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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
Feb 2009
Issue No. 65
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
The objective of the program is to
contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. Components of the program
consist of capacity building in
hydro-meteorological disaster risk
reduction, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives,
and city demonstration projects in selected
countries. Through consultations with a
number of ADPC partners, five project
countries were selected in 2005 for
implementing demonstration projects in a
highly vulnerable city with recent history
of hydro-meteorological disasters –
Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka, and Vietnam. The projects in
Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Vietnam were
finished by June 2008. The projects in the
Philippines and Sri Lanka were given
supplementary activities, while a project in
Indonesia began in February 2008. The main
activities from January to March 2009 are:
development of early warning systems, set up
of emergency response system, disaster
management planning for selected schools,
and networking for DRR.
ACTIVITIES for January to February 2009:
PROMISE-Indonesia had a successful flood
simulation on February 1 in Kebon Baru,
Jakarta. The simulation tested the SOP for
transmitting a flooding alert for Ciliwung
river from the BMKG (Badan Meteorologi,
Klimatologi dan Geofisika or the
Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics
Agency) transmitted to: (1) the Crisis
Center of DKI Jakarta, then to (2) Jakarta
Selatan City, Tebet Sub District, then (3)
Kelurahan Kebon Baru, with the support of
BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan
Bencana or the National Agency for
Disaster Management ) to disseminate the
warning. All key decision-makers of DKI
Jakarta and of Jakarta Selatan were present;
Governor Fauzi Bowo inaugurated the
simulation. Three days prior the drill, Dr.
Harkunti Rahayu of CDM-LPPM-ITB briefed all
heads of 26 the DKI Jakarta government in a
formal meeting of at the Governor Office.
The objectives of the simulation were to
test the 3 main components of the Integrated
FEWS of Jakarta: 1) System and mechanism of
FEW; 2) Readiness of 24/7 officer on duties
at multi-level: Meteorology Center of BMKG,
Jakarta Crisis Center, Posko DPU-DKI,
Posdukes DinKes, Posko DinSos, EOC at
Jakarta Selatan City, EOC Kecamatan Tebet,
up to Posko Kelurahan; and 3) Preparedness
of community in responding warning and other
disaster management activities needed to
anticipate future flood. More than 500
residents of rukun wargas RW1, RW2, RW3 and
RW4 of Kelurahan Kebon Baru participated in
monitoring the flood using a Flood
Reference, up to evacuation for an extreme
weather scenario. The flood reference is a
community based flood early warning
mechanism that uses a set of 5 unique colors
that each correspond to a specific level of
emergency response. Read about the
simulation from online newspapers in Bahasa
Indonesia (
and in English (http://www.beritajakarta.com/english/NewsView.asp?ID=10943).
The video footage (in Bahasa Indonesia) of
the simulation can be found at:
February 4, volunteer graduate students in
Geography from the University of the
Philippines facilitated the participatory 3D
(three-dimensional) risk mapping in Barangay
Mangin. The participants were the residents
of Barangay Mangin and the BDCC members.
The TWG and representatives from Barangay
Tebeng observed the process for replication
in other barangays. The communities were
able to identify the high risk areas and
make detailed representations on the number
of houses and most vulnerable people. More
detail is being updated into the map even
after the one-day exercise, and the base was
made more stable with the use of rubber
board. The community still intends to
represent escape routes, flow of water and
other relevant information, and is
considering making it a multi-hazard risk
Barangay Mangin, one of the project sites of
PROMISE RP, is the 2008 Kalasag Awardee for
the regional level, and the Center for
Disaster Preparedness, the PROMISE
Philippines partner, won the Regional
Kalasag Award as the Best Performing NGO.
The awards are given in recognition of
Excellence in Disaster Risk Management and
Humanitarian Assistance, and are given by
the corresponding regional disaster
coordinating council (RDCC). The RDCC also
expressed the eagerness to have the PROMISE
team share their DRR experience to other
PROMISE RP had several
networking activities this month. Ms.
