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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
July 2009
Issue No. 70
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
The objective of the program is to
contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. Components of the program
consist of capacity building in
hydro-meteorological disaster risk
reduction, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives,
and city demonstration projects in selected
countries. Through consultations with a
number of ADPC partners, five project
countries were selected in 2005 for
implementing demonstration projects in a
highly vulnerable city with recent history
of hydro-meteorological disasters –
Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka, and Vietnam. The projects in
Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Vietnam were
finished by June 2008. The projects in the
Philippines and Sri Lanka were given
supplementary activities, while a project in
Indonesia began in February 2008. The main
activities for July are to finish the
country projects. A new phase for PROMISE
will begin in August.
August 2009:
– PROMISE ID focused on the completion of
the remaining activities of the project.
The team worked on the completion of the
SMAN 8 school action plan, SOP for the
school flood early warning system, and
simulation of the communication protocol for
flood alerts. The eBook on flood disaster
mitigation was finalized, and is available
online on the PROMISE pages (see Resources
section). The flood EWS was handed over to
the communities and Jakarta Provincial
Government. Remaining activities are
project auditing and writing of the final
Dagupan City commemorated Disaster
Preparedness Day last July 16 with several
activities under the theme of disaster
preparedness, including a poster-making
contest among high school students, a
city-wide one minute of silence and
contemplation to remember the North Luzon
earthquake on 16 July 1990, and a planning
meeting among city stakeholders for the
city-wide earthquake and fire drill that was
executed on July 21. The drill involved the
banks and business establishments in the
liquefaction-prone business district. The
drill was evaluated by the Regional Disaster
Coordinating Council, and the city’s
Disaster Coordinating Council earned a score
of 95%. On July 17 and 18, Prof. Galliard
and Emman Maceda of the University of the
Philippines helped the Barangay Mangin
Disaster Coordinating Council update and
improve their 3D risk map. The DRR training
workshop for public school teachers was held
on July 23. It was attended by the
principals, teachers, and disaster point
persons from the primary and secondary
schools in Dagupan City. The PROMISE team
distributed IEC materials to the
participants. During the workshop, city
education Superintendent Ruby Torio issued a
memorandum to: organize a district-wide DRR
organization, require a hazard map/risk
assessment per school; and provide feedback
on the IEC materials distributed during the
workshop. The PROMISE experience in CBDRM
has been made into a CBDRM Training Manual
entitled Kahandaan, Katatagan at
Kaunlaran ng Komunidad, written by Ms.
Lorna P. Victoria of the Center for Disaster
Preparedness. A version for consultation
was reproduced and distributed to 100
participants of the Northern Luzon DRR
Network workshop on July 28. Ms. Padma
Karunaratne of ADPC attended the event; the
highlights include action planning for DRR
and climate change adaptation and a covenant
signing for DRR among the different public
officials of the various municipalities,
cities and provinces that constitute the
network. Finally, UNISDR invited Dagupan
City to make a presentation on the PROMISE
Philippines experience at the UNISDR
conference “Building a Local Government
Alliance for DRR” in August.
– This month, the PROMISE SL team continued
the work on the project activities. The
disaster management plan has been finished;
only the information boards showing hazard
maps need to be put up in the selected
strategic places around the city. All the
remaining training programs for the health
sector were conducted this month.
Construction work on the last two drains and
the set up of the DRR resource center will
be continued next month.
From the Region
(1) Japan reports first case
of Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 flu, July 3
(based on a report by Xinhua)
The Japanese health ministry
reported the first detected, genetic
mutation of the new H1N1 strain of influenza
A that develops resistance to the anti-flu
drug Tamiflu. The Tamiflu-resistant virus
was detected in a woman in her 40s infected
with the new influenza in Osaka Prefecture;
she recovered after being administered
Relenza, another anti-flu drug. The first
case of H1N1 that showed resistance to
Tamiflu was reported in Denmark at the end
of last month.
Other updates in July:
Thailand Puts Flu
Cooperation on ASEAN Foreign Ministers'
Agenda (link)
WHO suspends reporting of
H1N1 case counts (link)
Changes in reporting
requirements for pandemic (H1N1) 2009
virus infection (link)
cases of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 as
officially reported to WHO by States
Parties to the IHR (link)
(2) Climate change hit list
(based on a report from IRIN)
The World Bank has made a
list of the five main threats arising from
climate change: droughts, floods, storms,
rising sea levels, and greater uncertainty
in agriculture. Four of the world's poorest
nations top the list of the 12 countries at
the highest risk, and two of the four are
from Asia – Bangladesh and Vietnam.
