National Risk Profile for Lao PDR
This project
is a technical consultancy to develop a
National Risk Profile of Lao PDR. Laos
is considered a disaster “hot-spot” facing
multiple hazards that threaten lives,
property and economic development. The
findings of the National Risk Profile of Lao
PDR would create the basis for
incorporating appropriate risk-reduction
strategies and prioritizing them into the
country’s development planning by the
government of Laos.
The objectives of this
project are:
To map out all hazard prone areas and
respective hazard zones based on
historic disaster events
To identify and assess the exposure of
people, property, critical facilities,
infrastructure and economic activities
to those hazards
To assess the potential damage state of
the identified elements at risk with
reference to expected hazard intensities
To create preliminary national
multi-hazard profiles in terms of hazard
and sector to identify priorities for
National Disaster Risk Reduction
Strategies. Risk should be expressed as
potential losses (human and financial)
rather than relative levels of risk.
For this
project, ADPC is working with the National
Disaster Management Office (NDMO) of the
Government of Lao PDR, and the Public Works
and Transport Institute (PTI) of Lao PDR.
Introductory Workshop Mar 2010

2nd Consultation Meeting Jul 2010

Mar – Jun 2010

Jul – Sept 2010

Assessment Report, Nov 2010

Vulnerability and Risk Assessment, Nov 2010

This project is
funded by the
United Nations Development Program in Lao (UNDP
For more information, contact