Mayfourth Luneta presented the PROMISE RP
experience last February 5 with an
undergraduate class studying for a degree in
Community Development at the University of
the Philippines. She emphasized the
relevance of having a DRR organization
within the community vis-à-vis the roles of
the Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council,
community-based organizations, local
authorities, as well as the role of the
development workers in DRR. Ms. Luneta and
Ms. Emma J. Molina, Dagupan City
Agriculturist, shared the DRR and climate
change mitigation and adaptation activities
in Dagupan City to Tambuyog and its partners
last February 17. Tambuyog is an NGO
focusing on the fisheries sector. They
appreciated the PROMISE RP efforts for the
fisheries sector that highlighted issues on
good governance. Finally, a monitoring team
from ADPC visited the Philippines last
February 8-12 to monitor the project’s
progress and financial reporting.
Activities for next month include: CBDRR
training for the medium risk barangays in
Dagupan (postponed from this month);
Bangladesh Study Tour to Dagupan City; and a
meeting with Department of Education,
Culture and Sports office in Dagupan City
for the Mainstreaming DRR in Schools
PROMISE-Sri Lanka worked with
the Disaster Management Centre – Kalutara
and helped establish disaster management
cells for following schools: Kalutara Muslim
Central College, Gnanodaya Maha Vidyalaya,
Kalutara Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Kalutara
Muslim Balika Maha Vidyalaya, and Sugatha
Vidyalaya. NBRO, the PROMISE country
partner, has prepared the base map for the
emergency response system that PROMISE SL is
helping to establish for Kalutara; the next
step is to purchase the needed satellite
images. NBRO held a cluster meeting on
February 6 with residents, community leaders
and CBOs from sixteen Grama Niladharis of
Kalutara to explain the drainage planning
(niche) project, identify the drainage
problems in the selected communities, and
elicit input from the communities on the
solutions. NBRO held meetings on February
11 and 25 with officials from the Ministry
of Health – Disaster Management Unit, to
discuss the Training and Capacity Building
of Health and Sanitation Sector Workers
project. Topics discussed were the
integrating disaster mitigation into current
training curricula and possible training
modalities. Mr. NMSI Arambepola represented
ADPC at the February 11 meeting.
From the Region
(1) China declares emergency
over drought
(based on a report from
The national Office of State
Flood Control and Drought Relief this week
declared a "level 2" emergency warning of a
forecasted severe drought. The lack of snow
or rain since November has affected 9.5
million hectares of farmland where 43 per
cent of the winter wheat sources are grown.
The hardest-hit areas are in Henan and
Anhui. The central government has mobilized
drought relief funds and irrigation
assistance to address the problem.
(2) Second case of human
avian influenza in Vietnam…
(based on a report from IRIN)
Vietnam's second human avian
influenza case this year has been confirmed
by health authorities, who are scrambling to
contain the disease that has now spread to
poultry in seven central and southern
provinces. Ly Tai Mui, from northern Quang
Ninh Province, is seriously ill with
pneumonia, having tested positive for human
avian flu after eating a sick chicken.
(3) … while Nepal has AHI
under control
(based on a report from IRIN)
The H5NI virus has been
brought under control after a month-long
outbreak in poultry in Jhapa district, with
the government responding swiftly through
the Avian Influenza Control Project.
Measures taken were: culling more than
23,000 chickens as well as hundreds of
pigeons, ducks and parrots; destroying eggs
and sacks of feed; banning the production,
consumption, sale and transportation of
poultry products in Jhapa; bird flu
assessments in major cities, including
Kathmandu, Pokhara, Surkhet, Rupendehi,
Biratnagar and Sindhuli, where there are
large poultry markets. Although no evidence
of the virus was found after examining more
than 100 samples, government officials
maintain that the country remained at risk
given that its neighbors, particularly China
and India, have a history of bird flu
outbreaks. Nepal's huge poultry industry
also relies largely on imports from West
Bengal and Bihar in India. Government
officials gave other sources of concern such
as: the critical shortage of trained
veterinarians, lack of adequate laboratories
and supplies of disinfectants for spraying
contaminated areas.