Bangladesh heads the list of countries most
at risk of flooding. Increasing glacial melt
from the Himalayan ranges as a result of
rising global temperatures is set to swell
the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and their
hundreds of tributaries, flooding 30-70
percent of the country each year as the
water makes its way to the Bay of Bengal in
the south, where the coast is also
vulnerable to flooding from rising sea
levels. Vietnam is most threatened by
rising sea levels: up to 16 percent of its
area, 35 percent of its people, and 35
percent of its gross domestic product could
be hard hit if the sea level rises by five
meters, according to another World Bank
study. The Philippines, a middle-income
country, leads the list of nations most in
danger of facing frequent and more intense
storms. Other Asian countries in the list
are: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, and Viet Nam. View the complete list
Dengue outbreak in Sri Lanka
(based on a report from IRIN)
Sri Lankan health authorities
are facing one of the worst dengue outbreaks
in years - more than 15,500 cases and 168
deaths have been reported since January,
according to the Ministry of Health. The
central hill district of Kandy is the worst
affected, with about 2,200 cases. The
government has taken steps to contain its
spread, including public awareness
campaigns, outdoor spraying campaigns and
clean-up operations. At the same time, it is
trying to import a bacterium, Bacillus
Thuringiensis Israelensis or BTI, which can
kill the mosquito at the larvae stage. The
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates
that some 2.5 billion people are now at risk
and a possible 50 million dengue infections
worldwide annually.
(4) Floods in Asia
(based on reports from Alertnet)
Dozens of people have been
killed after heavy rains triggered severe
flooding in southern and central China and
northern regions of Vietnam. Torrential
rains have forced more than 300,000 people
to flee their homes in China, according to
the state-run Xinhua news agency. Meanwhile,
a landslide caused by torrential rain killed
about 30 people in northern Myanmar at the
weekend when it swept away their homes,
which were built on a mine dump. Heavy
rains have caused floods in Pakistan, India
and Vietnam. In the southern Indian state of
Orissa, at least 36 people have died and
half a million homes have been inundated by
monsoon downpours; more rains are expected.
In Pakistan, 26 people died in the southern
city of Karachi on July 18-19 when rains
flooded low-lying areas, damaging hundreds
of homes, downing power lines and inundating
power stations. Heavy rains across the
southern Philippines have resulted in
massive flooding in many low-lying areas of
Mindanao Island; about 160,000 people in
central Mindanao or about 31,955 families
have been affected so far, and large parts
remain inundated. Meanwhile, traffic ground
to a halt in Hanoi, Viet Nam amid flooding.
B. Calls for Submission
(5) Call for Participation:
ALNAP Survey on the Humanitarian System
Active Learning Network for
Accountability and Performance in
Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), a UK-based
network, is conducting a “State of the
Humanitarian System” review. The survey is
a component of a study assessing the overall
composition and performance of the
international humanitarian system, and its
current strengths and weaknesses. To
go to:
(6) Call for Submissions: A
Policy-Focused Approach to Natural Hazards
and Disasters
Submissions are now being
accepted for a special issue of the Journal
of Natural Resources Policy Research.
Publishers are looking for
cross-disciplinary and transnational papers
that examine the causes and consequences of
natural disasters, with a special emphasis
on crafting comprehensive disaster policy
solutions. Topics can include policy
frameworks for natural disaster management,
public-private disaster management
partnerships, risk and vulnerability
assessment, global climate change and
natural disasters, implementation of
disaster mitigation policies, adaptive
management and natural disasters, promoting
disaster-resilient communities, or
trans-boundary disaster management.
Deadline: August 30, 2009. For more
information, visit the Call for
(7) Second call for
nominations for the Habitat Scroll of Honour
The United Nations Human
Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT) is still
accepting nominations to the Habitat Scroll
of Honour. The award acknowledges
initiatives that made outstanding
contributions in all areas of shelter
provision and improving the quality of urban
life. Please send your nominations and
submissions to
whd@unhabitat.org before 15 August 2009.
Submission guidelines are available here:
C. Conferences and Courses
(6) Building a Local
Government Alliance for DRR: Incheon,
Republic of Korea – 11-13 August 2009
Organizers: UNISDR and Incheon Metropolitan
UNISDR and Incheon City are
organizing a conference to stimulate a
constructive debate on priority areas of
common concern in disaster risk reduction,
particularly with respect to their
implications at the local level. The
conference will be mainly targeted to local
government representatives, but will also
see the active participation and
contribution of national governments, United
Nations organizations, as well as NGOs and
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). For
more information please consult the
conference website
Regional Training Course on
Incident Command System for Disaster
Management – Phuket, Thailand: 10-16 August
Organizers: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center. This course is
designed to enable practitioners to operate
efficiently during an incident or event
within the Incident Command System (ICS).
