Phase III:
This phase of
the program focuses on the use of early
warning systems for landslide prone areas.
It will be implemented through gathering
existing approaches and forming joint
working groups to identify critical factors
for landslide initiation. Good
practices and new techniques will be
disseminated to the participating
Activity 1.

1st Regional Meeting under RECLAIM III - 25
to 27 November 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The 1st
Regional Meeting on ’Discussion and
Promotion of Early Warning Mechanisms for
Landslides in Asian Region’ was held for
RECLAIM partners from target countries.
The objectives of the meeting were to share
country experience on setting up different
early warning systems for landslide risk
reduction and discuss the factors to
consider in establish landslide EWS.
Working groups were formed out of the member
countries and organizations:
Group 1 -
Recommending threshold values for Early
warning System for Landslides: Member
countries - Bhutan, China,, Indonesia,
India, Sri Lanka, ADPC, NGI.
Group 2 -
Collection,compilation and
recommendation for landslide early
warning approaches: Member countries -
Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan,
Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, ADPC,
Activity 2.
Working Group Meeting – 10 May 2010 in
Bangkok, Thailand
A working
group meeting was held in ADPC Bangkok
office between two working group
coordinators, ADPC project team and
technical partners from NGI. The purpose of
the meeting was to discuss the status of the
two papers developed by working group
coordinators and review the material
collected and methodology adopted in
finalizing the papers.
Landslides Risk

Phase II
Final Report
Phase 2
Capacity Building & Sharing of Experiences
in risk identification and risk reduction at
Regional Level
The Regional
training workshops were identified as the
best platform to build capacity of the
professionals, experts and officers in the
region working for landslide risk mitigation
at regional level as well as to share their
experiences and knowledge. The workshops
expected to build good networking and
communication mechanism to share the success
and failures and to learn from each other in
the region.
A. 2nd
Regional Training Course, Phuket-Thailand,
Under the
RECLAIM Phase II, the second regional
training was held in Phuket Thailand where
the international participants learned about
the flash flooding and landslide issues in
Thailand with a field exposure in Patong
where floods and landslides continue to be
the biggest threat to development and human
lives. During the training, the participants
were given a good background and
understanding on the Landslide Mitigation
Demonstration Project (LMDP) in Patong under
RECLAIM II. All the country representatives
shared their experiences and the new
technologies they use in trying to mitigate
landslide risks in their countries. The
training was attended by 28 participants
from Norway, India, Indonesia, Nepal,
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. It was
successful in achieving the goal of sharing
experiences, technologies and building
networks around the Asian Region.
of the 2nd Regional
Training Course held in Phuket, Thailand on 29 January – 2
February 2007
Proceedings, Part 1

Proceedings, Part 2

B. 3rd
Regional Training Course,
Manila-Philippines, 2008
The Third
Regional Training under RECLAIM II was held
in Manila, Philippines where the second LMDP
under RECLAIM II is implemented by ADPC
together with the University of Philippines,
Diliman. The main purpose of this activity
is to enhance the capacity of professionals
involved in landslide risk mitigation and to
promote a dialogue between decision makers
and professionals about the theoretical and
practical aspects and issues related to
landslide hazard mitigation. The idea of
this activity is to expose the encountered
problems, share the considered alternative
approaches to mitigation and preparedness
measures and expose the lessons learned by
partners of the demonstration projects.
There were 27 participants from Norway,
India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri
Lanka and Thailand.
Regional Training Proceedings Report

Development of national training capacity
With the
expectation of helping to enrich the
capacity and bring about changes in attitude
and practice in promoting the collaborative
efforts in landslide risk management through
training/skills development and building the
partnerships between professionals and
decision making community, the national
trainings were conducted in all seven
countries with representatives from the
respective government institutions and
authorities, academia, private sector and
the community.
Country |
Location |
Dates of Training |
Thailand |
province |
25-26 Feb 2009 |
Indonesia |
Bandung |
05 & 8 Feb 2009 |
Bhutan |
Thimpu |
22 – 24 Dec 2008 |
Nepal |
Kathmandu |
22 – 24 Dec 2008 |
Nepal |
Kathmandu |
17 – 22 Jun 2008 |
India |
Dehradun |
03 – 19 Jan 2008 |
Indonesia |
Gadjah Mada
University |
23 – 25 Apr 2008 |
Philippines |
Baguio City |
17 - 19 Oct 2007 |
Sri Lanka |
Kandy & Galle |
4 & 6 Dec 2007 |
Organize and facilitate Landslide Mitigation
Demonstration Projects (LMDPs)
The LDMPs were
included in the Phase II with the
experiences and suggestions during Phase I
where it was highlighted the need for
demonstration projects in order to enhance
the knowledge and skills of local
professionals on investigation,
instrumentation and structural mitigation of
areas identified to be landslide prone.
Especially this is a very important aspect
for human settlements threatened by
landslides in terms of reducing the
casualties and destructions due to potential
events in future. Two major LDMPs were
implemented in Philippines and Thailand with
the assistance of University of Philippines,
Diliman and Department of Mineral Resources,
Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment, Kasetsart University of
Failure Monitoring and Intervention in
Baguio City and community based
approaches for landslide vulnerability
reduction in Philippines

Demonstration of landslide risk
reduction measures through landslide
hazard zonation, early warning and flood
modeling: Experiences of Landslide
Demonstration Project in Patong,

Community/School based Rainfall data
collection system for landslide early
warning and dissemination -
Demonstration Project in Kaluthara
District, Sri Lanka

Phase I:
In the project kick-off
meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand on
September 2004, the country partners from
all the 6 target countries have presented
the country reports highlighting the growing
risk and vulnerability in landslide prone
mountain areas. The country presentations
pointed to increasing evidence that frequent
extreme weather, increased development
activities, population growth contribute to
increased vulnerability creating a more
unfavourable situation in the years to come.