(4) Heavy snow in Afghanistan
(based on a report from IRIN)
In mid February,
Afghanistan's National Disasters Management
Authority (ANDMA) reported that heavy snow
in northern Afghanistan has damaged houses
and caused more than 30 avalanches around
the Salang Pass - a vital route connecting
northern Afghanistan with Kabul. At least
12 people died, dozens of livestock
perished,.and tens of houses damaged by
heavy snow in Herat and Ghor provinces over
the past four days. Snow has also blocked
access to many remote areas in northern,
western and central provinces, leaving
affected communities urgently needing food
aid, medical care and heating items, ANDMA
reported said.
(5) Earthquake in Pakistan
(based on reports from IRIN
and USGS)
At least 44 people injured
after an earthquake measuring 5.8 on the
Richter scale and landslides hit
Muzaffarabad, Kashmir. There were no reports
of deaths, but damage to buildings was said
to be widespread, particularly in the Neelum
Valley area north of Muzaffarabad, including
a school constructed after the 2005
B. Calls for Submission
(6) Call for Papers and
Participation: 2nd Asia-Pacific
Housing Forum Urban Poverty Housing
Solutions – Manila, Philippines: 7 – 9
September 2009
The 2nd
Asia-Pacific Housing Forum will alternative
approaches and scalable models involving
national and local government authorities,
businesses and social organizations working
together and building on each other’s
strengths to provide housing solutions.
Themes and Tracks are: Innovations in
Housing the Urban Poor; Disaster Response:
Rethinking Emergencies; Quick Guides on
Housing the Poor (training event); and
“Leaders of Tomorrow meet Leaders of Today:
Student Dialogue on Urban Housing Solutions”
wherein universities from Asia, the Pacific
and beyond are invited to send student
representatives studying housing, urban
planning, architecture, property management,
development and other related disciplines
are invited to attend the forum and hear
ideas from top experts in housing solutions.
Pease submit an abstract of not more than
500 words to the Forum Secretariat by 31
March 2009. For more information, please
contact: 2nd Asia-Pacific Housing Forum -
Conference Secretariat Habitat for Humanity
(Asia-Pacific) 8th Floor, Q House, 38
Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500
Thailand; URL:
C. Conferences and Courses
International Course on
Ecosystem-based Integrated Disaster Risk
Reduction – Cavite, Philippines: 13 April –
1 May 2009
International Institute of Rural
Reconstruction. This course is designed for
mid and senior level rural development
professionals and government functionaries
to learn concepts and strategies relevant to
disaster risk reduction in solving many of
the problems that beseech rural development
and natural asset management initiatives.
Participants will learn the skills and
techniques necessary to systematically
assess multi-hazards, plan and implement
integrated risk reduction interventions, and
to build and evaluate organizational
readiness to undertake ecosystem-based
integrated disaster risk reduction
initiatives. The course design strikes a
balance and practical integration between
the biophysical, socio-economic, and
community health and welfare respective of
resiliency and vulnerability reductions.
Most important to note about the course
framework is that within, theory matches
practice at the local level – thus, directed
at the ‘self’ building of resilient and
proactive communities. For more
information, please go to:
(8) GIS for Disaster Risk
Management (an introductory course) –
Bangkok, Thailand: 11 - 22 May 2009
Organizer: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC). The course
provides an excellent opportunity for
professionals and practitioners to obtain
essential skills and knowledge in GIS and RS
and their current application in disaster
risk management. Participants will gain
practical and technical knowledge on the
uses of GIS and RS in disaster prevention,
preparedness and emergency response.
Extensive exercises and simulations provide
an insight into how GIS and RS tools are
applied in these fields, and the benefits
and solutions that can be presented. The
course is co-organized with the
International Institute for Geo-information
Science and Earth Observations and the Asian
Institute of Technology. For more
information, please go to:
(9) 4th
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in
Local Governance – Manila, Philippines: 18 –
22 May 2009
Organizer: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC). The overall
objective is to develop a cadre of local
government professionals sensitive to issues
presented by the recurrent hazards. The
course intends to increase their knowledge,
as well as of other stakeholders, on urban
governance and disaster risk management to
be responsive to the needs of vulnerability
reduction, and to create opportunities for
mainstreaming risk reduction as a component
of urban governance. For inquiries, contact
Mr. Falak Nawaz,
or Mr. Amit Kumar,
(10) 5th
International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau /
The 24th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop –
Beijing, China: 11 – 14 August, 2009
Organizer: Chinese Academy of
Sciences. The 5th International
Symposium on Tibetan Plateau Research will
be held together and simultaneously with the
24th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop (HKT)
on August 11 to 14, 2009. The 5th
International Symposium will thus provide a
platform for international scientific staff
to share research achievements and academic
thoughts on study of the Tibetan Plateau.
