The faculty who teaches at ADPC courses is fairly of an international character. Both ADPC staff as well as our visiting faculty represents a range of institutions and nationalities from Asia and Australia to Europe. Although a large number of resource persons are comprised of ADPC staff, however, we always bring the best experts on different themes from our partner institutions. Disaster management is a multi-disciplinary field, which requires cross-disciplinary approaches. Thus the faculty of ADPC courses belongs from widely diverse background. There you will find medical doctors, water resources experts, meteorological experts, NGOs workers, government officials, experts on community based risk reduction, urban planners, scholars on extreme climate events, environmentalists, engineers, gender experts and people with a back ground in military services. The description given below does not cover all resource persons, who teach from time to time at our courses.
Dr. Hamidur Rehman Khan
Dr. Khan has specialized in water resources development, flood-damage mitigation, water resources institutional development, international water use and environmental impacts of water resources projects. He has a Ph. D. in civil engineering from the Colorado State University, and has more than 30 years of experience in teaching, research, development and implementation of water resources development programs. He has been providing consultancy services to Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd of Canada, World Bank, CIDA financed Small Scale Flood Control Drainage and Irrigation Projects and ADB-Government of Netherlands funded Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Projects. He has been working with international developing agencies like UNDP, Ford Foundation, USAID, FAO, ADPC and AIT. He has been published very extensively. He teaches in the Disaster Management Course (DMC), Urban Disaster Mitigation Course (UDM) and the Urban Flood Mitigation Course (UFM) at the ADPC.

Mr. A. R. Subbiah
Mr. Subbiah is a member of the Indian Civil Service (ICS). At present he is working as Technical Advisor to the Minister for Environment of India. He has held various high positions in various ministries of the government of India. One among which was being an Under Secretary associated with management of multi-year drought. In this position he was involved in developing the national drought management system in India, which has attracted international appreciation due to its innovative strategies and the scale it covered. He has also been working with the ADPC as Technical Advisor in the Extreme Climate Events Program (ECE). Mr. Subbiah has published several articles on drought management and undertaken Quick Assessment Studies on impacts of El Nino and La Nina in Indonesia and the Philippines. He is a resource person in the Disaster Management Course (DMC) of the ADPC.
Mr. Kalyan Biswas
Of the 35 years of government service as a very senior member of the Indian Administrative Service, Secretary to the Government of India, Mr. Biswas spent 25 years in infrastructure and Environment sectors dealing with urban planning and development, industrial and power projects, social and community development, training and research. He is an expert in the areas such as strategic urban development planning, urban sustainability, urban governance and institutional aspects of disaster management. He teaches in many ADPC courses including, the course on Urban Disaster Mitigation (UDM), the course on
Urban Flood Mitigation (UFM) and the course on Technological Risk Mitigation in the Cities (TRMC).

Mr. Amod Mani Dixit
Mr. Dixit is a senior Engineering Geologist and an expert trainer in disaster management. He is the Founder Member of Nepal Geological Society and National Society Äor Earthquake Technology. He is also a member of several governments and non-governmental organizations. Mr. Amod was the Project Director of AUDMPÕs National Project "Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Project" in Nepal. He teaches in the course on Urban Disaster Mitigation(UDM).

Mr. Arshad Waheed
Mr. Waheed has been working to promote development oriented participatory strategies in Pakistan for a long time. His field of studies and areas of interest are quite varied. He has been working as a medical doctor for more than ten years in mid
1990's, when he went for studying Social Policy in the London School of Economics (LSE). After finishing his studies from LSE, he has been working with different NGOs and with public sector agencies in Pakistan on issues related to health, development and disaster management. Mr. Waheed is also the author of a novel in Urdu language. Community participation in development projects is his key interest area. He teaches in the course on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM).

Lorna Victoria
Lorna is working with the Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, Inc. (CDP), Philippines. Earlier she has been working with the
Citizen's Disaster Response Center, Philippines for six years and was involved in different disaster response activities.
She has a Masters degree in Urban Planning. She is author of many publications on disaster management and on different development related themes. She is specially interested in application of Participatory Risk Assessment techniques (PRA) for disaster management.

