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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
November 2009
Issue No. 74
This newsletter is published
through the Program for Hydro-meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE), funded by USAID/OFDA,
commenced from October 2005. The objective
of the program is to contribute towards
reduction of vulnerability of urban
communities through enhanced preparedness
and mitigation of hydro-meteorological
disasters in South and Southeast Asia. Six
cities highly vulnerable to
hydro-meteorological disasters were selected
for implementing demonstration projects on
disaster mitigation by urban communities
from 2006 to 2009 – Chittagong (Bangladesh),
Hyderabad (Pakistan), Jakarta (Indonesia),
Dagupan (Philippines), Kalutara (Sri Lanka),
and Da Nang (Viet Nam). The program is now
being implemented in Jamalpur (Bangladesh),
Pasig (the Philippines), and Matara (Sri
Typhoon Parma vs. PROMISE
On October 8, Dagupan City in
the Philippines was submerged by the worst
flooding in Northern Luzon history with over
500 casualties and at least PhP 7
billion-worth of damage to properties.
Other cities and municipalities were also
badly affected by floods that came from a
combination of rain from Typhoon Parma and
emergency dam. Unlike the neighboring
localities, Dagupan City was well-prepared
even before the storm entered the country
and had no casualties.
The eight high-risk barangays
had undergone pre-emptive evacuation
triggered by the end-to-end flood early
warning system; this system was previously
reinforced by community-based disaster risk
management processes, several evacuation
drills and flood simulations. Dagupan City
Government concentrated on assisting medium-
and low-risk barangays that were all reached
by flood waters. The City Disaster
Coordinating Council (CDCC) and Barangay
Disaster Coordinating Councils (BDCCs) took
a major role in preventing death and major
damage while waiting for rescuers to reach
their areas during the crucial hours, thanks
to the Community-Based Emergency Response
training, and assistance from external
rescue teams. The city’s Emergency
Operation Center (EOC) had monitored the
preparations for possible evacuation, and
later had to manage 18 evacuation centers
sheltering 155,000 people, and some
high-rise buildings that became temporary
shelters for 30,000 people. The evacuation
centers had been prepared but supplies.
Standard Operating Procedures developed as a
project activity enabled the EOC to monitor
survivors’ relief needs, put out an appeal,
and distribute the received relief items
These components of a
disaster preparedness system were developed
and institutionalized through the capacity
building and initiation of PROMISE. Dagupan
passed its first test after the end of
PROMISE, and now the program hopes to carry
the lessons forward to the new cities.
PROMISE Activities for November
and December 2009:
– Jamalpur has a population of 132,700
and the area of 53.28 km2, where 58% of the
land use is for agriculture. To the east,
Jamalpur is bounded by the Brahmaputra River
while Jamuna River is at the west. The city
is prone to floods, cyclones, soil and river
erosion and water logging. Of the city’s 12
administrative wards, wards 10, 11 and 12
are low lying areas and densely populated by
poor, landless and vulnerable communities.
Contributing factors of floods and
water-logging include river bank erosion,
shallow water table, inadequate water
retention areas, inadequate flood protection
structures, poorly maintained and inadequate
drainage network, and poor solid waste
management. PROMISE BD
will run from November 2009 to August 2010.
Its activities are to identify the most
vulnerable communities in Jamalpur and
reduce their vulnerability through: (1)
participatory risk assessment and action
plan development; (2) community-based
mitigation activities; (3) training of
trainers on community based emergency
response; and (4) advocacy for mainstreaming
DRR by reviewing the Jamalpur Pouroshava
Development Plan and making recommendations
based on the participatory risk assessments
and action plans.
PROMISE BD held its inception meeting for
the Extension Program activities in Jamalpur
City on 23 November 2009 at Conference Room
in Jamalpur Municipality. The main
objective of this meeting were to obtain
consensus on a proposed project work plan
and to form a Technical Working Group (TWG)
in Jamalpur that will have the project
activities as focus. At the end of the
meeting, there was a consensus among the
participants, and a 17-member TWG was
created to meet once a month on the same
date as the municipality’s general meeting.
