Sayaboury Integrated Hazard Mitigation Project (SIHMP)
Laos-Australia NGO Cooperation
Agreement (LANGOCA)

Laos-Australia NGO Cooperation Agreement (LANGOCA)
Program aims to build on and maximise the
unique strengths of NGOs; particularly in
relation to their long-term experience,
capacity and linkages with partner
organisations and communities in Lao. The
LANGOCA Program closely links NGO programs
and expertise to the existing Laos-Australia
Development Cooperation Strategy 2004-2010 (LADCS),
in order to ensure that support to NGOs in
Laos is effectively targeted to strategy
development priorities. The Program will
include a range of activities that aim to
directly address LADCS Strategic Objective
3, to reduce the vulnerability of the poor,
with a specific focus on Objective 3.1 to
reduce the impact of natural disasters, and
Objective 3.2 to reduce the impact of
unexploded ordinance (UXOs).
In Lao PDR, the LANGOCA Program approach is
based on Cooperation Agreements with four
Australian NGOs (Oxfam, CARE, World Vision
and SCA). The Program Goal is stated as “To
reduce the vulnerability of the poor by
integrating poverty reduction and
crosscutting issues with DM and UXO
approaches in Laos”.
Under the
LANGOCA Program, AusAID is supporting the
implementation of 3 following projects by
Save the Children Australia (SCA) and Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).
Integrated Hazard Mitigation Project (SIHMP) more>>
SIHMP is being implemented in Sayaboury
province of Lao PDR. The project has
three components:
Institutional Capacity building for
disaster risk management in
Sayaboury province
Number of intuitional capacity
building activities were carried out
and the Sayaboury Provincial
disaster management strategy (2009-
2020) and Sayaboury district
disaster management plan has been
developed. (2009 -2011). Xienghone
district disaster management plan is
being developed. Intuitional
capacity assessments of Provincial
Disaster Management Committee (PDMC)
and District Disaster Management
Committees in Sayaboury and
Xienghone districts were done and
two trainings on Disaster Risk
Management Planning were conducted.
Community Based Disaster Risk
Reductions in 24 villages in
Sayaboury and Xienghone districts
Participatory Risk Assessments were
conducted in 24 villages in
Sayaboury and Xienghone districts.
Community awareness raised and
community level risk reduction
activities have been identified.
Thos community level risk reduction
activities would be implemented in
next few years
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction into Sectoral development
planning at provincial level
Sectoral agencies at provincial
level would integrate disaster risk
reduction activities into their
sectoral annual development plans.
The sectoral agencies would be
capacitated under SIHMP and
necessary support would be provided
to the key sectors in developing
their integrated sectoral
development plan with DRR
Risk Education for Children (DREC)
Tools for
Disaster Risk Assessment (TDRA)
The consortium of SCA and ADPC was
established with the mutual goal of
reducing the negative impacts of natural
hazards on the communities living in the
rural areas of Lao PDR, particularly in
Sayaboury district of Sayaboury
province, through application of
practical and replicable community based
disaster risk reduction approaches.
For more
details please contact Sisira Kumar
(sisira@adpc.net .
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