Earthquake risk assessment for Myanmar
This project is an effort to
carry out an up-to-date study quantifying
the country’s seismic risks in terms of
potential economic losses. The intended
Seismic Hazard Risk Assessment builds upon
previous work to present an analysis of
country’s earthquake disaster risks,
identify exposures and vulnerabilities at a
sub-national scale, map high-risk geographic
regions of the country.
The scope of the assignment
will include:
Collecting and analyzing
past seismic monitoring data and
existing reports on the historical
losses due to past earthquake
Mapping the seismic
hazard sources, vulnerabilities and
risks due to potential earthquakes
Detailing out physical
exposures to earthquakes, and other
collateral hazards using the GIS
Analyzing and quantifying
the projected losses in the absence of
mitigation investments
An important part of the
project is capacity building of relevant
national organizations. During the
implementation of the project ADPC will work
in close collaboration with the Department
of Hydrology and Meteorology, Ministry of
Social Welfare, Relief & Resettlement,
National Commission of Environment Affairs,
Science and Technology, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Myanmar Earthquake Engineering
Society, Myanmar Geosciences Society, and
the Myanmar Earthquake Committee. It is expected that the
efforts on capacity building will also
secure national ownership to the output of
the project.


This project is
funded by the
Royal Norwegian Government.
For more information, contact
Aung Kyaw
Dr. Peeranan
Department Head

Meeting at the
Ministry of Transport,
Napyitaw, Aug. 24
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul and ADPC staff met
with senior government officials to discuss the
risk assessment project. Present at the
meeting were U Nyan Tun Aung, Deputy Minister; U
Tin Ngwe, Director General of Department of
Meteorology and Hydrology; and U Win Khant, head
of staff of the Ministry of Transport, and other
officials and technical experts from the
Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. |