Monthly Updates Archive
ADPC to participate in an international
conference on
tsunami preparedness for persons with
ADPC will make a presentation about the
activities under the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System (IOTWS) program, with focus
on the Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification
System (TARNS) in Thailand at the
International Conference on Tsunami
Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities.
The conference, which will be held in Phuket
City from January 11-12, 2007, will be
convened by the Pacific Center on Disability
Consortium in collaboration with
governmental and non-governmental
organizations in Thailand. ADPC serves as
the Program Integrator of the US IOTWS
ADPC to conduct site profiling in Than Hoa
province, Vietnam
ADPC will be on mission to Than Hoa
province, Vietnam from January 15-19 in
order to conduct a profiling of potential
pilot sites for the "Enhancing Community
Resilience to Natural Disasters in Southeast
Asia Project," which is funded by the Danish
Agency for International Development (DANIDA).
During the visit, ADPC will undertake site
profiling after identification of a suitable
commune; meet with the Province
Hydrometeorological Service, Provincial
Committee on Flood and Storm Control; and
assess the typhoon/ flood preparedness of
select communities as well as their demand
for climate information. ADPC will also
discuss the project implementation strategy
with the local authorities.
ADPC to convene a workshop on 'Enhancing
Response to Disaster Warnings' in Hanoi
ADPC will convene a workshop with the theme
'Enhancing Community Response to Disaster
Warnings' in Hanoi, Vietnam from January
22-23, 2007 in order to: 1) create awareness
on current status of communicating risks for
enhancing disaster prevention, mitigation,
and preparedness; 2) identify the
institutions involved and their roles,
responsibilities, programs and activities;
3) identify constraints in risk
communications, needs, and recommend a set
of actions, including a risk communication
strategy; and 4) plan priority pilot
activities. This workshop is a part of the
"Enhancing Community Resilience to Natural
Disasters in Southeast Asia Project" which
is funded by the Danish Agency for
International Development (DANIDA). It will
be undertaken in collaboration with the
Vietnam National Hydro-meteorological
ADPC to participate in third Tsunami Alert Rapid
System in Thailand
ADPC will participate in the Third Workshop
on Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification System
(TARNS) in Thailand under the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS) program
from February 6-8, 2007 in Nakorn Nayok,
Thailand. The workshop aims to develop a
template for conducting tsunami warning
simulation exercises in Thailand and to
conduct a tabletop tsunami warning
exercises. At the end of the workshop, the
participants are expected to 1) gain
knowledge on development of disaster
simulation exercises and the practice of
tsunami simulation exercise development; and
2) develop tabletop tsunami warning
simulation exercise for identifying strength
and gaps in the warning system. This
workshop is conducted under the US Indian
Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS) program
and in partnership with the National
Disaster Warning Center of Thailand.