The Program for Hydro-Meteorological
Disaster Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE), funded by USAID/OFDA,
commenced from October 2005. Through
consultations with a number of ADPC
partners, five project countries have been
selected – Bangladesh, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam – for
implementing demonstration projects in each
country in a highly vulnerable city with
recent history of hydro-meteorological
disasters. Other components of the program
consist of capacity building, risk
management advocacy, networking and
dissemination initiatives in the selected
countries. The objective of the program is
to contribute towards reduction of
vulnerability of urban communities through
enhanced preparedness and mitigation of
hydro-meteorological disasters in South and
Southeast Asia. The main activities from
July to September
2007 are local-level skills training,
planning for the conduct of national
courses, and implementing the small-scale
mitigation projects for each city.
In this Issue:
BANGLADESH – BDPC conducted a school
awareness session to increase the
awareness level about disasters among
the students, to form a School Disaster
Management Committee in the school, and
to initiate for development of school
disaster management plan. PROMISE
Bangladesh organized eight of these
sessions in various city corporation
schools from August 28 to September 16.
About 2500 male and female students
participated in these activities. Each
School Disaster Management Committee had
seven members that included
representatives from the school, parents
and students. A meeting was held with
the Chittagong City Corporation (CCC)
officials on September 5 to brief them
on the small-scale disaster mitigation
projects. A draft copy of the proposals
was given to Mr. Rezaul Karim, the City
Planner. Following the meeting, Mr.
Karim visited two project locations on
September 9 and gave advice.
PROMISE Bangladesh sent a delegation to
the 2nd Regional Course on
Urban Governance and Disaster Risk
Reduction on September 17 to 21 composed
of Mr. Md. Arfan Ali, Director General
of the National Institute of Local
Government (NILG); Mr. Rezaul Karim,
City Planner, CCC; Ms. Farhana Sharmin,
Urban Coordinator, CARE Bangladesh; and
Ms. Maliha Ferdous from PROMISE
Bangladesh. Preparations were finished
in this month for the replication of the
training course on Urban Governance and
Risk Reduction in Bangladesh scheduled
to be held 30 September-2 October. BDPC
will organize this course jointly with
NILG. About 23 participants are
expected to attend, coming from CCC,
selected municipalities, some service
providing agencies, and CARE Bangladesh
and other relevant development
Activities for next month include: the
conduct of a training course on urban
governance and disaster risk reduction;
initiative for the implementation of
mini community projects; and the conduct
of disaster response simulations at
Congratulations to PROMISE Bangladesh
for getting global attention! PROMISE
Bangladesh was featured in two online
publications. UN International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction newsletter
UNISDR Highlights, August 2007
issue! Also, the NGO coalition ADRRN
featured on their website PROMISE
Bangladesh’s capacity building
activities. The links are found in the
“Useful Resources” section below.
PAKISTAN – AKPBS(P) continued updating
the ‘Participatory Hazard Mapping and
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment’
for the year 2007 as one major activity
this September. During the updating
activities, another community has signed
the terms of partnership for the
small-scale disaster mitigation
projects. PROMISE Pakistan organized
several capacity building activities in
September. Separate orientation
programs for school children were
organized at Iqra Boys High School for
45 children and 2 teachers and at Iqra
Girls High School for 77 children. A
two day training workshop on ‘Community
Based Disaster Risk Reduction’ was
organized for 18 NGO representatives and
officials of Taluka Municipal
Administration, Latifabad on September 7
to 8. The project team continued field
activities through meetings with
communities and other stakeholders to
continue awareness-raising activities
and discuss implementation strategies
for the small-scale disaster mitigation
PROMISE Pakistan sent a delegation to
the 2nd Regional Course on
Urban Governance and Disaster Risk
Reduction on September 17 to 21 composed
of Mr. Faisal Farooq Khan and Mr. Masood
Ahmed Mahesar of PROMISE Pakistan.
PHILIPPINES – CDP and ADPC facilitated a
CBDRM Study Tour in the Philippines for
CARE Bangladesh from September 2 to 8;
this activity was also funded by USAID.
There were 15 participants in the study
tour from Care Bangladesh composed of
CARE staff and partners from the
community. The participants visited
Marikina City to learn about its
Disaster Risk Management, and to talk
with key city officials including Mayor
Ma. Lourdes Fernandez. They also went
to San Mateo municipality (Rizal) and
Navotas to see the active participation
of the community in CBDRM. The last
stop was in the PROMISE Philippines site
Dagupan City, where each of the
project’s eight barangays made a
presentation of their disaster
mitigation initiatives. One of the
preparations for the study tour was a
staging of three separate exercises in
barangays Lasip Chico, Lasip Grande, and
Pogo Grande. The participants were also
given a chance to talk with key
officials in the city including Mayor Al
Fernandez Jr.
