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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
December 2007
Issue No. 54
The Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE), funded by USAID/OFDA,
commenced from October 2005. Through
consultations with a number of ADPC
partners, five project countries have been
selected – Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam – for
implementing demonstration projects in each
country in a highly vulnerable city with
recent history of hydro-meteorological
disasters. Other components of the program
consist of capacity building, risk
management advocacy, networking and
dissemination initiatives in the selected
countries. The objective of the program is
to contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. The main activities from
October to December
2007 are implementing the
small-scale mitigation projects for each
city, planning for the conduct of national
courses, and development of case study
for December 2007 and January 2008
– BDPC has begun to implement the
small-scale disaster mitigation projects
in the wards under PROMISE Bangladesh.
Meetings for preliminary arrangements
and data gathering were conducted
throughout the month. This month,
preparations were undertaken for the
school simulations and for the
Search-and-Rescue training targeted for
January. Activities for next month
include the full-scale implementation of
the small-scale disaster mitigation
projects, school simulations,
development of school disaster
management plans, and emergency response
and SAR training.
– AKPBS,P in consultation with the six
participating communities designed the
small-scale disaster mitigation and
their implementation are just pending
funds transfer. The following are the
projects approved by ADPC: (1) Street
Raising and Improving Drainage Lines in
Aliabad Hyderabad; (2) Mitigating Flood
through Improved Storm Water Drainage
System in Maheshwari Colony, Hyderabad;
(3) Reducing Vulnerability of
Communities through Flood Mitigation
Demo Projects in Thakur Colony, Tando
Yousif, Hyderabad; (4) Reducing Physical
Vulnerability through Developing Flood
Mitigation Infrastructure; (5) Improving
Main Pumping Station of Hali Road
Latifabad Hyderabad; and (6)
Installation and Rehabilitation of
Draining Line in Union Council 2
Latifabad. Terms of partnership have
already been signed in five of the
concerned communities. The project
‘Improving Pumping Station of Hali Road
Latifabad, Hyderabad’ was reviewed in a
meeting held on December 10 with
sub-District Government, Latifabad. The
sub-District Government has agreed to
fund a major part of the project.
The PROMISE Pakistan team organized two
health and hygiene workshops in Thakur
Colony and GOR Colony on 18 and 20
December 2007 respectively. Thirty-four
females participated during the workshop
at Thakur Colony, and 27 females
participated at GOR colony. The
resource persons highlighted the
importance of different components of
hygiene and involved participants in
role playing about the causes of
diseases. Topics included: Personal
Hygiene, Domestic Hygiene, Environmental
Hygiene, and Food Hygiene.
A one-day orientation training on
‘Advocacy and Networking’ was organized
for 18 members of six disaster
management committees formed under
PROMISE project on December 11 at
Latifabad. The resource persons were
Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Sheerani and Mr.
Hakeem Khoso. Topics included: Advocacy
and its Importance; Issues, Goals, and
Objectives: Building the Foundation;
Identifying Support and Opposition; Data
Collection; and Advocacy for
Mainstreaming Disaster into Development
– On
December 10, the City Council passed
Ordinance 367 of 2007 creating an
Emergency Operation Center of Dagupan
City, which is a good step towards the
sustainability and mainstreaming of
disaster risk management. The center’s
annual budget is PhP 10 million (about
USD 240,000): two million for
operational expenses including the
salary of three full time staff, and 8
million for the building of the
Emergency Operation Center and its
equipment. The PROMISE Philippines team
still advocates for the EOC not only to
be part of the emergency scenario but be
a part of the preparedness aspect like
the monitoring of the impending hazards,
and public awareness on hazards and
preparedness for upcoming disasters.
The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP),
ADPC, All lndia Disaster Mitigation
Institute, ProVention, UNDP South-South
Cooperation, and CADRI formed the
Training and Learning Circle (TLC). TLC
aims to help trainers and learners
enhance their knowledge, skills and
proper attitude in community-based
disaster risk management (CBDRM). TLC
Philippines was launched on December 14.
The participants for the launching came
from different local NGO’s, different
international donors; and from local
government units (LGUs) including
Dagupan City (represented by TWG member
Ms. Emma Molina); Camiguin Province, and
Makati City. There were 69 participants
from different parts of the Philippines
and from other countries. Philippine
PROMISE team being both trainers and
learners gave their commitment to
enhance CBDRM training in the country.
