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Vol. 7, No. 2 & 3 April-September 2001
Editor's Corner... |
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These publications related to disasters and tourism may be of interest to our readers. The ADPC Library can offer assistance in locating them. Manual of Quality, Hygiene, and Safety of Food in the Tourism Sector. World Tourism Organization, 2001, ISBN 92-844-0386-3, 203 pages, US$30. This manual prepared by WTO provides the most up-to-date knowledge on problems raised by the lack of quality, hygiene and safety of food services. It also outlines modern approaches to guarantee solutions. The publication covers the most important aspects of technical, scientific and administrative knowledge related to this subject and provides a selected, condensed and synthesized overview of thousands of pages of international regulations and treaties, and technical and scientific books. Environment and Tourism. Andrew Holden, 2000, ISBN 04-152-0718-5, Routledge Introduction to Environment Series, 225 pages (paperback), US$24.99. Order from www.amazon.com. Environment and Tourismis an introductory text about the relationships among tourism, society and the environment. The book examines the meanings of "tourism" and "environment" and gives a historical overview of the growth of tourism. It discusses how the tourism industry markets physical and cultural environments to be consumed by the tourist and the consequences of tourism on these environments. Climate Change and Its Impacts on Tourism. David Viner and Maureen Agnew, July 1999, Report prepared for WWF-UK, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Angelia, Norwich. Available online at http://www.wwf-uk.org/news/tourism1.pdf (1.966mb). This report reviews the impacts of climate change on a wide range of international holiday destinations visited by UK tourists. It documents how heat waves, drought, rising seas, flash floods, forest fires and disease could turn profitable tourist destinations into holiday horror stories. Environment and Development in the Caribbean: Geographical Perspectives. Edited by David Barker and Duncan F M McGregor, 1995, ISBN 976-640-007-5, The Press Uwi, 304 pages, EC$35, £10, US$15. This collection highlights research contributions on the interaction of environmental and human systems in the Caribbean region and consequences for development planning and sustainable resource management. The essays are organized into five sections: Coastal Resource Management, Tourism and Development Planning, Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, Land Resources and Development Planning, and National Parks in Jamaica: Problems and Prospects. Specific topics include soil and beach erosion and conservation, land degradation and hillside farming, natural hazards such as hurricanes, landslides and flooding, management of watersheds, wetlands and irrigation schemes, sustainable tourism, disaster management and resource conservation. Tourism and Disaster Planning. Peter E Murphy and Robin Bayley, 1989, Geographical Review 79(1), pp. 36-46. This paper discusses how the tourism industry should help increase awareness of the hazards that visitors may face when traveling in potentially dangerous regions. Observations offered by the authors suggest that 1) tourism facilities and activities should be considered at both the risk analysis and warning stages of hazard assessment because of tourism's predilection for locating in scenically spectacular, relatively high-risk zones; 2) tourism can help disaster recovery by dispersing factual information internationally and by bringing visitors back to an affected area; and 3) incorporating tourism into disaster planning should not necessitate major changes in current strategies and procedures. Two disasters in areas frequented by tourists in the Pacific Northwest (Mount St. Helens eruption, 1980; East Kootenay fire, 1985) present generalizations and perspectives on relevant planning issues. Handbook on Natural Disaster Reduction in Tourist Areas. WTO and WMO, 1998, ISBN 92-844-0239-5, 126 pages, US$30. Tourism involves the movement of millions of people to virtually all countries on the surface of the globe. Quite often tourism developments are located in areas exposed to, or likely to be exposed to, sudden-onset natural disasters, in particular beach and coastal areas, river valleys and mountain regions. If these developments are hit by natural disasters, the image of the tourist destination will suffer. This handbook, jointly produced by WTO and WMO experts, demonstrates how to combat natural disasters in tourist areas and mitigate their impacts. It guides the reader through disaster onset to post-disaster reconstruction and the re-launching of a tourist destination. Sustainable Development of Tourism: A Compilation of Good Practices. 2000, ISBN 92-844-0372-3, 201 pages, US$30. The progress towards a more sustainable tourism industry is best demonstrated through success stories. This publication contains around 50 examples of good practices in sustainable development and management of tourism, collected from 31 countries. A variety of projects is presented, ranging from local to regional and national levels, including activities of the public, private and NGO sectors, covering aspects of eco-, rural- and cultural tourism, accommodation, tour operations, transportation, protected area management, and regulatory and voluntary frameworks, among others. Each case is described systematically, including detailed background information, success factors for sustainability, problems and their solutions, lessons learnt and monitoring activities. This publication will be of great value to tourism officials, managers, researchers and anyone interested in the tourism industry. Tourist Safety and Security: Practical Measures for Destinations. World Tourism Organization, 1996, ISBN 92-844-0152-6, 181 pages, US$25. Safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than any other economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to provide a safe and secure environment for visitors. This publication represents the results of a long-term effort by WTO. It examines planning considerations at national and local levels. Case studies for principal tourism sectors and ideas for information brochures are also presented. Tourism 2000: Building a Sustainable Future for Asia-Pacific. 