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supported by
Disaster Mitigation
in Asia
May 2009
Issue No. 68
The Program for
Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation in
Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE), funded
by USAID/OFDA, commenced from October 2005.
The objective of the program is to
contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. Components of the program
consist of capacity building in
hydro-meteorological disaster risk
reduction, risk management advocacy,
networking and dissemination initiatives,
and city demonstration projects in selected
countries. Through consultations with a
number of ADPC partners, five project
countries were selected in 2005 for
implementing demonstration projects in a
highly vulnerable city with recent history
of hydro-meteorological disasters –
Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka, and Vietnam. The projects in
Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Vietnam were
finished by June 2008. The projects in the
Philippines and Sri Lanka were given
supplementary activities, while a project in
Indonesia began in February 2008. The main
activities from May to June 2009 are:
development of early warning systems, set up
of emergency response system, disaster
management planning for selected schools,
and networking for DRR.
ACTIVITIES for May to June 2009:
– PROMISE ID began preparations for a
replication workshop scheduled for June 26,
– PROMISE RP was preparing for a DRR
Training event for teachers in the Dagupan
City Division of the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS),
scheduled for the second week of May.
However, the emergency response toTyphoon
Emong and H1N1 preparedness activities
prompted the rescheduling of the event to
June. Typhoon Emong hit Northern Luzon on
May 7, and while Dagupan was prepared and
not hit badly by its effects, other towns in
the province were hit badly. The City
Disaster Coordinating Council therefore was
deployed in an emergency mission to the
municipality of Bolinao to assist in relief
operations. PROMISE RP had two networking
activities this month. On May 13, Ms,
Mayfourth Luneta attended the “Influenza
H1N1 Preparedness and Response
Public-Private Forum,” thanks to an
invitation from the Avian Influenza
Network. Ms. Luneta relayed flu updates
from WHO Philippines to Dr. Leonard
Carbonell, City Health Officer for Dagupan.
On May 21, Ms, Mayfourth Luneta presented on
the climate change adaptation of Dagupan
City under PROMISE RP.
– PROMISE SL team continued to develop the
risk map needed for the emergency response
plan. The team distributed rain gauges to
five schools under the school safety
program, and provided training for selected
school children and school officials on
monitoring rain levels using the equipment.
From the Region
(1) Meet ADPC at the Global
Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
ADPC will be participating at
the second session of the Global Platform
for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva,
Switzerland from 16 to 19 June 2009 at the
Centre International de Conférences de
Genève (CICG). ADPC is organizing three
side events:
June 17, 8
to 9:30 AM, Disaster Risk Reduction in
Education Sector
June 17,
13:30 to 15 PM, How to mainstream DRR
into development: experiences from
Governments in RCC member countries
June 18, 8
to 9:30 AM, Building Urban Community’s
resilience to reduce disaster risks:
Challenges and Experience
To download invitations for
the events, please go to:
The ADPC booth in the GPDRR Marketplace is
#28. Visit it to hear live presentations of
our work in the Asian region, and to obtain
CDs of our publications. For more
information, contact Ms. Roopa Rakshit
(2)Flood emergency in
(based on reports by IRIN and Alertnet)
Flash floods hit Afghanistan
from late April to May that killed more than
20 people, destroyed hundreds of homes and
affected thousands of families. At least 10
of the country's 34 provinces were affected
by floods, landslides and avalanches. The
Afghanistan National Disasters Management
Authority declared a nationwide state of
emergency to mitigate the impacts of severe
floods as the floods killed hundreds of
livestock and damaged agricultural land.
Over 5,525 hectares of agriculture land,
some 22,000 livestock and about 4,200 fruit
trees have been destroyed by floods in the
past two months.
(3) Diarrhea outbreak in
(based on a report by IRIN)
The city experiences
outbreaks every year, but this one is
looking particularly bad. According to the
ICDDR, B (a Dhaka center specialized for
diarrhea) 19,000 patients were admitted in
March 2009 compared with 7,890 in March
2008. In April 2009 some 23,000 were
admitted compared with 13,932 in April 2008.
E. coli bacteria and rotavirus are the
primary pathogens The incidence is thought
to be exacerbated by the high temperatures,
power outages, and poor access to safe
drinking water for Dhaka’s residents. The
Department of Health ordered all health care
centers in Dhaka to provide round-the-clock
(4) Back-to-back tropical
storms hit the Philippines
(based on reports by IRIN and Alertnet)
Emergency relief efforts
continue for people displaced by two
back-to-back typhoons that wreaked havoc
across large parts of the eastern and
northern Philippines. The storms displaced
more than 400,000 people. Storm Chan-hom,
which made landfall on 7 May, dumping heavy
rains and causing landslides that killed 43
people and displaced more than 161,020
people. The total cost of the damage wrought
by Chan-hom has surpassed US$16 million,
with more than 23,000 homes totally or
partially damaged by floods or landslides.
Chan-hom blew into the Philippines just days
after tropical depression "Crising" and
typhoon Kujira battered the eastern Bicol
region and nearby provinces on 2 May,
leaving 33 people dead and displacing
(5) Floods, mud flows
displace 15,000 in Tajikistan
(based on reports by IRIN and ReliefWeb)
Aid agencies in Tajikistan
have appealed for emergency aid to replenish
the country's stocks, including food, as
heavy rain continues to cause floods and mud
flows that displaced over 15,000 people.