PROMISE Philippines conducted a Planning
Workshop for the Sustainability of CBDRM
in Dagupan City on September 19 and 20.
The topics included giving an
orientation of the newly elected
councilors/ officials, orientation for
the new BDCC members after the October
election, organizing a study visit on
best practices of CBDRM, fund sourcing
for sustainability of CBDRM, and follow
up on the city-level EOC. The workshop
was attended by the TWG, the BDCC’s of
the pilot communities, and by Councilor
Farah Marie Decano of the city’s
legislative board. The workshop
developed a strategy for sustaining
CBDRM: to draft local legislation on
disaster risk management, to develop
case studies and awareness-raising
materials, and to undertake intensive
networking to other stakeholders and
PROMISE Philippines sent a delegation to
the 2nd Regional Course on
Urban Governance and Disaster Risk
Reduction on September 17 to 21 composed
of Ms. Thelma Q. Abdulrahman of the
Department of the Interior and Local
Government; Mr. Ryan Ravanzo, Dagupan
City’s Information Officer; Ms. Cordelia
Lacsamana of Baguio City’s Environment
and Parks Management Office; a
On networking activities: Oxfam invited
CDP to submit an abstract for their Case
Studies of Good Practices in Disaster
Risk Management project. Ms. Mayfourth
Luneta and Ms. Grace Molina submitted an
abstract on the PROMSE Dagupan
Experience; Oxfam has notified CDP that
it is being considered for inclusion in
the book. UNICEF invited CDP to attend
both the protection cluster (September
10-11) and education cluster (September
13) meeting for assessment and planning
of different stakeholders in the
Philippines. CDP participated in the
meeting sharing the experiences in CBDRM
including the PROMISE experience.
Activities for next month include:
Dagupan City Council DRM Orientation;
conceptualization of Public Awareness
Materials; and sharing of DRR in the
educational sector in Dagupan at the UN
DRR Workshop in Bangkok.
Congratulations to Dagupan City and
PROMISE Philippines! Dagupan City is a
national finalist in the 2007 Gawad
Kalasag for disaster mitigation. The
City and Barangay Mangin already won in
its region last July.
SRI-LANKA – Sarvodaya conducted several
field visits to complete the
identification of the small scale
mitigation projects. The PROMISE Sri
Lanka team decided to implement four
structural mitigations and two non
structural mitigations: elevation of the
by road at 729 Nagoda West GN Division,
toilet system for the public fair at
Kalutara city proper and at Calido
beach; soil erosion control measures and
establish a waste separation system in
two selected schools in Kalutara;
improving the drainage system to address
the problem of water logging; capacity
building in disaster risk management for
the construction industry (in
partnership with NBRO); and equipping
the disaster prevention institutes to
increase their coordination capacities.
A meeting on September 6 with Mr.
Krishan Bandara, Director of the Human
Settlements Division of NBRO, to start
planning for the training program on
safe construction for builders and
masons. Possibilities for cooperation
with NBRO on issues related to land use
planning. The PROMISE Sri Lanka team
has the next C-BERC Training for 25
participants. The 5-day training program
will be conducted by North West Medical
Team. When this training is completed,
the 50 persons trained under C-BERC will
join the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
in Kalutara. Once the SOPs are
developed, their roles in the field
search-and-rescue teams will be
A meeting was held last August 29 with
officials from the government’s Disaster
Management Centre (DMC) and from
Sarvodaya’s Disaster Management Centre
to strengthen the linkage with the DMC,
and to get their support for the PROMISE
Sri Lanka small-scale disaster
mitigation projects. Another similar
meeting was held on September 6 with the
officials from the District Secretariat
for Kalutara, and on September 15 with
representatives of 28 Civil Safety
Committees. The civil safety committees
were also asked to detail their roles in
pre-disaster and post-disaster events,
to be used for developing SOPs for the
PROMISE Sri Lanka sent a delegation to
the 2nd Regional Course on
Urban Governance and Disaster Risk
Reduction on September 17 to 21 composed
of Ms. Padma Karunaratne, Colombo
Municipal Council; Mr. R.M.A.K.
