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supported by
August 2010
Issue No. 83
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
The objective of the program is to
contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. Components of the
program consist of capacity building in
hydro-meteorological disaster risk
reduction, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives,
and city demonstration projects in selected
countries. Six cities highly
vulnerable to hydro-meteorological disasters
were selected for implementing demonstration
projects on disaster mitigation by urban
communities from 2006 to 2009 – Chittagong
(Bangladesh), Hyderabad (Pakistan), Jakarta
(Indonesia), Dagupan (Philippines), Kalutara
(Sri Lanka), and Da Nang (Viet Nam). The
program is now being implemented in Jamalpur
(Bangladesh), Pasig (the Philippines), and
Matara (Sri Lanka).
In this Issue:
August to September 2010:
BANGLADESH – Jamalpur Pouroshava’s
Technical Working Group (TWG) on DRR formed
under PROMISE BD met on August 16 to discuss
the sustainability of the Emergency
Operations Center and community-based early
warning system (CBEWS). The meeting came up
with several suggestions that will be raised
to the municipal council, including:
training volunteers on the EOC operations;
training groups of volunteer emergency
responders; providing equipment and
honoraria for volunteers responding during
emergency events; quick response planning
for evacuations; and tapping the local media
to promote public awareness of the EOC and
its evacuation procedures. On August 17,
the PROMISE BD team conducted training on
the use of participatory monitoring and
record keeping tools developed for 37
community CBEWS volunteers and the Jamalpur
EOC volunteers.
organized a graduationceremony of the
community members who attended the
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Seminar from the eight pilot barangays of
Pasig City. More than 400 graduates
gathered together on August 13 for the
ceremonies wherein each community had a
presentation to showcase their new expertise
(DRR Mini Play, environmental songs, and a
short musical on flood disaster
preparedness). Ms. Lorna Victoria, author
on CBDM, was the guest speaker with Pasig
City Mayor Robert Eusebio and Engr. Jun Paat
representing the Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration. The participants expressed
their commitment and received training
certificates. The event was also attended
by Barangay Captains, CDP staff and
directors, the Pasig City CBDRRM TWG, Pasig
City staff and by City Councilor Ian Sia.
City CBDRRM TWG held a series of Community
Early Warning System Orientation meetings
from August 16 to 19 in the eight PROMISE
barangays in Pasig City. The objective of
the orientation was to improve on the
Community Risk Assessment with disaster
preparedness tools, and give a guide to
making a Community Early Warning System.
The topics discussed included
Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction
Planning, Community-Based Contingency
Planning, Community Early Warning Systems,
and Evacuation Planning. Each community
will submit a CBDRRM plan, contingency plan
for flood disasters, and a project
proposal. The communities will receive
early warning flood markers and emergency
equipment sets worth PhP 10,000 (around US$
227) once the proposal is approved by the
Pasig City CBDRRM TWG. Mr. NMSI Arambepola,
Director of ADPC for Urban Disaster Risk
Management, observed some of the orientation
PROMISE RP sponsored a DRR Orientation in
the Education Sector for DRR
coordinators/teachers of primary and
secondary schools under the Pasig City
Division of the Department of Education,
Culture and Sports (DECS). The orientation
on August 20 was facilitated by Ms. Luneta
(PROMISE Project Coordinator) and Ms. Candy
De Juan (DECS DRR point person). The
orientation topics included Overview of DRR
in Schools, Child Centered DRR, the new law
on disaster risk reduction (R.A. 10121) and
Evacuation Center Management. The
discussions were intense among the 47
participants, and most disagreed with the
use schools as evacuation shelters because
of their experience during 2009 Typhoon
Ketsana disaster when the evacuation was
disorganized and school facilities damaged
by survivors. Ms. De Juan clarified that
the DECS policy is to allow the use of
schools as temporary evacuation shelters if
there are none available in the school’s
facility and the period of use will be
short. There was agreement on developing
Memoranda of Agreement between each school
and the local government on the terms of use
of schools as temporary evacuation shelters.
– PROMISE SL organized training on First Aid
and emergency response for 30 residents of
vulnerable communities within Matara City.