In addition, the municipality will provide
full support for the project, and space on
its premises to establish an EOC. A
Memorandum of Understanding will be inked
out to this effect, to be signed by ADPC and
the Municipality.
PHILIPPINES – Pasig is part of Metro
Manila in the Philippines. It is a primarily
residential and industrial city but has
Ortigas Center, one of the top business
districts in the metropolis with numerous
high-rise office buildings, residential
condominiums, commercial establishments,
schools and malls. Pasig City is affected
by riverine flooding from Pasig River, and
local flooding from typhoons. Pasig City
has an award-winning emergency preparedness
program. However, the recent Typhoon Ketsana in September 2009 made the city
government realize that their preparations
were not enough for floods that magnitude
and their impacts. PROMISE RP will run from
November 2009 to August 2010. Its
activities are to identify the most
vulnerable communities in Pasig City and
reduce their vulnerability through: (1)
participatory risk assessment and action
plan development; (2) mitigation and
preparedness through a review of the city’s
SOPs and disaster risk management plans; (3)
capacity building of city emergency
responders, and awareness-raising in
schools; and (4) advocacy through workshops
for mainstreaming DRR.
The city’s TWG for PROMISE RP underwent the
first of a two-part CBDRM ToT training
course. PROMISE RP held the kick off
meeting on November 27. The main objective
of this meeting were to obtain consensus on
the proposed project activities. Present
were more than 100 people including Hon.
Mayor Roberto Eusebio, city officials,
members of the TWG, barangay captains and
some stakeholders, as well as
representatives from the country project
partner, the Center for Disaster
SRI LANKA – Matara is
a city with a population of 76,000 in 2007,
and located on the southern coast of Sri
Lanka ithin a rapidly developing urban
commercial center. Nilwala River flows
through the city to the Indian Ocean. During
monsoon season, the river carries flood
waters from the hills to the flat lands,
often causing severe damage to crops,
agricultural lands, and the urban built up
area. Rapid urbanization and high
in-migration exacerbate the flood disaster
risk almost every year despite the
structural mitigation measures already
taken. PROMISE SL will run from October
2009 to August 2010. The project
implementing partner is The Asia Foundation
(TAF), whose main focus is local governance,
and has added disaster risk reduction to the
areas it supports. Project components
include: (1) Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk
Assessment and Development of City Hazard
Map; (2) Mitigation and Preparedness; (3)
Training and Public Awareness; and (4)
Advocacy for Mainstreaming Risk Management.
PROMISE SL held the kick-off workshop on
November 13. The workshop featured: a
welcome address by the Hon. Mayor of Matara
; an introduction to the Disaster Management
Centre; a presentation on PROMISE Regional
experience by ADPC; a technical presentation
on experience of PROMISE in Kalutara by the
National Building Research Organization; an
introduction of the Matara project by the
Asia Foundation; an overview of storm water
drainage study by University of Moratuwa;
and discussion and agreement on the project
activities. Activities for next month are
the organization of a national conference on
DRR, and preparations for ward-level
community workshops for preparing the hazard
A. From the Region
(1) ADPC Holds Regional
Meeting for Landslides Early Warning Systems
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC) organized the “Regional
Meeting for discussion and promotion of
Early Warning Mechanisms for Landslides in
Asian Region” from 25 to 27 November 2009 in
Bangkok, Thailand. Throughout the three-day
meeting, representatives of partner
institutions from nine member countries,
ADPC, and the Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute (NGI) discussed the prevalence and
mechanisms of rainfall induced landslides,
landslide monitoring techniques, and early
warning systems. The meeting is part of the
Asian Program for Regional Capacity
Enhancement for Landslide Impact Mitigation
(RECLAIM), funded by the Royal Norwegian
(2) Mirinae floods Viet Nam
central highlands
(based on a report from IRIN)
Thousands were evacuated from
low-lying areas, residents reinforced their
homes with sandbags and fishing boats were
ordered into port as Viet Nam prepared for
the storm that hit on November 2. Despite
those efforts, 98 people died and more than
60,000 homes were flooded, damaged or had
collapsed, according to the CCFSC. Phu Yen
Province was the hardest hit, with 69 people
dead. Officials said 600mm of rain fell in
a 24-hour period, the heaviest rain in about
60 years. The disaster happened a week
after a meeting in Hanoi to address
Vietnam's weather forecasting abilities
wherein government meteorologists were
lamenting the country's outdated technology
and inexperienced forecasters.
