, please
contact the Training Resource Group Leader
at: < tedadpc@adpc.net >
(21) International Disaster Reduction
Conference (IDRC), 27 August –1 September
2006, Davos, Switzerland
The conference will address different kinds
of risks (e.g. risks due to natural hazards,
technical risks, biological and chemical
risks, but also pandemics, terrorism,
climate change, endemic risks, etc.). A
truly integrated and participative approach
is planned to ensure that the valuable
lessons learned about risk reduction from a
wide spectrum of fields are applied
correctly for the benefit of communities,
countries, and regions. The IDRC Davos 2006
will be a valuable forum and strategic
platform for the world’s risk management
community. The program will include topical
plenary sessions and panel debates,
scientific and policy-oriented thematic
sessions, special regional sessions for
Africa, Asia, North and Latin America and
Europe and side events organized by
different international and national
organizations, exhibits, and special
recognition of international pioneers in
risk reduction.
For further conference information, please
(22) First European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
(1ECEES), 3-8 September 2006 Geneva,
The First European Conference on Earthquake
Engineering and Seismology (1ECEES) 2006 is
a joint event of the 13th European
Conference on Earthquake Engineering (EAEE)
and 30th General Assembly of the European
Seismological Commission (ESC). This
conference will provide excellent
opportunities for exchanges between
seismologists and earthquake engineers. A
comprehensive grant program, financed by the
Swiss Government, will support the
participation of students and young
researchers from economically weak
For more information about the conference,
please see
(23) 34th Regional Course on
Disaster Management (DMC-34), 6-24 November
2005, Bangkok, Thailand
The purpose of this course is to provide
comprehensive disaster management knowledge
and skills to enhance the capabilities
of executive managers who have key disaster
management responsibilities. It is designed
to enable professionals working in
disaster management, development and donor
agencies to effectively integrate disaster
management into their development programs
policies. Participants will be encouraged to
develop key skills and adopt proactive
attitudes through participation in
lectures and reflection on a range of key
issuses rasied during discussions and
practical activities. The course is being
organized by
the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
under the Resource Training Group.
For additional course information, please
(24) Flow Regimes from International
Experimental and Network Data (FRIEND) 2006
Conference, 27 November-1 December 2006,
Havana, Cuba
The objective of the conference is to
present the results of the UNESCO FRIEND
(Flow Regimes from International
Experimental and Network
Data) research programme that has stimulated
international cooperation to meet local and
regional needs. Topics for conference
include Hydrological data, Biophysical
processess, Prediction and forecasting of
hydrological extremes, Hurricane impacts,
Large-scale hydroclimatological variability,
Climate change impacts and Capacity
For detailed information, please see <http://www.friend-amigo.org/conferencia2006/>
(25) Curbing Corruption in
Tsunami Relief Operations
This publication contains proceedings of the
Jakarta Expert Meeting organized by the ADB/OECD
Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the
Pacific and Transparency International
hosted by the Government of Indonesia on 7-8
April 2005. The meeting brought together the
six worst-hit-countries--India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
This publication assembles the meeting's
issue papers and conclusions, providing a
useful resource for the wide range of
individuals and organizations working to
ensure equitable tsunami assistance.
To download, please see
(26) The World Disasters Report 2005
: Focus on information in disasters
The "World Disasters Report 2005" which
focuses on information in disasters
published by the International Federation of
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
is now available.
The report calls
on agencies to focus less on gathering
information for their own needs and more on
exchanging information with the people they
seek to support. The IFRC 2005 report
features Data or dialogue?; The role of
information in disasters; Hurricane early
warning in the Caribbean; Locusts in West
Africa: early warning, late response;
Information black hole in Aceh; Sharing
information for tsunami recovery in South
Asia; Humanitarian media coverage in the
digital age; Radio in Afghanistan:
challenging perceptions, changing behaviour;
Disaster data: key databases, trends and
statistics; Plus: photos, tables, maps,
graphics, Red Cross Red Crescent contacts
and index.
To view chapter summaries,
please see
(27) ECHOES December 2005-
January 2006 Issue, Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center
The theme for this issue is "Media and
Disasters". Echoes is a monthly online
e-magazine of the Community of Disaster
Practitioners in Southeast Asia. It is an
informal community site seeking to provide a
platform for networking,
camaraderie-building, and information
sharing among disaster professionals in the
You can now view ECHOES e-zine
(28) Disaster Management
Handbook for Bangladesh
Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre (BDPC)
has developed a managerial structure which
can be implemented at pre, during and post
disaster relief operation to face rush
control and to avoid stampede (sketch
presented as attachment). The simple yet
effective system operation can easily be
implemented to avoid tragic death and
injuries. The book is published both in
English and Bangla. The book will help
people and orginzations to prepare them for
what to do when disaster strikes.
For more information , please email Zakia
Shamim Chowdhury, Documentation Officer,
Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre at <zakia@bdpc.org.bd>
(29) Aceh Media Center
This website provides information and
explanation on school condition in Aceh
(number of displaced schools, number of
missing teachers, displaced students, etc.
It is a survey result done by UNICEF and
Mapala UI (Adventure Club of University of
Please see website for
(30) e-Aceh-Nias.Org:
Unitary Website for Aceh and North Sumatra
Reconstruction Information Sharing
The summary and one year full report of the
Aceh and Nias Recovery Effort and Way
Forward can now be downloaded from this
website initiated by the Government of
Indonesia and the Donor Community .
Please visit website to download
(31) Disaster Watch: One Year After
Tsunami :
Tsunami Update - 6
The 6th Edition of Disaster Watch contains
compilation of articles related to the
Tsunami efforts, activities and initiatives
taken one year after the December 26 2004
disaster event. The articles highlight the
roles of women in the aftermath of the
To download articles, please
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