This will be held back-to-back with the 24th
Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop in 2009 in
China, and this decision has been approved
by the Chinese Academy of Science. Some
invited keynote talks from international
scholars will be given at this joint
conference. For more details, please go to:
D. Useful Resources
Post-Nargis Social Impact
Monitoring, Tripartite Core Group (TCG)
November 2008
The report takes a look
at the impact of the cyclone and the
effectiveness of the aid response. The
study is part of the monitoring framework
that the TCG adopted to ensure that the
relief and recovery efforts of all partners
effectively address the needs of the
affected populations. Access the report at:
(12) First Post-Nargis Periodic
Review 1, Tripartite Core Group (TCG),
December 2008
The report is an analysis
of data collected in 2008 from October 29 to
November 19 from 2,376 households in 108
communities in the Ayeyarwady and Yangon
divisions. The findings are presented in
seven sectors: health, nutrition, food,
water supply, sanitation and hygiene,
shelter, education, and livelihood. At the
same time, cross-sectoral issues such as
vulnerability and protection, household
socio-economic status, receipt of aid,
gender and environment are analysed. Access
the report at:
(13) Reconstruction after a Major
Disaster: Lessons from the Post-Tsunami
Experience in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and
Thailand, ADB, December 2008
This paper examines
several aspects of the rehabilitation and
reconstruction program that followed the
2004 tsunami in Asia. Almost 230,000 people
died in the disaster. The paper focuses on
two main issues: aid delivery and
reconstruction policy following the
disaster. Access the paper here:
(14) Online Resources Series on
Natural Hazards
This new section is a focus
on online resources on the hazards that are
of special interest for urban disaster
management. The hazards that will be
featured are (in order): tropical cyclones
(a.k.a. cyclone, typhoon and hurricane),
drought, flood, landslide, earthquake and
technological hazards. Here is a list of
online resources on earthquakes:
earthquake disaster profile database
access page:
PDC Vulnerability Atlas,
Asia Pacific edition:
Earthquake Maps:
Earthquake Notification Service (emailed
PAGER: Prompt Assessment of Global
Earthquakes for Response:
SAARC brief
USGS Animations of
key earthquake terminology:
Visual Glossary:
Earthquakes for Kids
is the USGS website with learning links,
games, facts and figures, and other
online learning tools for teaching
children about earthquakes. Get shaken
PBS Savage
Earth: Earthquakes:
Stop Disasters!
produced an online game to engage and
teach children, ages 9 16, how to
protect cities and villages against
natural hazards through disaster risk
planning and management. The online game
includes five natural hazard scenarios
(flooding, tsunami, wildfire, hurricane,
and earthquake) with different levels of
difficulty that require critical
decision-making and strategic planning.
Stop disasters at:
“Protecting Your Family From
Earthquakes—The Seven Steps to
Earthquake Safety” (in English, Chinese,
Vietnamese, and Korean):
FEMA 526: "Earthquake
Safety Checklist" is a booklet designed
to help individuals and families plan
for and survive a major earthquake:
Safer Cities 1:
Community Based Initiatives in Kathmandu
Valley, January 2002:
Safer Cities 4: The
School Earthquake Safety Program in
Kathmandu Valley, January 2003:
Safer Cities 10:
Creating Earthquake Preparedness in
Schools: A Case Study of Mitigation
Efforts in Indonesia, August 2004:
Safer Cities 15:
Community-based Earthquake Risk
Management in Dhaka City: Community
empowerment for earthquake preparedness,
May 2005:
“Report on
Post Earthquake Rapid Assessment
Northern Pakistan – 8 October 2005”
(2005) by ADPC:
"Earthquakes and a Brave
New China" is a report that covers
China's increased exposure to seismic
threats due to the rapid urbanization
and building construction currently
underway throughout the country:
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