Rathnayake, Sri Lanka Institute of Local
Governance; Mr. H.M.U.Chularathne,
SEVANATHA - Urban Resource Centre; and
Mr. Menake Wijesinghe from PROMISE Sri
VIETNAM – CECI conducted a CBDRM
Training of Trainers (TOT) from
September 27 to 28 for 13 Change Agents
(4 female and 9 male trainers)
identified from six wards in Cam Le
district. The one-and-a-half day
training equipped the participants with
facilitating techniques, condensed CBDRM
training content and skills of
validation of Disaster Preparedness Plan
(DPP). The CAs were divided into three
groups to conduct community meetings at
the three wards to disseminate
information on CBDRM and validate the
disaster preparedness plan. All wards
under PROMISE Vietnam have submitted
their final DPPs with proposal for
community based small scaled
subprojects. These DPPs would be
finalized after community meetings to be
conducted in October. The project
steering committee met on September 25
to agree on criteria for subproject
selection and priority for investment.
The subproject would mainly cover
community awareness raising on CBDRM and
environment protection, training and
support to the emergency response team,
agriculture production improvement
accompanied with operation and
maintenance training. The final list of
sub-projects under PROMISE Vietnam will
be decided after the community meeting
and finalization with the district.
The content of the Guidelines on Safe
Construction Techniques was finalized
this month. An in-house familiarizing
workshop will be held in October for the
city authority. The Community Level
Basic Emergency Response Course (C- BERC)
training was implemented from September
10 to 12 in collaboration with ADPC team
and Danang City Red Cross Association.
The training was conducted by
Instructors from ADPC, Mr. Frederick
John Abo and Mr. Anup Karanth of ADPC,
and four Assistant Instructors from
Danang City Red Cross. A total of 27
participants (9 female and 18 male) came
from the city’s Red Cross from 7
PROMISE Vietnam actively participated in
the preparations for the Communities
Disaster Prevention Tour for DIPECHO
project partners from 4th to 10 October.
This is the integration of PROMISE
VIETNAM into other projects implemented
by CECI as a partner of DIPECHO
project. Around 35 participants from
Save the Children, Oxfam, Red Cross,
CARE, World Vision, Development Workshop
France, CECI and mass media would
participate in the study tour to
different projects from the South to the
Central of Vietnam. Five persons from
PROMISE Vietnam including two from
project team and three from district and
ward partners would participate into
this study tour. To share its good
practice on CBDRM, PROMISE Vietnam would
take the take the study tour group to
visit a house demonstration in its safer
house programme for promotion of
application of safe techniques in house
construction practices.
PROMISE Vietnam sent a delegation to the
2nd Regional Course on Urban Governance
and Disaster Risk Reduction on September
17 to 21 composed of Mr. Thai Van Quang,
Danang City Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Aquaculture; Mr Tran Viet
Dzung, Construction Planning Institute;
Ms. Pham Hoang Lan, Central Committee
for Storm and Flood Control; and Ms.
Duong Thi Hoai Trang, PROMISE Vietnam.
Activities for next month include:
participation in the Community Disaster
Prevention Tour; community meetings for
disseminating and validating DPPs;
finalizing guidelines on urban planning
and safer construction techniques;
preparations for the school program;
finalizing community-based small-scale
disaster mitigation projects; and
developing the hydro-meteorological risk
assessment module for the CBDRM
(1) Japan engages in disaster-preparedness
drills, September 2
(based on a report in The Japan Times)
About 630,000 people nationwide took part in
a major earthquake drill organized by the
government on September 1 for Disaster
Preparedness Day for a scenario that
included damage at a Hamaoka nuclear power
plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. Saturday's
drills came weeks after a magnitude-6.8
quake in central Niigata Prefecture killed
11 people and injured more than 1,000 last
July 16. The temblor triggered malfunctions
and leaks at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear
power plant, raising concerns about safety
at Japan's nuclear power stations.
(2) Flooding leaves millions homeless in
India and Bangladesh
(based on a report from Alertnet)
Northern India experienced some of the worst
flooding in years this month. About 10
million people of Assam state were affected
and more than 2,000 villages were
submerged. About 3 million people are
living in temporary shelters, government
buildings and schools. Around 400,000
hectares (one million acres) of farmland
were flooded. In the neighboring state of
Manipur, at least 55,000 people have been
rendered homeless and are staying in more
than 30 relief camps. The flooding has also
spread across parts of Bangladesh. Around
half a million were left marooned in their
swamped villages on Tuesday after water was
released from the flooded reservoir of a
hydroelectric plant.
(3) Imams study disaster management
(based on a report from Alertnet)
Muslim leaders in Kashmir, scene of a
devastating earthquake in October 2005 which
killed around 75,000 people, have been
studying how to use their influence to help
their communities if disaster strikes again.
"God is not to blame for natural
disasters," reports Indian TV channel NDTV -
which has this film online.