(3) Moving a country’s
capital out of an earthquake risk zone
(based on a report by BBC)
BBC made a report that the
Iranian expediency council, has approved
plans to move the capital by 2025. The
government is said to be reacting to calls
from Iranian seismologists, who have long
warned that Tehran lies on at least 100
known fault lines, and would not survive a
major quake intact. Read the BBC article
(4) Weather modification,
(based on an article by Disaster Research)
The Beijing Weather
Modification Office may have precipitated
its early snowfall (http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gxk1
vQ3bVtBd3FOFdQfAqT3Sx5EQ), while Moscow
Mayor Yury Luzhkov is planning to intercept
clouds and make them dump their snow before
they reach the city. Finally, in 2008
Microsoft’s Bill Gates and other investors
have filed five related patent applications
for a process to stop hurricanes (http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=%2220090173386%22.PGNR.&OS=DN/20090173386&RS=DN/20090173386)..
B. Calls for
(5) Call for Papers: 1st
International Conference on Sustainable
Built Environment: Enhancing Disaster
Prevention and Mitigation
Organizer: Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Planning of the Islamic
University of Indonesia. Scheduled for 27
to 29 May 2010, the forum is organized for
the exchange of ideas, the sharing of
knowledge and experience as well as for the
dissemination of information about built
environment in different parts of the
world. Participants from a range of
backgrounds and professional disciplines in
built environment management, who anticipate
having, disaster mitigation and
reconstruction responsibilities, are invited
to participate in this seminar. Topics of
interest include: Risk assessments of
buildings and structures on hazard intensity
and vulnerability; Disaster mitigation in
urban areas and settlements; Linking
reconstruction to sustainable economic
development; and Participatory approaches to
reconstruction. Deadline for e-mailed
abstracts is no later than 31December 2009.
For more details, visit the conference
(6) Call for Entries: My
View: The Asia-Pacific Climate Change Video
Organizer: Asian Development
Bank. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has
announced a new video competition – My View:
The Asia-Pacific Climate Change Video
Contest – to promote awareness of climate
change, stimulate debate, and encourage
climate change solutions in the lead-up to
the 2009 United Nations Climate Change
Conference in Copenhagen. There are no age
restrictions for the contest. Citizens of
any one of ADB's 67 member countries are
eligible to participate. Over $10,000 worth
of prizes are being offered in three
categories for the best videos about climate
change in Asia and the Pacific. All entries
must be submitted by 31 January 2010. Learn
more from the contest webpage:
C. Conferences and Courses
GIS for Disaster Risk
Management (advanced course) – Bangkok,
Thailand: 7 - 18 December 2009
Organizer: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC). The course
provides an excellent opportunity for
professionals and practitioners to obtain
essential skills and knowledge in GIS and RS
and their current application in disaster
risk management. Participants will gain
practical and technical knowledge on the
uses of GIS and RS in disaster prevention,
preparedness and emergency response. The
course is co-organized with the
International Institute for Geo-information
Science and Earth Observations and the Asian
Institute of Technology. For more
information, please go to:
(8) Regional Consultative
Meeting on Development of Pre-Disaster
Natural Hazard Loss Estimation Strategy –
Bangkok, Thailand: 14 – 15 December 2009
Organizer: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center. ADPC with the
financial assistance from the Royal
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is
implementing a regional program for
Pre-disaster Natural Hazard Loss Estimation
in Bangladesh, China, Philippines, Sri Lanka
and Vietnam. One of the urgent needs of the
day is developing a standardized methodology
and also to make arrangements for advocacy
and sensitizing the policymakers for
mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in
development initiatives. The aim of this
meeting is to organize an interactive
discussion forum for identifying the
national needs, challenges and expectations,
and also to initiate building the ownership
on the final product of this project.
