
Philippines got its name
from the Spanish King Philip II. It underwent
years of political turmoil
under the Spaniards and then the Americans, till
it finally gained independence in 1946. It is an
archipelago consisting of 7100 islands located
between the South China Sea and the Pacific
Ocean and on the Southeast Asian continental
shelf. It lies on the western rim of the pacific
and is part of the circum-pacific seismic belt.
It stretches more than 1800 kms from north to
south and 1046 km from east to west at its
widest extent.
Because of its
geographical location, Philippines is exposed to
a variety of hazards ranging from typhoons,
storms, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic
eruption, landslides and droughts.
An annual average of 30
typhoons occur in the north-western pacific
ocean of which 20 occur in Philippines alone
causing immense damage to life and property. The
typhoons occur mainly between July and November.
Strom Surges:
The irregular coastlines
and the numerous typhoons makes Philippines
vulnerable to storm surges. High tides
coinciding with a storm intensifies the surge.
Factors contributing to the height of storm
surges are a concave coastline that prevents the
rising water from moving laterally, a fast
moving storm that does not allow time for the
water to spread and shallow coastal waters.
Environmental degradations such as destruction
of mangroves, coral reefs and other forms of
natural breakwater, siltation of river deltas
bays, and shore-line reclamation also increases
the storm surge hazard.
Philippines has more than
200 volcanoes distributed along five volcanic
belts. Of these at least 17 are considered
active. The 5 most active and destructive are
Mayon, Taal, Hibok-Hibok, Bulusan and Canlaon.
Philippines lies between two of the world's
major tectonic plates, the Pacific and Eurasian
plates, The first moving north-west is pushing
the Philippines sea plates at a rate of about 7
cm a year. The oceanic parts of the second are
being reduced along the western side of Luzon
and Mindanao at the rate of 3 cm a year.
Eight major and several
minor earthquake generators have been identified
in the Philippines archipelago. Between 1589 and
1983, there were 63 earthquakes which caused
major destruction.
Tsunamis have affected
Philippines coastal areas up to more than 4
meters above sea level. The coastal areas of
Mindanao facing the Celebes Sea are particularly
vulnerable. From 1603 to 1975, earthquakes
generated 27 tsunamis which affected coastal
The area around Baguio in
Northern Luzon with an elevation of 1460 m is
prone to landslides but other parts of Luzon and
the rest of the archipelago are also vulnerable.
Excessive rainfall frequently leads to
Droughts are not common
in the Philippines. The most recent drought
occurred in 1989 and resulted in damaging rice
crops of about 326 million covering 31,587
hectares of rain-fed and irrigated lands.
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