Phase 1: City scoping and selection
Analysis institutional and governance
preparedness and willingness of shortlisted
cities to cope with climate change
effects. The analysis will be the basis
for selecting two demonstration cities.
Both cities will serve as models for
other cities in Thailand and the South
East Asian region to prompt climate
resilience initiatives.
Phase 2: City-level engagement and
capacity development
climate change vulnerability assessments
of selected demonstration cities
development of relevant climate change
data and climate change models in the
two demonstration cities
strengthened engagement of the cities for
climate change resilience
capacity building at city level
Phase 3: Implementation of urban
resilience projects
development of effective climate change
resilience projects at city-level
collaboration of multi-level
stakeholders, to ensure the
sustainability and the replicability of
the implemented activities.
Phase 4: Replication
The ACCCRN Thailand project will scale-up
through networking and shared learning
within and between cities of Thailand, and
with the cities of other ACCCRN country