Expected participants are disaster
management professionals, specialists in
national planning departments/ministries,
sector based development planning
specialists etc., from a few candidate
countries which are getting frequently
affected from natural disaster events.
Learn more about the project here:
(9) Workshop on University
Networks for Education and Research in
Disaster Risk Management – Bangkok,
Thailand: 18 - 20 December 2009
Organizers: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC), Interntational
Institute for Geo-information Science and
Earth Observations (ITC), and the Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT). ADPC, ITC
and AIT are organizing a workshop to
evaluate the current state of training and
research in Disaster Risk Management in
South-East Asia, training and research needs
and challenges in the region, and the
potential for a University network for
meeting the needs and challenges.
Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
Training Course – Dhulikhel,
Nepal: 2 – 6 January 2010
Organizer: Registered
Engineers for Disaster Relief—India
This course describes basic concepts of
community-based disaster preparedness,
provides insight into disasters and
development, covers concepts of risk and
vulnerability assessment, and addresses
difficulties in identification and
analytics. Costs and registration: USD375.
For more details, please go to:
(11) 4th
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in
Local Governance – Manila, Philippines: 25 –
29 January 2010
Organizer: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC). The overall
objective is to develop a cadre of local
government professionals sensitive to issues
presented by the recurrent hazards. The
course intends to increase their knowledge,
as well as of other stakeholders, on urban
governance and disaster risk management to
be responsive to the needs of vulnerability
reduction, and to create opportunities for
mainstreaming risk reduction as a component
of urban governance. For inquiries, contact
Ms. Padma Karunaratne,
D. Useful
ADPC tweets
Get announcements and updates
about ADPC from:
(13) Hazard Profile of
Myanmar, July 2009
This report is jointly
prepared by ADPC, Union of Myanmar
(Department of Meteorology and Hydrology,
Forest Department, Relief and Resettlement
Department, Irrigation Department, Fire
Services Department), Myanmar Engineering
Society, Myanmar Geosciences Society,
Myanmar Information Management Unit. The
project was supported by Department for
International Development (DFID), UK.
Download here:
(14) Remotely sensed data for
disaster management
How can satellite remote
sensing provide crucial data to prepare for,
mitigate, respond to and relieve the impacts
of natural disasters? SciDev.Net explores
how developing countries can access and make
use of these data, and considers what
policymakers must do to prepare.
(15) Coping with COP15?
Climate change online resources
Here are some online sources
related to the 15th United
Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15)
taking place at Bella Center in Copenhagen
from the 7 to 18 December 2009. COP 15 is
anticipated to be the “largest international
political conference ever held in Denmark
with participants from 192 countries
representing governments, the business
community, and civil society”, according to
the joint welcome statement by Prime
Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Connie
Hedegaard, Minister for the United Nations
Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
2009. Besides commitments to cut emissions,
a major aspect of the negotiations is
financing of mitigation and adaptation to
climate change in developing countries.
Here are some links to related web
This month in Asia’s disaster history
Tropical cyclone Bhola struck
East Pakistan on 12 November 1970. While
other stronger cyclones had been previously
recorded for East Pakistan, this tropical
storm had peak winds at 185 kph that
generated a storm surge 10.6 meters high.
It had occurred during one of the highest
high tides of that year. Casualties were
estimated between 300,000 to 500,000
people. Dissatisfaction over the Pakistan
government’s disaster response contributed
to existing political tensions, and the
natural disaster is said to have contributed
to the landslide victory of the opposition
party Awami League, and then to the
formation of a new country Bangladesh. Read
more about it at:
Related links for this page |
by Month
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Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
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