Ms. Thelma Abdulrahman of the Department
of the Interior and Local Government
(Republic of the Philippines)
coordinated with CDP and organized a
one-day Consultation and Workshop on
Mainstreaming DRR into the Comprehensive
Development Plan and the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. Representatives from the
DILG and LGUs were invited to attend the
said workshop. The objective is to
rationalize (organize and synthesize)
over 20 different plans of each city and
municipality into a single comprehensive
development plan that includes their DRR.
PROMISE Philippines Team members made
presentations during the workshop: Ms.
Lorna Victoria of CDP presented the
different concepts of DRR, while Ms.
Molina of Dagupan City Government
presented the Dagupan Experience
highlighting their disaster risk
reduction plans. Ms. Luneta of CDP and
Mr. Rhoderick Dawis of Dagupan City
Government attended the event held on
December 20 at the Rembrandt Hotel in
Quezon City.
Activities for next month include:
Community Landslide Risk Reduction
Seminar of the Asian Program for
Regional Capacity Enhancement for
Landslide Impact Mitigation (RECLAIM);
Study Tour of Different Oxfam
Organizations in Dagupan City; and Study
Tour of the TWG and CDCC in Pampanga and
–PROMISE Sri Lanka is in a process of getting
nationally-accepted SOPs for the
Disaster Management Centre – Kalutara.
The national government maintains
uniqueness in all the SOPs implemented
by district-level DMCs, so the project
has linked its efforts with the
national-level DMC, through the
assistance of Ms. Geethi Karunarathne of
the DMC. Sarvodaya is now the first NGO
sharing this type of task with the DMC.
GPS locations were taken of the places
submerged by flood during the rainy
season. Technical support was provided
by the NBRO for the task. The detailed
report by Mr. Dharmasena of NBRO and the
completed map of the potential locations
for flood gauges were handed over to Dr.
Nandalal of the Univ. of Peradeniya to
calibrate the Kalu Ganga flood model he
developed. Additional small-scale
disaster mitigation projects are being
developed, one on drainage of Daham Road
in Kalutara, and another on micro-credit
scheme to reduce vulnerability. Planned
activities for the next month include:
CBDRM training for 50 volunteers of
Kalutara; complete the task of
development of SOP s to Kalutara EOC; to
work on initiating mitigation projects;
installation of flood gauges along the
Kalu river; start activities on land use
planning; and initiate micro-credit
– CECI conducted a drawing competition on Disaster
Preparedness and Living Environment
Protection in primary schools of the
three project wards was held
successfully with participation from 410
pupils from 4th and 5th
grade. The objectives of the competition
were to (i) highlight the importance of
raising awareness on disaster
preparedness and living environment
protection for community members of all
ages; (ii) collect drawings that could
eventually be used by the project team
to develop training and awareness
material on disaster preparedness and
living environment protection as well as
disaster risk mitigation issues. The
competition covered different themes
specified as Activities that children
can do to help family to prepare for
coping a disaster and keeping living
environment clean; Early warning
systems, Communication during a
disaster, Role of the community before,
during and after a disaster, Safe
evacuation, Clean water and hygiene and
Rescue activities. Winning entries will
be used to develop picture books and a
2008 calendar with awareness-raising
messages and “do” and “don’t” advice.
The competition was held in
collaboration with the Education
Department of Cam Le district and
involved teachers, people’s committee of
wards, and the district project steering
Development of design and cost estimates
of the four approved structural
subprojects, namely upgrading of flood
drain, inter-field dyke sections (two
sections) and evacuation bridge and
road, continued to proceed. As part of
the capacity building strategy, the
consultant engineer of the project
assisted the district and ward in
revising the designs and cost estimates
to ensure technicality and
sustainability of these projects.
Meetings were held between the project
teams and ward’s PC and designer to
finalize the design options and agree on
the local community’s contribution as
well as project’s contribution. It was
expected that design and cost estimates
of the mentioned projects would be
finalized and submitted to the district
for their appraisal and evaluation in
early January 2008, and construction
would start afterwards.