(4) Big quake
hits Indonesia, Bangkok to be declared
earthquake-prone zone
(based on reports by Reuters and The Bangkok
A powerful earthquake of 8.2 magnitude
struck Indonesia's Sumatra region on
September 12, triggering tsunami warnings in
the Indian Ocean and and causing at least
two deaths and nine were seriously hurt.
Indonesia's meteorological agency said the
big quake's epicenter was 159 km (99 miles)
southwest of Bengkulu, a remote area of
mountains and forests.
Indonesia issued two tsunami warnings, one
after the first quake, and the second after
a smaller tremor a few hours later in the
same area. The Pacific Tsunami Warning
Center issued an Indian Ocean tsunami
warning after the first quake struck at 6:10
p.m. (1110 GMT). Authorities from Malaysia,
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Australia issued
independent warnings, as did India for the
Andaman and Nicobar islands and France for
the island of Reunion. However, the
Indonesian warnings and most others in the
region had been lifted by 1600 GMT.
Some residents of Singapore, Malaysia and
Thailand also felt the first quake and some
buildings were evacuated. Thailand is
drafting regulations to declare Bangkok an
earthquake-prone zone after the capital felt
the effects of the earthquake. The new law
would require all new tall buildings in
Bangkok and surrounding provinces to be
quake-proof. It has been drafted by the
interior ministry and is currently being
reviewed by Thailand's top legal experts.
The Thai Department for Mineral Resources is
currently studying the risks posed to the
capital by the three fault lines within a
100-km radius of Bangkok. Bangkok's soft
clay geological condition is also being
studied because it can increase a quake's
magnitude and earthquake damage to a city
located on such soil is likely to be greater
than those established on solid soil,
according to Tawsaporn Nuchanong, director
of the geological environment and disaster
(5) Typhoon Wipha floods China’s eastern
coast, September 19
(based on a report in AlertNet)
Typhoon Wipha drenched eastern China,
submerging crops, houses and streets,
toppled thousands of homes, and knocked out
power and water supplies as it swept
ashore. In Zhejiang, Wipha cut off power in
nearly 1,900 villages, destroyed almost
2,500 houses, flooded 160,000 hectares of
farmland and severed 239 roads, affecting 6
million people. The storm caused estimated
economic losses of 6.6 billion yuan ($878.2
million) in Zhejiang and Fujian, as rivers
and reservoirs overflowed. Thousands of dyke
breaches were reported.
(5) Call for presentations: 18th World
Conference on Disaster Management
The Canadian Centre for Emergency
Preparedness (CCEP) is calling for
presentations for the conference that will
be held at the Metro Toronto Convention
Centre, Toronto, Canada from June 15-18,
2008. The conference theme is: Resiliency -
Individual, Community, Business.
Presentations should fall into one or more
of the following categories: Real
Events/Lessons Learned; Emerging Trends in
Disaster Management ; The Human Element in
Disaster Management; Technical
Issues/Threats; Disaster Management
Principles & Practices; and
Academic/Research and Development.
Presentation abstracts must be submitted by
December 2. For more details, please visit or contact Adrian
Gordon at (905) 331-2552 Ext: 221 or email:
(7) Call for Abstracts: MapIndia 2008
GIS Development is calling for papers for
the next MapIndia conference on February
2007. The theme 'Enterprise GIS and
Infrastructure Development' highlights the
role played by Enterprise GIS, an emerging
global geospatial trend, in achieving
greater efficiency and better returns on
investment and how GIS has become an
integral part of infrastructure development
projects in developing nations like India.
Technical sessions include: Disaster
Management, Earth Sciences, Environment And
Forestry, Municipal GIS, Urban Planning and
Rural Development, and Water Resource
Planning. Deadline for abstracts is October
31. For more details, please visit:
(8) Regional Workshop on Education for
Disaster Risk Reduction – Bangkok, Thailand:
8 – 10 October 2007
The workshop is an initiative developed by
the Education Task Force as a first step to
demonstrate the long term commitment of this
partnership to integrate disaster risk
reduction into the Education sector. This
three-day Regional Workshop will be part of
a longer-term regional strategy to integrate
disaster risk reduction and school safety
construction programmes as part of education
curricula. It will bring together decision
makers and practitioners from the field of
disaster risk reduction, disaster management
and education. The “Education Task Force” (ETF)
was created under ISDR’s leadership and is
regional offices for Asia and Pacific, UNCRD
and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(9) Regional Course on Flood Disaster Risk
Management – Bangkok, Thailand: 8 – 19
October 2007
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC). The course is an integrated
approach to the development of flood risk
reduction strategies that involve
engineering, settlement, development, public
administration, and community-based
strategies and land use planning with
environmental consideration. The course
intends to impart the information and skills
in flood problem analysis, understanding and
appreciation of the various approaches to
flood risk reduction, determination of
appropriateness of the strategies and/or
measures to achieve the desired goal of
flood risk/damage reduction. To download
the course brochure, please go to:
National Training Course on Landslide Risk
Management – Baguio, Philippines: 17 – 19
October 2007
Organizer: University of the Philippines.
