Building Disaster Resilient and Safer
Communities in Bangladesh
August 2009 – June 2010
committed to build a cadre of
technical/non-technical experts by building
the capacities of disaster risk reduction
practitioners especially project staff,
field practitioners, community volunteers,
school teachers and students who implement
or participate in DRR projects/programs.
ADPC is providing separate technical
assistance to Islamic Relief-Bangladesh and
Plan-Bangladesh under this program funded by
the European Commission Humanitarian Aid
department’s Disaster Preparedness Program (DIPECHO).
- Child
Centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) Guideline

- Child
Inclusive Community Risk Assessment (CICRA)

- Facilitator Guidebook: Disaster Risk
Reduction Training to Community Volunteer

- Facilitator Guidebook on
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR)

- Facilitator's Guidebook on Urban Risk Assessment

Manual on School Safety: Preparing Schools for a Safer Tomorrow

Main objectives
The following
are the objectives that will be covered
through a range of trainings to varying
target groups to facilitate for the
Implementation of DIPECHO-South Asia
Develop a
comprehensive understanding on Disaster
Risk Reduction (DRR) among the Islamic
Relief and Plan Bangladesh project
staffs and community representatives
involved in DIPECHO-SA project.
Build the
capacity of Master Trainers (MTs) on
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
(CBDRR) practices who will implement
programs for reducing disaster risks
and vulnerability and building
community capacity to promote a ‘culture
of safety’.
To promote
‘culture of safety’ in schools through
participatory approach to develop school
safety plans, practice preparedness
measures and conduct simulation with
regard to earthquake and floods.
To review
the Community Risk Assessment (CRA) with
the special focus on children.
To build
the capacity of project staff, SMC and
children on school safety Disaster Risk
Reduction and Contingency Planning.
To conduct
urban risk assessment focusing on
children’s rights / participation.
Topics in this section:
Disaster Resilient Communities Home
For more information on the project, please contact:
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