Program Goal
To reduce landslide disaster
vulnerability of human settlements,
infrastructure, and critical facilities in
the targeted countries of Bhutan, India,
Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka,
and Thailand
Program Objectives
Objective 1:
To provide target countries with a cadre of
specialists and decision makers with
up-to-date knowledge on landslide disaster
mitigation practices and to integrate this
knowledge in routine development work
initiated by national and local governments.
Increase collaboration between Norwegian
institutes and institutes in Asia for the
development of cost-effective strategies for
landslide risk mitigation through new joint
programs for demonstration of practices of
landslide mitigation and preparedness and
opportunities for sharing of experience and
learning applications in the subject area.
Objective 3:
good practices for efficient landslide early
warning systems in a changing climate
Program Components
Capacity Building & Sharing of
Experiences in risk identification and
risk reduction at Regional Level
Development of national training
Organize and facilitate Landslide
Mitigation Demonstration Projects (LMDPs)

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For more information, contact
Mr. NMSI Arambepola