6th Disaster
Management Practitioners' (DMP) Workshop
Partnerships for Disaster Reduction Southeast
Asia Phase IV (PDRSEA IV)
Proceedings Report.
The 6th
Practitioners Workshop on DRR in Asia and the
Pacific was organized by the South East Asia
Regional Office (SEARO) of the International
Federation for Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies in collaboration with the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Centre in Phuket, Thailand
from the 15-17th September 2009.
The workshop was held with over 190 participants
from 26 countries in Asia and the Pacific
representing National Societies, Partner
National Societies, IFRC, NGOs, CBOs and
international organizations as part of national
alliances in asian and pacific countries as well
as the regional DRR network, Duryog Nivaran,
consisting of government agencies, NGOs, CBOs
and international organizations working at the
regional level in south east asia.
shared experiences, challenges, reviewed lessons
learnt, identified emerging trends and
strategies, developed and enhanced partnerships
and with the support and coordination of the
Thai Red Cross Society, visited sites of
successful community based disaster preparedness
initiatives in Phang Nga Province of Phuket,
which was affected by the 2004 Indian ocean
The Workshop was designed to cover 5 main
thematic areas.
- Theme
1: Strengthening linkage between CBDRR
and Development
- Theme
2: Implementing National Programs on
- Theme
3: IFRC Framework for Community Safety
and Resilience
- Theme
4: Partnerships for CBDRR
- Theme
5: Innovative approaches for
implementing CBDRR
The workshop
generated key lessons under each thematic area.
Participants also recommended topics to be
discussed in subsequent Practitioners workshops.
5th Disaster Management Practitioners
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2-4 Apr 2008