The National Training Course on Landslide
Risk Management aims to develop capability
and resilience of communities at risk from
landslides by promoting local awareness and
training, and the introduction of effective
alternative, low-cost and indigenous
measures for monitoring and mitigating
landslides. Co-organizers are the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center, the Norwegian
Geotechnical Institute, and St. Louis
University. To download the course
brochure, please go to:

(11) Applications of remote sensing and GIS
in detecting and monitoring Tsunami damage
to mangrove and other terrestrial forests
and coastal zone resources – Bangkok,
Thailand: 22 October – 3 November 2007
Organizer: International Institute for
Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation. The main purpose of this
2-week course is to enhance the capabilities
of managers and technical staff in disaster
risk management, by providing them
understanding of the use of remote sensing
and GIS techniques to detect, map and
monitor damage of tsunami to mangrove and
other coastal resources. To download the
brochure, please go to:

(12) 36th Regional Training
Course on Disaster Management – Bangkok,
Thailand: 5 – 23 November 2007
Organizer: Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC). This ADPC flagship course
aims to facilitate effective strategies and
systems for disaster prevention, mitigation,
response and recovery, applying risk
management processes in order to identify,
assess and deal with disaster risk
assessment, utilizing an emergency
coordination center to manage disaster
events and assess key implementation issues
and requirements in disaster management. To
download the course brochure, please go to:
(13) Management of Landslide Hazard in the
Asia-Pacific Region – Sendai, Miyagi
Prefecture, Japan: 11 -15 November 2008
Organizer: Japan Landslide Society. The
conference is designed to provide a
stimulating forum for geoscientists,
engineers, programme managers, and other
decision makers concerned with landslide
hazards and their management. The conference
lasts from November 11 to 12, and the
Post-Conference Field Trip is from the 12th
to 15th.
(14) Initiatives in Disaster Risk Reduction
– ProVention and ADPC, 2007
The ProVention Consortium initiated the
Applied Research Grants Program for Disaster
Risk Reduction to support innovative action
research by young professionals under 35
years from developing countries. The
publication is a documentation of the
grantees’ drive and commitment to develop
innovative initiatives towards disaster risk
reduction for safer communities. Derived
from a rich dialogue during the Bangkok
Workshop December 2006, it aims to showcase
not only the achievements, but also the
constraints, and challenges of the grantees
in implementing their respective researches
and the determination to continue their
professional engagement with these issues.
To download go to:
(15) National Platforms for Disaster
Reduction – ADPC, 2007
This study looks into the disaster
management (DM) framework for three South
(East) Asian countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia
and Sri Lanka. It examines the current
status of disaster reduction, existing
organizational structure involved in DM in
the countries, identifies the existing
actors and networks at the national level,
potential supporters and the areas of
activities. To download:

(16) Country Focus 1: Bangladesh
This new section is a focus on online
resources on the countries under the GUGSA
project or PROMISE program, both funded by
USAID. The countries that will be featured
are (in order): Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri
Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. Here is a
list of online resources on Bangladesh:
Bangladesh Country Study under the Good
Urban Governance in South Asia project
funded by USAID-India:
Online UNISDR article on PROMISE
Safer Cities 7: Can small be
beautiful? Community based flood
mitigation in Bangladesh, February
Safer Cities 8: Channels of
communications - A challenge, Public
awareness in flood preparedness in
Bangladesh, March 2004:
Safer Cities 15: Community-based
Earthquake Risk Management in Dhaka
City: Community empowerment for
earthquake preparedness, May 2005:
“Vulnerabilities and responses to
climate change for Dhaka,” by Mozaharal
Alam and Md Golam Rabbani.
Environment and Urbanization, 19(1):
pp. 81–97, April 2007. For those with
journal subscription:
Handbook on Design and Construction of
Housing for Flood-Prone Rural Areas of
January 2005:

Online ADRRN article on PROMISE
Bangladesh’s capacity building
ISDR Profile of Bangladesh:
AlertNet’s profile of Bangladesh:
EMI’s disaster risk management profile
of Dhaka:

2005 World Environment Day document on
the seismic risks in Bangladesh:

ADB Portal on Bangladesh:
ADB Economic and Political Update on
Bangladesh, 2007 April: