Program Components
Through two expert consultations in February and
April 2005, a regional program for establishing
an end-to-end multi-hazard early warning
arrangement was developed (EWS Program), with
the following program components:
Regional monitoring and evaluation of
tsunamigenic seismic activity and anomalous sea
level conditions; tsunami prediction and
information communication to participating
countries; and regional severe weather forecast
research support for a multi-hazard approach;
Strengthening national capacities in
early warning, disaster management planning,
risk communication, and emergency response;
Enhancing local capacities to assess
disaster risks, respond to warnings, and
undertake local risk reduction;
Regional exchanges of information, best
practices and lessons learned for cross-country
learning and to guide replication; and
Research in all aspects and elements of the
end-to-end early warning system to improve
system performance and recipient response