Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP)
The Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program
(AUDMP) is a ten-year (1995-2004) program
designed to respond to the need for safer cities
in Asia. The goal of the program is to reduce
the disaster vulnerability of urban populations,
infrastructure, critical facilities, and shelter
in selected cities throughout Asia.
The AUDMP is implemented by the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC) with an extensive
coalition of partner organizations, including
local and national government agencies, NGOs,
academic institutions, and others. Financial
support for the AUDMP is provided by the
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
of the
United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and by the participating
national and local governments and other
The program aims to highlight the importance of
proactive approach in disaster risk mitigation,
facilitate development of sustainable mechanisms
for disaster mitigation, build capacity of all
stakeholders to mitigate disaster risks and
promote replication and adaptation of successful
mitigation measures to other cities and
countries worldwide.
Working in conjunction with collaborating
institutions in each target country, the program
strategy takes a three-tiered approach:
National demonstration projects 2.
The Information and Networking 3.
The Training, Resource Materials, and Continuing
The AUDMP projects are being implemented in
eight countries, namely
Lao PDR,
Sri Lanka and
Following restructuring of ADPC, the AUDMP is
now being managed by the
Urban Disaster Risk Management Team.
For a complete overview of AUDMP, please
AUDMP Program Completion Report (Oct 1995-Dec

AUDMP Program Completion Report (Jan 2004 - Jul 2005)

AUDMP Library
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Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on
Best Practices in Disaster Mitigation, Bali,
Indonesia, 2002
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