Ms. Madhavi Malalgoda
Ms. Malalgoda is working as Program Officer for Disaster Management with the Intermediate Technology Development Group Sri Lanka. Since 1996 she has been involved in coordination and monitoring of the activities of Duryog Nivaran Network
(DNN) in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. At present she is managing a DFID funded regional project " Livelihood Options for Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia". Madhavi is also involved in promoting food and water security strategies in different parts of Sri Lanka for disaster risk reduction through active involvement of local people. She teaches in the course on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM).

Mr. Huub Wan Wees
Dr. Rodger Doran
Dr. Doran holds a medical degree from the University of Sydney. He is interested in issues related to public health and disasters and refugee health care. He has got vast experience in developing and implementing health related projects and training health workers for various reputed national and international organizations. He has worked in Afghanistan as Program Officer responsible for Middle and Near East for UN and was attached to Operation Salaam in Kabul as WHO Medical Officer. He has also worked with UNHCR as Health Coordinator in Pakistan. Later on he was appointed in Geneva as Medical Officer with the Division of Emergency and Humanitarian Action and than as Technical Officer of Emergency and Humanitarian Action in New Delhi (WHO/SEARO). Dr Doran has also been providing support and advice to WHO on joint ICRC/WHO H: E: L: P course, Disaster Management Training Program (UN), Emergency Preparedness Course at the University of Geneva and WHO staff briefings on emergency Management.
Dr. Jean D. Cunha
Dr. Jean D. Cunha is a sociologist with gender studies as her specialization. She has taught sociology and gender studies for 19 years in India and more recently at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and researched on various gender concerns. She has authored a book " The legalization of Prostitution" : A Sociological Enquiry into Laws Relating to India and the West". She has numerous research papers on various gender concerns, published in Indian and international journals. In the field of Disaster Management, she has done research on gender issues in disaster management with a particular focus on Cyclone preparedness in Bangladesh. Dr. Cunha is an independent researcher and Gender and development consultant to various international organizations.

Col. George N. Ritchie
Col. Ritchie is the founder Director of the Cranfield Disaster Preparedness Center, UK. He is presently looking after the external consultancy and management of a range of activities including support to the governments of China and Mozambique in developing national disaster reduction strategies and plans. He is also involved in reviewing the Bangladesh disaster relief and post-disaster recovery logistics involving government, the defense services, NGOs and the private sector systems. Col. Ritchie has worked in many Asian and African countries in field based activities and in training on disaster management and planning. Col. Ritchie was also Honorary Simon Fellow of the University of
Manchester, a Director of training of the Far East Engineer Training Center and a council member of the Hazards Forum of the Institute of Civil Engineers (UK). He has developed ATLANTIS- A disaster management (computer based simulation)
exercise' and published several articles in reputed internationals journals.
Mr. David John Oakley
In addition to general consulting experience in housing practice, urban planning and disaster preparedness, Mr. Oakley has more than 40
years' experience in departmental management, project management and in the organization and delivery of learning programs in many countries. He has held professorial chairs in several universities and been Urban Project Team Leader in Residence in Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea. Since 1993 he has been active in the UK IDNDR program of studies and events.

Ms. Linda Lawrance Noson
Linda Noson has more than 20 years of professional experience in the development and implementation of client centered programs to manage the impacts of natural hazards on building occupants, facilities and operations. Her areas of technical expertise include risk assessment, hazard vulnerability analysis, operational impact analysis, mitigation planning, emergency planning, and the development and delivery of risk control planning workshops and seminars.
Ms. Shirley Mattingly
With 18 years of leadership experience in initiating and managing governmental programs in risk assessment, disaster preparedness, public safety, and financial management, Ms. Mattingly advises local and national governments and non-governmental organizations on disaster management. She had served as Emergency Management Director for the city of Los Angeles for 13 years, after that she was appointed as Regional Director for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), directing federal disaster preparedness, response, recovery and hazard reduction programs in ten U.S. states. She teaches in the course on Urban Disaster Mitigation (UDM).

Dr. Suvit Yodmani
Col. Brian Ward
Mr. Robin Willison
Ms. Zenaida Delica
Mr. Aloysius J. Rego
Ms. Lolita Garcia
Mr. Merrick Chatfield
Mr. Arambepola
Mr. Zubair Murshed
Ms. Suthira Sawanrpa
Mr. Zorrobabel Zuniga
Mr. Rene Jinon