1997, ISBN 92-844-0226-3, 205 pages, US$20. Resulting from the 1997 Asia-Pacific Ministers' Conference on Tourism and Environment, this report presents a comprehensive study of tourism policies and strategies for environmental protection and sustainable development in Asia-Pacific. The report includes the Male Declaration which was unanimously adopted by 25 nations and international organizations, agreeing on a 14-point plan that puts protection of the environment at the top of national agendas. Applying the goals of the Rio Earth Summit and Agenda 21 to the tourism industry, ministers and senior tourism officials concluded that all new tourist developments must be sustainable and that economic success in tourism can only be achieved through protection of the environment. The report contains a series of policy and strategy options for countries to adopt to achieve a high degree of sustainable development. Handbook of Disaster Medicine: Emergency Medicine in Mass Casualty Situations. Edited by J de Boer and M Dubouloz, 2000, ISBN 90-580-5010-6, International Society of Disaster Medicine, Van der Wees Uitgeverij, Utrecht, The Netherlands, US$ 103. Order from vdwees@xs4all.nl or vsppub@compuserve.com. This handbook is based on the curriculum developed by the International Society of Disaster Medicine. It contains contributions from international experts in the field and will be of value and interest to a wide variety of professionals in the discipline of disaster medicine and management. Tourism Management. Elsevier Science, Individual Subscription US$141, Institutional Subscription US$793. Tourism Management is the leading international journal for all those concerned with the planning and management of travel and tourism. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes planning and policy aspects of international, national and regional tourism as well as specific management studies. It includes primary research articles, discussion of current issues, case studies, reports, book reviews and listings of recent publications and forthcoming meetings. Articles are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the result of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge. Risk, Uncertainty, and Rational Action. Thomas Webler, Eugene A Rosa, Carlo C Jaeger and Ortwin Renn, July 2001, ISBN 18-538-3770-9, Earthscan Publications Ltd, 120 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN, 320 pages (paperback), £19.95. Order online at http://www.earthscan.co.uk/asp/bookdetails.asp?key=3413. Four of the world's leading risk researchers present a fundamental critique of the prevailing approaches to understanding and managing risk. Their work points to a comprehensive and significant new theory of risk and uncertainty, and the decision-making process they require. The implications for social, political and environmental theory and practice are enormous. Cities in a Globalizing World: Global Reports on Human Settlements 2001. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), May 2001, ISBN 18-538-3806-3, Earthscan Publications Ltd, 120 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN, 344 pages (paperback), £20.00. Order online at http://www.earthscan.co.uk/cities/home.htm. This unique global report presents a comprehensive review of the world's cities and analyzes the positive and negative impacts on human settlements. The UNCHS draw on specially commissioned and contributed background papers from more than 80 leading international specialists. The report focuses on recent trends in human settlements and their implications for poverty, inequity and social polarization. Human Development Report 2001: Making New Technologies Work For Human Development. United Nations Development Program, 2001, ISBN 01-952-1835-3, Oxford University Press Inc, 198 Madison Avenue, New York 10016, (paperback), US$22.95. Order online at http://www.oup-usa.org/. This volume looks at how the advent of new technologies will affect developing countries and poor people. It focuses on the opportunities and challenges of today's technological transformations from developing countries' points of view, links technology and human development in a simple but coherent analytical framework, introduces a technology achievement index directly related to the strategic priorities of all countries, argues that this network age is changing not only what technology can do for development but also how and where technology is created, and provides a strong analysis of the need for global initiatives and policies. World Disaster Report 2001: Focus on Recovery.International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2001, ISBN 92-913-9075-5, Kumarian Press Inc, 1294 Blue Hills Ave, Bloomfield CT 06002, USA, 248 pages, US$25.00. Order from www.kpbooks.com. This annual publication of the IFRC focuses on recovery. It looks at how humanitarian agencies and governments can best help disaster-affected communities to recover, and to become stronger and more resilient.
For details, please contact audmp@ait.ac.th or ece@ait.ac.th |
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