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Vol. 8, No. 1 January-March 2002
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Recent Publications These publications may be of interest to our readers.
The ADPC Library can offer assistance in locating them. Reducing Disasters through Better Information.
Board on Natural Disasters, 1999, ISBN 03-0906339-6, National Academy
Press, 72 pages. Order online from http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6363.html. This report is an outcome of a study conducted in the United States to improve disaster information dissemination for better decision-making during disasters. The study was conducted through intensive information-gathering efforts and came up with several conclusions and recommendations on how disaster information could be used effectively to reduce losses using a variety of settings. The study also stresses the importance of an integrated disaster information network. Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edited
by Riley E Dunlop and William Michelson, 2001, ISBN 0-313-26808-8, 616
pages, US$ 100. Available from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West,
Westport, CT 06881, telephone 800-225-5800, http://www.greenwood.com/. Designed
as an overview of the first quarter-century of American environmental
sociology, this volume introduces research and theoretical perspectives in
the field, with a focus on the United States. Both the built and natural
environments are within the scope of this sub-field of sociology. Among
the chapters of particular interest are Natural Hazards and Disasters by
Joanne M Nigg and Dennis Mileti; Technological Hazards and Disasters by
Steve Kroll-Smith, Stephen R Couch and Adeline G Levine; Risk, Technology
and Society by Thomas Dietz, R Scott Frey and Eugene A Rosa; and Human
Dimensions of Global Environmental Change by Thomas Dietz and Eugene A
Facing the Unexpected: Disaster Preparedness
and Response in the United States. Kathleen J Tierney, Michael
K Lindell and Ronald W Perry, 2001, 300 pages, US$ 47.95 plus shipping and
handling. Order from the National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue,
NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055, telephone 888-624-7645 or
202-334-3313, fax 202-334-2451, http://www.nap.edu.
The volume can be read in its entirety online at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9834.html. This is one of the last volumes resulting from the National Science Foundation-sponsored Second US Assessment of Research and Applications for Natural Hazards. It presents knowledge garnered from disasters around the world over the past 25 years and explores how disaster programs can be improved via these findings, identifies remaining research needs, and discusses disasters in the context of sustainable development. Combining theory, research and practical guidance, the authors explain what makes communities and societies vulnerable to disasters and how that vulnerability can be minimized. La Niña and Its Impacts: Facts and Speculation. Edited by Michael H Glantz, 2002, ISBN 92-808-1071-5, United Nations University Press, 220 pages (paperback), US$ 21.95. Order from United Nations University Press. La Niña and Its Impacts is based on a summit meeting of researchers, forecasters and users of La Niña forecasts, held at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. The overriding purpose of the meeting was to draw attention to the importance of improving our understanding of the La Niña phenomenon, identifying what is known, what is not yet known, and what societies need to know in order to prepare for La Niña’s impacts. This volume provides the current state of the science of forecasting La Niña as well as case studies of La Niña impacts around the world and in different economic sectors. This publication will be available in print in April 2002. State of the World 2002: Special World Summit
Edition. WW Norton & Company, 2002, ISBN 03-933-2279-3, 265
pages, US$ 15.95 plus $5 for shipping and handling. Order from WorldWatch
at www.worldwatch.org. This annual report includes chapters on climate change, farming, toxic chemicals, sustainable tourism, population, resource conflicts and global governance. There is a special focus on the upcoming United Nations World Summit of Sustainable Development to be held in August this year in Johannesburg. Global Environment Outlook 3 (GEO-3).
United Nations Environment Program, 2002, ISBN 18-538-3844-6, 416 pages,
US$ 82.50. Order online from www.earthprint.com. The Global Environment Outlook 3 is an annual publication of the United Nations Environment Program. It examines the environmental trends over the past 30 years and provides an integrated explanation of global environmental development. Apart from the environmental coverage, it also looks at social, political, economic and cultural issues that have influenced the changes. Highlighting human vulnerability to environmental deterioration, it assesses effects of the spectrum of policy measures adopted. Multi-Country Mission to Gujarat, India June
4-8 2001. Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) and Government
of India. This CD-ROM jointly produced by the Government of
India and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center, Japan, is a multi-country
mission report of the Gujarat Earthquake 2001. The CD-ROM contains five
reports, presentations and photographs. The reports have been produced by
experts from Armenia, Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia and Russia. Global Earthquake Safety Initiative Pilot Project: Final Report The Global Earthquake Safety Initiative (GESI) was established to provide information that is required to address urban earthquake risk. The project evaluated the earthquake risk and mitigation options of 21 major cities around the world. It was jointly conducted by GeoHazards International (GHI) and the United Nation’s Center for Regional Development (UNCRD) over the last two years, partially supported by USAID/OFDA. GESI released its final report in mid-October last year. The report (and accompanying CD-ROM) is priced at US$ 20, but is available free for GHI members. A summary is also available at www.geohaz.org.
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