The training ran from August 2 to 5 at the
Matara Municipal Council Fire Department,
conducted by the St. John’s Ambulance
group. PROMISE SL organized a one-day
training course on Hydro-meteorological
Disaster Risk Reduction measures for school
children. Participants were 45 children
from three major schools at Matara Municipal
Area – Janadhipathi Vidyalaya, St. Servatius’
College and St Thomas College. The
training, held on August 4 at St. Servatius’
College, included lectures on monitoring of
weather for prediction of disasters,
response mechanisms at school level, and
simulation exercises. A two-day workshop
was conducted on August 30 – 31 in Matara
for city officers and elected members to
enhance their participatory planning
capacities focusing on land use plan
recommendations proposed under this
project. A planning tool introduced under
this project was extremely useful for the
city administration in regulating
development in keeping with the Disaster
Risk Reduction (DRR) objectives. Two flood
mitigation projects in Matara City were
completed with community participation:
dredging, widening and deepening of a
600-meter length of the canal at Welawatta
Navimana Road; and canal dredging, deepening
and lining of a 100-meter length of the
Piladuwa Ganga Mawatha 1st cross canal.
From the Region
Rains and landslides in China
(based on
reports from Xinhua and Alertnet)
Over 1500
people died in China this month in several
rainfall and landslide events; most of the
deaths happened in a single landslide event
in northwest China's Gansu Province, Zouqu
district, last August 9. More than two
hundred people are still missing from this
event. Heavy rains from August 11 to 12 hit
Gansu province in western China resulted in
the deaths of 36 people. Gansu's
neighboring province of Sichuan, floods and
landslides triggered by heavy rains this
week have killed at least 10 people and left
another 57 missing. More than 64,000 people
evacuated their homes in Dandong City on
August 21 due to flooding by the swollen
Yalu River in Liaoning Province on the
northeast border with DPR Korea. The
flooding was the result of three days of
torrential rains, with precipitation in the
basin ranging from 200 mm to 400 mm. The
Three Gorges Dam was also monitored closely
as the year's second largest flood crested
and safely passed the dam on the Yangtze
River. Water flowing into the reservoir of
the dam reached 56,000 m3/s on
August 24, the highest since the flood
earlier peaked at 70,000 m3/s on
July 20.
So far, floods
and landslides have left 3,185 people dead
and more than 1,060 missing in China this
year, according to China's Ministry of Civil
Affairs, and about 230 million Chinese had
been affected. Nearly 15.2 million people
had been evacuated and 16.5 million hectares
of crops had been affected. Direct economic
losses stood at more than 51.4 billion U.S.
Pakistan flood in numbers
(taken from
reports from IRIN, Alertnet and Reuters)
The floods in
Pakistan is the country's worst in 80 years
according the Pakistan government, and
world's second worst in the decade from 2001
to 2010 according to the Centre for Research
on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) in terms
of number of fatalities. The numbers have
been grim: more than 2,000 people killed, up
to 20 million affected, an estimated 8
million people need urgent assistance,
around 800,000 were stranded, more than 4
million are homeless, more than 3.2 million
hectares of standing crops ruined, at least
200,000 livestock killed, some 7,820 schools
are fully or partially damaged, about 5,000
schools are being used as relief shelters
and so 1.8 children’s formal education is
disrupted. The cost of rebuilding the
country is estimated to be around US$10 to
US$15 billion.
B. Calls for Submission
call for nominations: NUWA 2010
The Ministry of Urban Development of the
Government of India invites nominations for
the National Urban Water Awards 2010. The
awards are open to 1) Urban Local Bodies, 2) Water Boards/
Utilities, and 3) collaborating Private
Sector, Non-Government Organizations,
Community-Based Organizations, and Bilateral
and Multilateral Agencies. Nominations are invited under six
categories, i.e. (i) Technical Innovation
(ii) Financial Reform (iii) Services to the
Poor (iv) Citizen Services and Governance
(v) Public-Private Partnerships and (vi)
Urban Sanitation. All the eligible
organizations can submit multiple entries in
different categories. The new deadline for
nominations is September 11. For inquiries,
contact Prof. V. Srinivas Chary,
schary@asci.org.in. Get more information
(4) Call for
Participation: 3rd South South International
Citizenry Based Development Academy
primary aim of the South-South Citizenry-
Based Development Academy is to provide
capacity development support to citizenry
based development oriented disaster risk
reduction initiatives in the Asia and
Pacific region, as well as inter
regionally. The theme for this academy is
"Harmonization of Disaster Risk Reduction
and Climate Change Adaptation at the Local
and Community Level: Building Resilience of
Communities in the Bicol Region". The
sub-themes include: Gender, Disaster Risk
Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation;
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
Adaptation and Livelihood and Food;
Security; Children and Youth Participation
in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate
Change; Adaptation; Partnerships Supported
at the Provincial Level; and Partnerships
Supported at the Municipal Level. This
year’s academy will be held on 22-26
November 2010 at the Central Bicol State
University of Agriculture (CBSUA), Pili,
Camarines Sur, Philippines. For the
brochure and enquiries, please contact: 1)
for Philippine-based participation: Dr. Cely
Binoya, CBSUA,
Malu Cagay, Center for Disaster Preparedness
or Lorna Victoria, CDP,
2) for International participation :
Zenaida Delica-Willison, UNDP,
C. Conferences and Courses
Call for
participation: Certification Program in
Urban Management India:2010 – Hyderabad,
India: 13–24 September 2010
Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI)
in partnership with the World Bank Institute
(WBI), Washington is conducting a training
program on Certification Program in Urban
Management during September 13–24, 2010,
targeting senior urban development policy
makers especially Commissioners and other
senior officials of cities. The Program is
supported by the Water and Sanitation
Program-South Asia and is endorsed by
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of
India. ASCI-WBI Certification Program in
Urban Management India: 2010 is designed
specifically to support the capacity
building in Indian cities. The brochure can
be downloaded from: Brochure:
Call for
registration: E-course on Multi
Hazard Risk
CEPT University. This is a 6-month refresher
course for aspiring Asian professionals in disaster
management, hazard and vulnerability
It aims to make the target group aware of
various tools and techniques in risk
assessment for an array of hazards.
Information Systems and Remote
Sensing will be touched in the course, prior
knowledge is an advantage but not
compulsory. Deadline for registration is
end September. For more information check
the link:
Resilience (AOR 2010) – Singapore, 5-6
October 2010
Organizer: International Association of
Emergency Managers. Asia-Oceania Resilience
(AOR 2010) will bring together private and
public sector professionals in security,
emergency management, crisis management,
business continuity management, risk
management and disaster relief, focusing on
Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Conference
topics are on mitigation, preparation,
response and recovery. Visit the conference
The 10th
International Training Course on Flood
Disaster Risk Management from 11-22 October
2010 in Bangkok, Thailand
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC). FDRM course offers an
integrated approach to the development of
flood risk reduction strategies under the
challenging circumstance of climate change,
which enables a holistic view of flood
situation and the needed prepared measures.
It is specifically designed to meet the need
of disaster management professionals,
researchers, policy makers, planners,
academicians, administrators and disaster
management and career seekers. For
inquiries, please send email to:
Call for
Participation: World Disaster Reduction
Campaign on Making Cities Resilient in
Thailand – Bangkok, Thailand: 13 October
commemorate the 2010 International Day for
Disaster Reduction, the UN International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center are
launching the
World Disaster
Reduction Campaign on Making Cities
Resilient in Thailand on Wednesday,
at United Nations Conference Centre. The
campaign will highlight the good practice
and successes of cities in Thailand. Thai
city governments are invited to sign up for
the campaign, and the public is encouraged
to nominate a city as a champion for urban
resilience. The launch will include an
awarding ceremony for model cities of urban
resilience. For more information, contact
Dr. Jerry Velasquez of ISDR Asia Pacific
or Dr. Peeranan Towashiraporn
The 6th
Regional Training Course on GIS for Disaster
Risk Assessment, Level-II from 1-12 November
2010 in Bangkok, Thailand
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC), Asian Institute of Technology
(AIT), and Faculty of Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation (ITC),
University of Twente. GIS4DRA Level-II is
an advance course attempts to provide
knowledge and skills in multi-hazard risk
assessment and loss estimation to the
professionals with GIS and Remote Sensing
(RS) background as well as in multi-criteria
analysis for decision making. This course
designed to the professionals who are
interested in multi-hazard risk assessment
using these tools and will be suitable for
practitioners working in government
organization, municipalities, NGOs,
international organizations and academic
institutions. For inquiries, please send
email to:
(11) Special
Conference Session: 'Disaster Risk
Management' – Hanoi, Vietnam, 2 November
Session organizers: Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC), and Faculty of
Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), University of Twente. A
special session on 'Disaster Risk
Management' at the 31st Asian
Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) will
take place on 2 November 2010. The session
will feature disaster-related topics. For
more details on the conference, go to:
D. Useful Resources
Political and Economic Update (Maldives),
ADB 2010
for Disaster and Risk Management - Best
Practices and Examples, UNOOSA and JBGIS,
July 2010
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