The fundamental basis for
Phase II is to highlight the need for a
gradual change in attitude towards proactive
approaches of preventive measures to reduce
losses. The regional implementing partners
NGI and ADPC have demonstrated the ways of
interactive training methodology
and have stressed
the need for continuity for actions as
creating trust and changing attitudes cannot
happen overnight. Attitude change is the
primary challenge in order for behavioral
change to occur subsequently. The
curriculum outline for a national training
course has been developed and a generic
module and training material for national
training is expected to be developed under
the Phase II of the program.
The participants who had
attended the 1st Regional
Training in Sri Lanka highlighted the
importance of undertaking demonstration
projects (LMDPs) to enhance the knowledge
and skills of local professionals on
investigation, instrumentation and
structural mitigation of areas identified to
be landslide prone. Especially this is a
very important aspect for human settlements
threatened by landslides in terms of
reducing the casualties and destructions due
to potential events in future.
Therefore the program under
Phase II would expand its scope and in size
to provide hands on experience to
professional staff attached to local partner
agencies, while continue to provide a
platform for having further interaction and
discussions between decision makers,
planners and professionals with theoretical
and practical knowledge on the issues
related to landslide risk minimization.
proceedings of the 2nd Regional
Training Course on RECLAIM Phase 2 project
held in Phuket, Thailand on 29 January – 2
February 2007
Proceedings, Part 1

Proceedings, Part 2