The Regional
Consultative Committee on Disaster
Management (RCC) to which ADPC acts as the
secretariat, is implementing the RCC Program
on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction
into Development Policy, Planning and
Implementation. The program strategy
includes development of tools and guidelines
specifically aimed at government officials
from RCC member countries on mainstreaming
DRR into development.
contributing this activity by developing RCC
Guidelines on Mainstreaming DRR into (1)
Local Governance, and (2) Land Use Planning.
The Guidelines would be a part of a series
of Guidelines being developed under the
implementation mechanism of the RCC
Mainstreaming program includes the close
guidance from the Advisory Panel of the RCC
Mainstreaming program and guidance from
technical experts from the region. This
activity would include conducting a
technical workshop in Bangkok with
participation of selective RCC members from
the Advisory Panel and technical experts
from RCC member countries, to review the
proposed guidelines and to seek concrete
guidance on usage of these in the RCC member
Consultation version:
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction A Road
Towards Sustainable Urban Development and
Creating Safer Urban Communities, as of
May 2010

Safer National
Development Process guidelines
DRR in Development in Asia and the Pacific