Continuous torrential rain since 20 April
had displaced more than 734 families and
stretched emergency supplies country-wide
and damaged about 14,000 hectares of
agricultural land.
(6) Cyclone Alia hits India
and Bangladesh
(based on reports by Alertnet and IRIN)
Hundreds of thousands of
people are stranded with no food, water and
shelter four days after cyclone Aila washed
away roads and submerged villages in
Bangladesh and India With winds of up to
90km per hour, Aila swept across eastern
India and southern Bangladesh on 25 May,
affecting millions and leaving more than 275
dead, mostly in low-lying Bangladesh. The
cyclone hit parts of eastern India and
coastal Bangladesh on Monday, triggering
tidal surges and floods and destroying
hundreds of thousands of homes. In the
Indian state fo West Bengal, at least 5.1
million people were displaced and over 100
people died. In Bangladesh alone, the
category one storm affected more than three
million people and left 175 confirmed dead.
Effective early warning systems and
evacuation measures seem to have saved
countless lives. Some 600,000 people were
evacuated to cyclone shelters prior to the
cyclone - a significant factor in minimizing
the loss of life. However, over 1,400km of
flood protection embankments were washed
away by Aila, exposing thousands of villages
just as the monsoon is beginning, according
to the Bangladesh Disaster Management
(7) Joint Ministerial
Statement of the ASEAN+3 Health Ministers
Special meeting on Influenza A(H1N1),
Bangkok, 8 May 2009
Southeast Asian countries
have agreed to continuously implement
pandemic preparedness plans, strengthen
national core capacities for pandemic
preparedness, and promote inter-country
collaboration on monitoring international
travel, laboratory support and research.
Read the full statement at:
(8) UN, World Bank to help
Southeast Asia reduce disasters
(based on a report by Alertnet)
Earlier this month, the World
Bank, the United Nations and the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signed an
agreement to cooperate on reducing the risk
of disasters in the region. Under the
agreement, which lasts five years, the World
Bank will provide technical assistance
through helping develop disaster risk
reduction frameworks, sharing good practices
and managing assessments after a disaster.
B. Calls for Submission
(9) Call for Abstracts:
Climate Change and Extreme Cyclones:
Regional Conference on Disaster Risk
Reduction and Emergency Response in
Climate Extremes Inflicted World
The Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center and the Bangladesh
Disaster Preparedness Center are organizing
a conference on the new tropical cyclone
surge pattern, potential impacts, and of
risk reduction options/models. Elements at
risk include the most vulnerable people,
livelihoods, and infrastructure; all these
should benefit from actions that will
protect life and ensure sustainability. The
conference has the following objectives: (1)
to capture lessons from recent tropical
cyclones (such as Sidr in 2007, Nargis in
2008, and Xangsane in 2006); (2) understand
the implications for disaster risk reduction
of the climate change scenarios contained in
the 2007 Assessment Report by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The conference is scheduled for 2 & 3
November 2009 in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
Those interested to present a paper should
first e-mail a 250-word abstract to Mr. NMSI
or to Ms. Dilruba Haider
on or before 30 June 2009. The organizers
will send confirmation email to authors of
accepted abstracts, with additional details
of the paper. Papers will not exceed 4
pages of text and images.
C. Conferences and Courses
Regional Training Course on
Incident Command System for Disaster
Management – Phuket, Thailand: 10-16 August
Organizers: Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center. This course is
designed to enable practitioners to operate
efficiently during an incident or event
within the Incident Command System (ICS).
This course focuses on the management of
single resources. The objectives of the ICS
course is to provide participants with the
in-depth knowledge on Incident Command
System, describe the ICS organization
appropriate to the complexity of the
incident or event and use ICS to manage an
incident or event efficiently. The proposed
training will offer course work, hands on
training with series of table top simulation
exercises, lessons learned, good practices
and field visit. For more information,
download the brochure from:
(11) Third Central Asia GIS
Conference – Bishkek, Kyrgistan: 27-28
August 2009
Organizers: Kyrgyz State
University for Construction, Transportation
& Architecture. This conference will bring
together practitioners from Central Asian
countries. The topics to be discussed
include GIS for Environmental Management,
Emergency Management, and Health. UN-SPIDER
will be organizing a pre-conference meeting
on August 26 and will be providing funding
support for experts from the disaster
management community to attend this meeting
as well as the conference. Further
information can be obtained by e-mail:
gisca09@aca-giscience.org or from the
conference website:
D. Useful Resources
2009 Global assessment report
on disaster risk reduction: risk and poverty
in a changing climate, UN 2009
Bangladesh Quarterly Economic
Update (March 2009) (Bangladesh) [PDF]
This month in Asia’s disaster
(based on a report by Alertnet)
Mourners crowded ruins in
southwest China to mark one year since an
earthquake shattered the region In Sichuan
province, the earthquake rippled out from
Wenchuan County on May 12 last year, and
more than 80,000 people killed. About 450
children died at the middle school in Juyuan,
and the deaths may remain a wound likely to
fester for a long time because the
government compounded their bitterness by
curtailing collective mourning. AlertNet
reports on how little attention has been
paid to the plight of the elderly and those
left disabled. Visit the Alertnet special
coverage page at:
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by Month
Oct, Nov, Dec
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
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