Monthly Updates Archive
2007 February
mission to Tamil Nadu, India,
4-15 February 2007
on mission to Tamil Nadu, India from 4 -15
February 2007 in order to
discuss with the State
Relief Commissioners office on proposed
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
project activities and its
develop a local level
implementation strategy with local level
authorities; and
network and develop
partnership with local agencies for the
implementation of project activities.
CRM Director to participate in US IOTWS program coordination workshop,
CRM Director Mr. A.R. Subbiah
will attend the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System (US IOTWS) Program
Coordination Workshop from 13-16 February
2007 in Washington, DC. The meeting will
discuss key program achievements and
progress of the international community in
developing the overall IOTWS, plan for the
last eight months of program implementation,
and identify opportunities and activities
that may be undertaken to sustain
initiatives under the Program. ADPC
provides disaster risk management expertise
to the program.
CRM Director to participate in
the Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental
Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning and Mitigation System,
18 February- 2
CRM Director Mr. A.R. Subbiah
will participate in the Fourth Session of
the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for
the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS-IV), to be held
in Mombasa, Kenya from 28
February – 2 March 2007. Mr.
Subbiah will represent ADPC together with
Mr. Tun Lwin, Director-General of Myanmar’s
Department of Meteorology and Hydrology and
Chairperson of the Regional Steering
Committee of the ADPC-facilitated Regional
Multi-hazard Early Warning System.
ADPC to conduct Incident Command
System training in Colombo,
20-23 February
will conduct National Basic and Intermediate
Incident Command System (ICS) Training in
Colombo, Sri Lanka from 20-23 February to
train 40 district-level government officials
on ICS for emergency response management.
This training is conducted in partnership
with the Disaster Management Center in Sri
Lanka under the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System (IOTWS) project.
share disaster management policy and
institutional assessment findings to national
stakeholders in Sri Lanka, 6 March
will conduct a consultation meeting in
Colombo, Sri Lanka in order to share the
findings of the disaster risk management
policy and institutional assessment report
with national stakeholders. The meeting aims
to address the gaps in the assessment, in
consultation with the stakeholders.
Assessments of
disaster risk management policy and
institutional frameworks in Indonesia, Sri
Lanka, and Thailand were conducted from
July to October 2006.