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supported by
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Management in Urban Local Government Sector
In Sri Lanka Disaster
Management Centre (DMC) under the Guidance
of Ministry of Disaster Management and Human
Rights (M/DM&HR) has commenced activities
since 2005 related to all phases of DRM at
all levels. As provided for in the Sri Lanka
Disaster Management Act enacted in the
Parliament in May 2005, DMC and the M/DM&HR
are required to implement DM related
activities in collaboration with all
relevant ministries and agencies covering
relevant sectors.The local government sector
has been identified as a very important
sector in mainstreaming DRR under the
current policy of the Ministry.
Final report

Local Authorities (LAs) are
responsible for land use planning, issue of
building permits, city expansion etc. Due
to limited capacity in the local government
sector it is not possible for LAs to execute
control in such interventions or advice on
improving the quality. Athough much has
been discussed about the compliance to
guidelines and building codes, what has been
observed in most cases is that the buildings
which were subject to destruction had no
engineering inputs during the design or
construction process. In addition, LAs need
to build the capacity of emergency services
to support the National Agencies to have a
better integrated emergency response system
within the country.
Therefore the Ministry
recognizes the need for provision of
mandates, building the capacity of local
government sector for integrating risk
management interventions in to routine
practices in the process of building permit
as well as in land use planning, as well as
creating awareness within the local
communities. In addition it is necessary to
create awareness to move away from disaster
prone areas for making the urban areas safer
from hazard events. The ministry understands
the importance of mainstreaming the risk
reduction discipline in the local government
sector and delegating certain functions of
DRR in to local authorities.
The Ministry intends to
implement a pilot project for developing a
sustainable strategy for DRR mainstreaming
in local government sector with the active
involvement of Disaster Management Center (DMC)
and other relevant stakeholders of Ministry
of DM&HR and Ministry of Local Governments
and Provincial Councils and with the
technical inputs from Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center, (ADPC), and Thailand.
Developing a Conceptual framework
and identifying target audience for Advocacy
The major role in
mainstreaming the risk management in local
governance should be played by the decision
makers and they will essentially become a
primary target for advocacy initiatives.
Advocacy initiatives targeting the elected
representatives and local government
officials can be connected with policy
changes or improvements, such as:
Setting up local
government level disaster management
Adopting new bye-laws,
revision of building permit procedures,
safer construction practices etc.
Change of regulations
(Adaptation of zoning ordinances,
regulations for urban land use planning,
regulations for issue of building
permits, tax laws etc.)
Change of construction
practices (Dwellings, road pavements,
construction procedures for school
buildings, hospitals and other critical
facilities, allocation of unsafe land
for recreation purposes etc)
Improvement of local
emergency response capacities
Capacity building and
fund allocation (allocation of a part of
the required funds from annual budget,
government grants, special projects for
risk reduction, etc.)
Proposed Implementation
arrangements for MDRM in local government sector
Setting up a Joint Committee.
It is suggested that a Joint Committee to be
set up for Mainstreaming DRM in Local
Government sector involving senior members
representing both ministries and relevant
institutions in order to:
Remove any misunderstanding between the
ministries handling the subject of
disaster management and the ministries
handling the subject of Local
Create a better understanding of
functional responsibilities of different
organizations in the mainstreaming
process and
Develop necessary policy guidelines and
action plan for implementation
Setting up Technical Advisory committees.
It is recommended to form Technical Advisory
Committees for specialized areas such as:
risk based land use planning
safer building and construction
setting up institutional arrangements
within local authorities
Identification of capacity-building needs.
The Ministry recognizes that it is very
important to build the capacity of the
stakeholders involved in the mainstreaming
process. The target group for
capacity-building is the elected bodies and
the local government officials. Community
members, NGOs, CBOs can be included in
public awareness campaigns.
Capacity-building can be entrusted to the
Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance (SLILG),
to integrate the same in their regular
training programs or as special training
programs. The DMC will also organize
special training programs, seminars etc. for
local government sector officials. Regional
institutions specializing in DRR
mainstreaming such as UN-ISDR and the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center can also
provide technical assistance and capacity
Developing a detail concept
note outlining the strategy that can be
adopted for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Management in the local government sector.
Conducting a national level
workshop to present the strategy to
institutions within the MDM&HR and Ministry
of Provincial Councils and Local Government
to build the consensus..
Main Activities
Establishment of the Joint
Committee for Mainstreaming DRM (DMC,
National and Provincial Local Government
Departments (Commissioners of Local
Government), Sri Lanka Institute of Local
Governance (SLILG), Urban Development
Authority (UDA), National Physical Planning
Department (NPPD), other training
institutions, NBRO etc.). Regular meetings
of the committee will be held as appropriate
on formulating the strategy for
Mainstreaming DRM.
Discussions with selected
Local Authorities. Discussions will be held
with 13 representative local authorities
including MCs, UCs and PSs (already
identified), with whom discussions will be
held to obtain inputs for developing the
strategy paper for Mainstreaming DRM in the
local government sector.
Meetings of Joint Committee
at different times as necessary to discuss
and finalize the Strategy paper,
Developing and finalizing the
document on the strategy for mainstreaming
and for conducting a National level workshop
to present the strategy to related
institutions, viz., UDA, NPPD, national and
Provincial Commissioners of Local
Government, SLILG, within the Ministry of
DM&HR and related institutions within the
Ministry of Local Governments and Provincial
councils. In the process discuss matters
related to the following:
Revision and regularizing
revised development approval procedure
Adopting guidelines for
planning and land blocking out (Avoiding
high risk areas and/or leading increase
of proneness) and land blocking out
approval procedure
Adopting building
guidelines for Construction in hazard
prone areas
Necessary amendments to
MC/UC/PS ordinances regarding
regulations to adopt guidelines etc.
Developing generic sample
Mitigation Plans and Disaster
Preparedness and Emergency Response
Plans for LAs
Preparations for the
National level Workshop – objective
setting, target group identification,
developing contents / presentations,
workshop materials
Organizing the National
level Workshop. Invitations to
participants and special guests for
Inagural & Concluding sessions,
arrangements venue and refreshments,
audio-visual arrangements, presentations
and seminar materials, stationary and
related expenses, contingencies.
Topics in this section:
Demonstration Projects:
Guidelines on Mainstreaming DRR:
Local Governance

Land Use Planning
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