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Monthly Updates Archive
ADPC conducted
assessment of Indonesia's disaster risk
management policy and institutional framework
ADPC, together
with a USAID consultant, conducted an
assessment of Indonesia's disaster risk
management policy and institutional
framework from October 2-13, 2006. The
assessment identified gaps and possible
interventions through the US Indian Ocean
Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS) program. This
activity followed the review of existing
resources on policies and institutional
arrangements in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and
Thailand and was based on a framework
developed by ADPC in collaboration with
USAID. The results of the study,
encapsulated in a paper entitled, "Review of
Policies and Institutional Capacity for
Early Warning and Disaster Management in
Indonesia" will be shared to relevant
national authorities.
planning meeting for preparation of proposal on
tsunami risk assessment and mitigation
Coordinating Committee for Geoscience
Programs in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP),
ADPC, and Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
convened a meeting from October 4-5, 2006
and detailed the proposal on Tsunami Risk
Assessment and Mitigation - Phase 2, for
submission to the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
The meeting was participated by delegates
from Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and
Vietnam. The project proposal is a follow-on
to the project implemented by CCOP, NGI, and
Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources
in 2005 on Tsunami Risk Reduction Measures
with Focus on Land Use and Rehabilitation.
Meeting on the Establishment of the End-to-End
Multi-Hazard Early Warning System in the Indian
Ocean and Southeast Asia
ADPC convened
a meeting of Ambassadors of Bangladesh,
Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Maldives, Myanmar,
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and
Vietnam on October 9, 2006 as follow-on to
the meeting of early warning national focal
points of these countries on regional
cooperation on multi-hazard early warning,
held in July 2006 in Bangkok. The meeting
sought guidance for the implementation of
the regional program approved by national
focal points in the July 2006 meeting;
sought policy support to the recommendations
of the July2006 meeting, in particular to
obtain funding support from the UN Regional
Tsunami Trust Fund for phase 1 program
implementation; and requested Thailand's
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide
periodic program status reports to
UNESCO/Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission (IOC) and the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO).
facilitated national workshop on Coastal
Community Resilience
(CCR) in Sri Lanka
ADPC was on
mission to Colombo to facilitate a Coastal
Community Resilience (CCR) workshop on
October 9-10, 2006. The workshop aimed to
make the participants aware of the CCR
initiative under the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Early Warning System (IOTWS) program,
establish a network for future CCR outreach
activities, and get feedback on the CCR
guidebook which is being developed by USAID,
ADPC, and other partners. ADPC, the Program
Integrator for the IOTWS program, was
involved in the coordination of the event.
Over 40 government and non-government
agencies working in the field of disaster
management and coastal management
participated in the workshop, including the
Ministry of Disaster Management and Human
Rights, Disaster Management Center, Coast
Conservation Department, International
Conservation Union, International Federation
of the Red Cross, United Nations Development
Program, and various USAID projects.
ADPC carried
out Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
field visit and guidebook field testing in Tamil
Nadu, India
ADPC team
members were on mission to Tamil Nadu, India
on October 19-24 to conduct field testing of
the recently developed CCR Guidebook and a
reconnaissance field visit to find out the
challenges, gaps and needs of coastal
community resilience. The team worked on
reviewing institutional arrangements,
assessing current status, identifying gaps,
and challenges in developing overall
resilience for the coastal communities. The
team has carried out discussions with
government and nongovernmental organization
representatives at state, district and
village levels. Discussions were also held
with panchayet leaders, local agency
representatives, and coastal communities on
relevant issues. The mission has identified
gaps and initiatives needed for developing a
comprehensive program on coastal resilience
at community level.
facilitated First Table Top Simulation Exercise
for Tsunami Alert
Rapid Notification System (TARNS) workshop
ADPC, in
collaboration the US Forest Service (USFS)
and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), facilitated the First
Table Top Simulation Exercise for the
Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification System
(TARNS) workshop from October 23-25, 2006 at
the National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC)
in Thailand. The objective of the meeting
was to prepare simulation scenarios for the
TARNS workshop in January 2007. The
simulation focused on the process of
disseminating tsunami warning from tsunami
warning providers to national institutions
down to the community level.
agencies conducted trainings on applying
Command System (ICS) in disaster management in
Sri Lanka
ADPC, together
with the US Department of Agriculture and US
Forest Service, conducted a series of
trainings for Sri Lankan officials on
applying the Incident Command System (ICS)
in disaster response from November 7-18,
2006. The training courses were conducted
under the auspices of the United States
Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
program. Around 25 senior government
officials from 20 government agencies
participated in the training courses, namely
ICS Finance/ Admin Section Chief Course, ICS
Logistic Section Chief Course, ICS Operation
Section Chief Course, ICS Incident Commander
Course. The Disaster Management Center (DMC)
developed a strategic plan to tap into the
expertise of ICS resource persons in forming
national and district-level ICS teams for
emergency response.
