Building Disaster Resilient and Safer
Communities in Bangladesh
Technical Assistance for Plan Bangladesh
committed to build a cadre of
technical/non-technical experts by building
the capacities of disaster risk reduction
practitioners especially project staffs,
field practitioners, community volunteers,
school teachers and students who implement
or participate in DRR projects/programs.
Main objectives
The following
are the objectives that will be covered
under the proposed technical assistance to
DIPECHO‐SA partners and Plan Bangladesh:
Develop a
comprehensive understanding
Plan Bangladesh
staff, community based organizations,
and youth on Child Centric Disaster Risk
Reduction under the DIPECHO‐SA project.
Build the
capacity of Master Trainers (MTs) on
Community based Disaster Risk Reduction
(CBDRR) practices who will implement
programs for reducing disaster risks
and vulnerability and building
community capacity to promote a ‘culture
of safety’.
To promote
‘culture of safety’ in schools through
participatory approach to develop school
safety plans, practice preparedness
measures and conduct a simulation of
earthquake and flood hazards.
training on CBDRR for Plan Bangladesh project staff
Review the
Community Risk Assessment (CRA) document
developed by CDMP
Child Inclusive Community Risk
Assessment methodology and approach
Multi Hazard School Safety and
Preparedness Approach and guidelines
the capacity of Teachers, students and
school management committee
Child Inclusive Urban Risk Assessment
methodology and Approach
About Plan Bangladesh
has been operating in Bangladesh
since 1994, helping poor children to
access their rights to health,
education, economic security and
protection. Children are the heart
of everything we do. We partner with
30 national and local
non-governmental organizations, and
together our work benefits more than
3,500,000 people. One of our current
projects helps small-holding
households mobilize their
entrepreneurial skills and gain
greater knowledge of good farming
practices so that they can increase
their incomes and establish
sustainable livelihoods. Integrating
agriculture and microfinance
programs, the Dairy Farm project
will benefit around 500 families
from 2 districts in its initial
phase alone. |
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