The project team has finished revision
of the other two subprojects, Community
Awareness Raising on Disaster
Preparedness and Building Practices and
Improving Emergency Response of Cam Le
district. Proposals were sent to ADPC
team for their comments and approval.
In preparation for implementation of the
Community Awareness Raising on Disaster
Preparedness and Building Practices, a
refresher course on lesson planning and
practicum was held for 14 Change Agents
(five females and nine males) of the six
wards of Cam le district and Ngu Hanh
Son district. The purpose of was to
strengthen their CBDRM delivery skills
and promote an exchange of experience
between the newly trained and
experienced trainers.
Avalanche kills 13 in northeast Afghanistan,
December 11
(based on a report from IRIN)
Thirteen people were killed by an avalanche
in northeastern Afghanistan on December 11
according to the Afghanistan National
Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA). Four
people were injured and 15 were rescued
alive. Extreme winter conditions and
avalanches are also a recurrent feature in
mountainous areas that make up about 63
percent of the country, according to The
Environment Times, a UN Environment
Programme (UNEP) publication.
(2) Avian and Human Influenza initiative
The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC), CARE, the International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
and the International Rescue Committee (IRC)
have formed a partnership to implement the
“Strengthening Community Based Approaches to
Management of Avian and Human Influenza in
Asia” project. We invite all individuals
and organisations involved in
community-based management of AHI in the
Asia region to take part in the project by
sharing your experiences. Please visit our
website to access newsletters, project news
and events, and schedules of meetings:
The project is funded by the Asian
Development Bank.
(3) Floods and landslides in Indonesia
(based on reports from IRIN, Reuters and
Torrential rains throughout Indonesia since
mid-December have caused numerous landslides
in central Java and extensive flooding in
most of Java, West Sumatra and West Nusa
Tenggara. Landslides and floods triggered
by heavy rain have left more than 120 people
dead or missing on Indonesia's Java island.
Overflow from the Bengawan Solo River
submerged 6616 houses as floods rose as high
as two meters in most parts of the city.
About 40 people were missing after floods
swept away a bridge in Madiun district. In
neighbouring Central Java province, about
1,000 rescuers, police and soldiers worked
to unearth people buried in mud from steep
slopes in Tawangmangu, a hilly area that has
been hardest hit by landslides on Java.
Landslides and floods are regular in
Indonesia and many blame deforestation.
(4) Call for Papers: Conference on
Information Systems for Crisis Management
The joint Conference on Information Systems
for Crisis Management combines the programs
offered by the 3rd International China
Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis
Response and Management (ISCRAM-CHINA) and
the 4th International Symposium on
Geo-Information for Disaster Management
(Gi4DM). The language of the conference is
English. Papers are invited that deal with
any aspect of the design, development,
deployment, operation, or evaluation of
information systems for crisis management (ISCRAM
track) and/or the collection,
management, analysis, sharing and
visualization of geo-information for
disaster management (Gi4DM track).
Authors should focus on the tools,
functionality, and/or interfaces that are
being or should be provided to human users
involved with crisis response and
management. Contributions are invited that
cover crisis management in any phase,
intersection of phases, and/or integration
of phases of Planning, Training, Mitigation,
Detection, Alerting, Response, Recovery, and
Prospective authors must submit an abstract
of their paper by January 15, 2008, and
indicate whether they submit to the ISCRAM
track (for papers focusing on Information
Systems) or to the Gi4DM track (for papers
focusing on Geo-Information). Upon
acceptance, authors will be invited to
submit their full paper by April 1, 2008.
All abstracts and papers will be evaluated
and selected by the International Scientific
Committee. Abstracts and full papers must
use the Conference Template which is
available from
http://www.iscram.org (ISCRAM-CHINA2008
menu). Submissions by e-mail only to the
following address:
iscramchina@hrbeu.edu.cn. For more
information, please go to:
http://www.iscram.org/ and
Call for Applications: Summer Academy on
The Munich Re Foundation and the United
Nations University Environment and Human
Security (UNU-EHS) have announced the third
annual Summer Academy on Social
Vulnerability, with a theme of
“Environmental Change, Social Vulnerability,
and Migration.” The 2008 Summer Academy
will be held July 20-26, 2008, at the
historic Hohenkammer Castle (Schloss
Hohenkammer) in the countryside outside of
Munich, Germany. Qualified Ph.D. candidates
working on dissertations related to
environmental change, migration, and social
vulnerability are invited to apply for the
2008 Summer Academy by January 15, 2008.
Applications should be submitted online at
(6) Call for Papers: Annual Hazards and
Disasters Student Paper Competition
The Natural Hazards Center is pleased to
announce its fifth annual Hazards and
Disasters Student Paper Competition. Papers
may present current research, literature
reviews, theoretical arguments, or case
studies. Subject matter may include, but is
not limited to, floods/floodplain
management, Hurricane Katrina, earthquakes,
climate change, warning systems, hazard
mitigation, emergency management,
vulnerability, or other topics relevant to
the social/behavioral aspects of hazards and
disasters. Papers will be judged on their
originality, organization, and demonstrated
knowledge of the topic. One undergraduate
and one graduate winner each will receive
$100; mention in the Natural Hazards
Observer; publication on the Natural
Hazards Center Web site; and an invitation
to the Annual Hazards Workshop in Boulder,
Colorado, registration fees included. The
deadline for submission is March 14, 2008.
Additional information is available at:
(7) Mountain GIS e-Conference: January 14 to
25, 2008
The two-week GIS (geographic information
systems) e-conference is being organised
jointly by ICIMOD and the Mountain Forum
Secretariat (MFS) to promote geo-information
science and technology for integrated
mountain development. The free e-conference
accepts paper submissions and showcases of
an organization’s work. The conference
themes include applications and decision
support systems for and vulnerability
mapping. To participate or get more
information, please go to the website:
(8) International Symposium on the
Restoration Program from Giant Earthquakes
and Tsunamis – Phuket, Thailand: January 22
to 24, 2008
The symposium marks the end of the
three-year project “The Restoration Program
from Giant Earthquakes and Tsunamis”. This
symposium will bring together leading
researchers related to the project, in the
field of seismology, civil engineering and
social sciences to elaborate the proposal
toward ultimate restoration from the
earthquake and tsunami disasters in the
affected countries due to the 2004 Indian
Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, and also
discuss future development of measures for
the mitigation of disasters due to giant
earthquakes and tsunamis. Establishing
networks of international and
interdisciplinary researchers will be
encouraged. For more information, go to the
or contact
Professor Teruyuki Kato, Earthquake Research
Institute, the University of Tokyo,
(9) Disaster Risk Reduction: 2007 Global
Review, UNISDR, 2007
The Disaster Risk Reduction: 2007 Global
Review contrasts and compares contemporary
trends and patterns in disaster risk with
the progress being made by countries in
implementing the priorities for action
outlined by the Hyogo Framework. The Review
identifies scenarios of intensive risk
(where concentrations of people and economic
activities are likely to experience
catastrophic disaster impacts from
large-scale hazard events) and scenarios of
extensive risk (where more dispersed
populations are likely to experience highly
localised, low intensity but cumulative
disaster impacts from small-scale, mainly
climatic hazards). To download the
document, please go to:
(10) Communicating Disasters: An Asia
Pacific Resource Book, TVE-AP and UNDP
Bangkok, 2007
Communicating Disasters: An Asia Pacific
Resource Book looks at how information,
education and communication can help create
disaster resilient communities across the
Asia Pacific. It brings together 21 authors
who share their experiences and insights on
effective communication before, during and
after disasters. The book has a special
focus on the communication lessons learned
from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The
book is co-published by TVE Asia Pacific and
the UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok.
(11) Avalanche Research Media Library
This site contains a large collection of
videos, accident reports, photographs, maps,
television shows, and audio files about
avalanches. The site lists a goal of acting
as a memory bank for the avalanche community
on both a local and global scale. Users can
browse the collection and submit their own
videos and documents for the community. To
visit the site, please go to:
(12) Country Focus 4: Nepal
This section is a focus on online resources
on the countries under the GUGSA project or
PROMISE program, both funded by USAID. The
countries that will be featured are (in
order): Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand
and Viet Nam. Here is a list of online
resources on Nepal:
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by Month
Oct, Nov, Dec
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