IOTWS team members carried out field practicum
assessment of the Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
Guidebook in
Ranong, Thailand
A team
comprising of ADPC, University of Rhode
Island, and the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning Program (IOTWS) carried out a field
testing of the Coastal Community Resilience
(CCR) Guidebook in Thailand and developed a
community level rapid assessment using the
CCR framework and benchmarks. This activity
was carried out on December 10-16, 2006 in
the tsunami-affected province of Ranong,
Thailand, in collaboration with USAID's
Post-tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods
program. Based on the results, the team will
refine the guidebook and assessment
methodology, which will be used for
country-level training on assessing
resilience and developing local action
plans. The testing included consultations
and interviews with local people, key
informants, government agencies, and
nongovernmental organizations in the
Kamphuan sub-district of Ranong.
participated in ITU/ESCAP regional workshop on
disaster communications
participated in a regional workshop on
disaster communications sponsored jointly by
the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
and the UN Environmental and Social
Commission in the Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP)
from December 12-15, 2006 in Bangkok,
Thailand. ADPC shared its regional
experience on emergency communication system
and in helping institutionalize the Tsunami
Alert Rapid Notification System (TARNS) in
Thailand through the US Indian Ocean Tsunami
Warning System Program (IOTWS). The workshop
was attended by 135 participants from
government, non-governmental organizations,
and private corporations from 32 countries.
The meeting adopted seven recommendations
for strengthening emergency communication
for disaster management.
ADPC convened a
local working group in Cambodia for Enhancing
Community Resilience to Natural Disasters
ADPC was on
mission to Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,
Cambodia from October 10 to 17 to convene a
local working group for the "Enhancing
Community Resilience to Natural Disaster"
project. The terms of reference of the
working group as well as the project's work
plan was discussed and finalized with
stakeholders during the meeting. ADPC also
conducted site visits to do a profiling of
Sihanoukville, the pilot province for this
project. During the mission, a pilot site at
the commune level was also selected.
Additional partners for implementation of
the project were identified and areas for
collaboration are being worked out.
experts meeting worked out details of regional
support to national meteorological and
hydrological agencies on severe weather
experts from the India Institute
Technology-Delhi and ADPC met from 24-28
October 2006 in Bangkok to discuss the work
plan to establish the regional research
center in severe weather forecasting at ADPC.
This meeting is a follow-on to the meeting
of early warning national focal points of
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR,
Maldives, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, and Vietnam on regional
cooperation on multi-hazard early warning,
held in July 2006 in Bangkok. The regional
research support in severe weather
forecasting, initially supported by Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA),
aims at increasing the lead time and
confidence of severe weather forecasts.
ADPC convened
workshop on "Enhancing Coastal Community
to Natural Disasters in Vietnam"
Under the
Enhancing Community Resilience to Natural
Disasters in Southeast Asia project, ADPC
convened a workshop in Nam Dinh Province on
November 26-28. The workshop: 1) presented
information on proposed demonstration sites
and the impacts, lessons learned from the
last episode of typhoons & floods; 2)
identified key activities for the
implementation plan based on the experiences
of the last major occurrence of coastal
disaster, 3); discussed the different
components of the project implementation
plan; and 4) elicited strategic project
implementation guidance from the key
stakeholders. Vietnam's National
Hydrometeorological Service (NHMS) is the
primary partner for this workshop. The
project is funded by the Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA). A
compilation of papers presented at the
workshop is available in ADPC library.
ADPC on mission
to pilot sites in Vietnam for 'Enhancing coastal
community Resilience to natural disasters"
ADPC was on
Nam Dinh province and other project sites in
Vietnam between November 29- December 6,
2006 under the "Enhancing Community
Resilience to Natural Disasters in Southeast
Asia" project, which is funded by the Danish
Agency for International Development (DANIDA).
Site profiling and training needs assessment
were carried out during the mission. The
mission also led to the identification of
potential collaboration with coastal zone
management activities of the Department of
Natural Resources and Environment.
ADPC and the US
IOTWS team carry cut a round table discussion
and meetings on CCR in Jakarta, Indonesia
A delegation
from the US Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning
System (IOTWS) Project and ADPC, along with
Indonesian project partners, met with
various local partners of Coastal Community
Resilience (CCR) initiatives in Jakarta on
December 18, 2006. Major Indonesian agencies
such International Federation of Red Cross (PMI
Indonesia), Mercy Corporation, Save the
Children, Islamic Relief, UNESCO Indonesia,
IDEP and others also attended the meeting.
The team also met with CARE Indonesia and
various USAID-funded programs. ADPC
presented the status and progress of CCR,
discussed the latest workplan and discussed
how the CCR initiative can be carried out in
the future. The agencies have shown interest
in the CCR framework and discussed scopes of
incorporating the CCR framework in their
activities in the future. Indonesian
agencies are interested in participating in
the upcoming CCR training in Indonesia and
in the follow up regional workshop in late
2007 Monthly Activities
2006 Monthly Activities