This course focuses on the management of
single resources. The objectives of the ICS
course is to provide participants with the
in-depth knowledge on Incident Command
System, describe the ICS organization
appropriate to the complexity of the
incident or event and use ICS to manage an
incident or event efficiently. The proposed
training will offer course work, hands on
training with series of table top simulation
exercises, lessons learned, good practices
and field visit. For more information,
download the brochure from:
(8) Third Central Asia GIS
Conference – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: 27-28
August 2009
Organizers: Kyrgyz State
University for Construction, Transportation
& Architecture. This conference will bring
together practitioners from Central Asian
countries. The topics to be discussed
include GIS for Environmental Management,
Emergency Management, and Health. UN-SPIDER
will be organizing a pre-conference meeting
on August 26 and will be providing funding
support for experts from the disaster
management community to attend this meeting
as well as the conference. Further
information can be obtained by e-mail:
gisca09@aca-giscience.org or from the
conference website:
(9) World Climate Conference
– Geneva, Switzerland: 31 August to 4
September 2009
Organizers: World
Meteorological Organization and the World
Climate Program. This conference is
arranged around a theme of climate
prediction and information for decision
making. It intends to develop an
international framework to guide the
creation of climate services linking
scientific predictions with risk management
and adaptation. For more information,
please visit:
(10) 18th Regional
Training Course on Community Based Disaster
Risk Reduction (CBDRR) – Bangkok, Thailand:
31 Aug – 11 Sept 2009
Organizer: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC). The CBDRR
course provides an opportunity for
practitioners to learn essential skills and
knowledge in community-based disaster risk
management to address implementation
challenges in a systematic manner. CBDRR
participants acquire tools and obtain
knowledge on how to design and implement
programs for reducing disaster risks and
vulnerability and building community
capacity to promote a "culture of safety."
For inquiries, send email to
(11) 10th
International Conference on Structural
Safety and Reliability – Osaka, Japan:
September 13-17, 2009
Organizers: International
Association for Structural Safety and
Reliability. This conference provides the
opportunity for scientists and engineers to
share knowledge, experience, and information
on structural safety and reliability.
Special emphasis will be placed on advanced
technologies, analytical and computational
methods of risk analysis, damage assessment,
social aspects, and urban planning.
D. Useful Resources
World Health Statistics 2009,
WHO published its annual
compilation of data from its 193 Member
States, and includes a summary of progress
towards the health-related Millennium
Development Goals and targets. The edition
contains a new section on reported cases of
selected infectious diseases. To download
the report, available in all UN languages,
go to:
(13) Nepal: Political and
Economic Update, ADB, 2009
(14) Cultural Competency for
Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response
Disasters create culturally
diverse victims and now U.S. Health and
Human Services is offering a program for
disaster responders to deal with them in a
culturally competent way. The Cultural
Competency Curriculum for Disaster
Preparedness and Crisis Response is a free,
four-part online course that equips workers
with the awareness and skills to provide
culturally appropriate service during
disasters. Access the course here:
(15) This month in Asia’s
disaster history
This July, the Philippines
commemorated National Disaster Preparedness
Month. The date was chosen because of the
North Luzon earthquake on July 16, 1990. It
was one of the strongest and most
destructive earthquakes to hit the
Philippines with a magnitude of 7.8 on the
Richter scale. The epicenter of the event
was located at 15º 42' N and 121º 7' E, near
the town of Rizal, Nueva Ecija province, at
a depth of 28 km. This major earthquake was
accompanied by other destructive geologic
processes – surface faulting, liquefaction,
landslides and debris flows. It resulted in
a death toll of 1283, 2786 people injured
and 321. Actual damages exceeded PhP
18.7. The earthquake produced a 125 km-long
ground rupture that essentially followed the
pre-earthquake active fault trace. The
earthquake caused major damage for three
major cities clustered around the epicenter
– Baguio, Cabanatuan and Dagupan. The
strength of the earthquake and widespread
nature of the damage to infrastructure
resulted in an initial slow rescue and
relief effort. Baguio was isolated for a
few days because the city was built over a
mountain, and the earthquake had cut off
access to it via its highways. In the
aftermath of the earthquake, a review was
made of the role of the decentralized
disaster coordination councils and prompted
improvement of the Philippine’s systematic
disaster preparedness and mitigation
measures. Learn more about the earthquake
and organizational disaster preparedness
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