ADPC Upcoming Training
and Workshop Calendar 2002
- First
Interregional Course on Public Health and Emergency Management in Asia and
the Pacific (PHEMAP-1), in collaboration with JICWELS and WHO/SEARO, WPRO,
4-22 March, Bangkok, Thailand, by invitation only
- Tenth
International Course on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM-10),
8-19 July, Bangkok, Thailand, Fee: US$ 2,000
- Third International Course on Urban
Flood Mitigation (UFM-3), 16-27 September, Bangkok, Thailand, Fee: US$
- Twenty-Ninth International Disaster
Management Course (DMC-29), 22 November, Bangkok, Thailand, Fee: US$ 2,500
Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP)
- Third
Curriculum Review Workshop on the Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction in
Cities Course (EVRC), 6-8 March, Bangkok, Thailand
- Seventh
Annual AUDMP Working Group Meeting, 19-21 March, Bandung, Indonesia
- Seminar
on Institutional Arrangements for Total Risk Management, co-organized by
the Ministry of Interior of the Royal Thai Government, 3-4 April, Bangkok,
Regional Workshop on Policy, Legal and Institutional Arrangements, and
Planning in Disaster Management, 24-26 April
- First
Regional Course on Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction in Cities (EVRC-1),
20-31 May, Kathmandu, Nepal, Fee: US$ 2,000
- Regional
Lessons Learned Workshop under AUDMP, 13-15 August, Bali, Indonesia
- Urban
Disaster Mitigation Course in Indonesia, dates to be announced
- Urban
Disaster Mitigation Course in the Philippines, dates to be announced
- Urban
Disaster Mitigation Course in Nepal, dates to be announced
- Urban
Disaster Mitigation Course in India, dates to be announced
- Natural
Disaster Mitigation Course in Sri Lanka, dates to be announced
Extreme Climate Events Program (ECE)
- Asian
Climate Training: A Workshop on Climate Information Applications for the
ASEAN Region, 7-18 May, Bangkok, Thailand, in partnership with the Thai
Meteorological Department, sponsored by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration in collaboration with East-West Center and
International Research Institute for Climate Prediction
Partnership for Disaster Reduction in South East
Asia (PDR-SEA)
- Training
of Partners in Case Study Writing, January, Bangkok, Thailand, by
invitation only
- Short
Training Course on Newsletter Production and Website Development for
Selected NCDM Staff, 25 February – 1 March, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- National
CBDM Course for Cambodia, 18-27 March, Phnom Penh, by invitation only
- National
CBDM Course for Lao PDR, 1-10 April, Vientiane, by invitation only
Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response
Training Course Design Review Meeting, 25-26 March, Bangkok
- First
HOPE Course Material Review Meeting, 24-25 June, Bangkok
- Second
HOPE Course Material Review Meeting, 28-29 October, Thailand
- Third
HOPE Course Material Review Meeting, 16-17 December, Thailand
- Disaster Management Support in East Timor
- Training
Needs Assessment in East Timor, January- March
- Disaster
Management Orientation, 26-28 March, East Timor, by invitation only
- Training
of Trainers Course, 1-5 April, East Timor
- District
Disaster Management Orientation, April-June, East Timor
- Emergency
Management Course, East Timor
- Training
on Community Based Disaster Management, to be announced
courses are in collaboration and partnership with the United Nations High
Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).
- First
Disaster Management Seminar in Thailand, 11 March, organized by Department
of Accelerated Rural Development of the Royal Thai Government
- Regional
Workshop for the Development of the ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster
Management, organized by the ASEAN Secretariat with assistance from ADPC
and financial support from ECHO, 25-27 March
2: Crisis Management for Senior Executives, 29-30 April, Bangkok, Thailand
- World
Bank/ADPC Workshop on Reconstruction Needs Analysis and Program Planning:
Managing the Transition from Relief to Reconstruction, dates to be
announced, Bangkok, Thailand
- Provention
Consortium Steering Committee Meeting, dates to be announced, Bangkok,
- Second
Consultative Meeting of Regional Organizations and Regional Offices of UN
and International Agencies on Disaster Management in Asia, co-organized by
ADRC, ADPC and UN OCHA, 13-14 June, Bangkok, Thailand
- First
International Course on Planning in Complex Emergencies (PCE-1), as
requested, Bangkok, Thailand, Fee: US$ 1,000
- Basic
Management for Disaster Managers, as requested, Bangkok, Thailand, Fee:
US$ 1,000
Changing Concepts of Disaster Management


before donors decide what
victims needs |
now community members participate in
decision-making to prioritize needs