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Monthly Updates Archive
10 countries
participated in ADPC-facilitated regional early
meeting, Bangkok (12-14 Jul)
ADPC, in
partnership with the Royal Thai Government,
and with support from the Danish
International Development Agency, US Agency
for International Development, and the UN
International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction, convened a meeting on "Regional
Cooperation on Early Warning for
Preparedness and Mitigation of Natural
Hazards." The meeting brought together 10
participating countries in the ADPC-facilitated
regional multi-hazard early warning
arrangement namely Bangladesh, Cambodia,
China, Lao PDR, Maldives, Myanmar,
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and
Vietnam. The meeting participants passed a
resolution supporting the implementation of
the ADPC-led regional program, which
addressed gaps and needs for an end-to-end
multi-hazard early warning system.
Sri Lankan
officials and ADPC went on a study tour to the
(19 Aug-2 Sep)
A technical
expert from ADPC and Sri Lankan officials
went on a study tour in several cities in
the United States of America under the US
Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System program
(US IOTWS). The disaster management study
tour was intended to expose participants to
disaster management practices in the United
States with a focus on the Incident Command
System. The study tour was facilitated by
the US Forest Service. A few days before the
study tour, the Sri Lankan officials also
visited Thailand's National Disaster Warning
Center to learn about Thailand's early
warning and dissemination system for tsunami
and other natural hazards.
facilitated national risk communications
workshops in Myanmar
(17-18 Jul), Maldives (11 Jun), and Colombo
(21-22 Sep)
technical experts from ADPC facilitated
national workshops on risk communication in
Yangon, Male, and Colombo with the broad
goal of improving community response to
warning. The workshops were organized by
ADPC in collaboration with national partners
and with funding support from the UN
International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UNISDR). The workshops brought
together stakeholders involved in
communicating disaster risks. Discussions
during the workshops focused on 1)
describing the status of communicating risks
for enhancing disaster prevention,
mitigation, and preparedness; and 2)
identifying constraints and needs of
institutions involved in communicating
risks. Participants also recommended a set
of actions, including a risk communication
ADPC facilitated a training/workshop on
communicating disaster risks in Thailand
(16-18 Aug)
ADPC conducted a training/workshop on
disaster risk communication through early
warning for the staff of Thailand's National
Disaster Warning Center. The workshop
focused on enhancing capacities to
communicate different hazards, including the
tsunami. It also allowed participants to
meet with key stakeholders to evaluate
information needs, get user perspectives,
and test warning messages.
participated in the coastal community resilience
core group
meeting in Hawaii, USA (11-17 Jul)
A senior
Social Scientist from ADPC participated in
the coastal community resilience (CCR) core
group meting in Hawaii, USA. As Program
Integrator for the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System (IOTWS) program, ADPC shared
technical inputs towards the development of
CCR Guidebook and other collaborative
efforts to implement CCR in the Indian Ocean
region. The meeting was attended by
representatives from ADPC, NOAA, PRiMO,
Tetra Tech, and the University of Rhode
facilitated coastal community resilience (CCR)
national workshops
in Indonesia (9-13 Aug) and Sri Lanka (14-19
As part of the
US IOTWS Program Integrator team, ADPC has
been providing technical support for
carrying out two national workshops on
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
initiatives in Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
Along with the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, University of
Rhode Island, Tetra Tech, and other
partners, a Senior Social Scientist from
ADPC is leading the overall coordination of
these national level workshops. The
workshops were carried out in order to
provide inputs for the development of CCR
program, develop CCR guidelines, generate
dialogue and consultation, and foster
collaborative effort to build community
resilience in these countries.
ADPC assessed
status of observational network and numerical
weather prediction in Cambodia (27 Aug-1 Sep)
Under the
"Enhancing Community Resilience to Natural
Disasters in Southeast Asia" project,
technical experts from the Climate Risk
Management team conducted a mission to
Cambodia to prepare action plans for
regional and national level implementation
with project partners. In order to design a
capacity building plan to improve the
capacity of Cambodia to do severe weather
forecasting, ADPC conducted an assessment of
the status of observational networks in each
country as well as their capacities to
conduct numerical weather forecasting.
ADPC conducting disaster
management policy and institutional assessment
in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand (Jul to
Technical experts from ADPC,
together with USAID consultant Nan Borton,
are conducting an assessment of disaster
risk management policy and institutional
framework in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and
Thailand. The assessment identifies gaps and
possible interventions through the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Warning System program (US
IOTWS) program. The results of the study
will be shared to relevant national
2007 Monthly Activities
2006 Monthly Activities