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AUDMP - making cities safer


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AUDMP - making cities safer...
AUDMP Highlights
Bangladesh Urban Disaster Mitigation Project (BUDMP): A Strengthened MDMC for Safer Communities
The Municipal Disaster Management Committees (MDMC) in Gaibandha and Tongi have approved Phase Two of the project, focusing on implementing mitigation strategies at community level. One of the first activities of the BUDMP was to reactivate the MDMCs in the two selected municipalities. After establishment, regular meetings were conducted in preparation for floods through risk assessment in the municipalities, formulation and review of preparedness plans and development of mitigation strategies for selected vulnerable communities. To aid this process, MDMC members participated in a specially-tailored disaster management training course organized by AUDMP project partners in Bangladesh.
Training on disaster management was also conducted for community volunteers who have been working with the MDMCs. Under Phase Two, there are plans to provide training to civil society, including teachers and religious leaders, which will further enhance the capacity of community groups to mitigate against floods.
Currently, engineering designs for flood mitigation based on options recommended in vulnerability assessment reports have been completed. They include digging of individual homestead and tube wells, installation of new latrines and construction of new drains. Their implementation in Gaibandha and Tongi will begin shortly through BUDMP partnerships with selected community groups, MDMCs, municipalities, CARE Bangladesh and partner NGOs.
With the aim of disseminating and replicating BUDMP's lessons and successful practices country-wide and abroad, BUDMP is collaborating with NIRAPAD (Network for Information Response and Preparedness Activities on Disaster) to publish a quarterly bulletin. The first issue came out in July and has been circulated to all government and non-governmental organizations throughout the country.
Cambodia Community Based Flood Mitigation and Preparedness (CBFMP) Project: Post-Flood Assessment Report
The devastating floods of 2000 provided an opportunity to gauge the effectiveness of the CBFMP Project in reducing disaster vulnerability in Cambodia. A post-flood assessment was conducted by PACT Cambodia in February-March 2001 to determine the effectiveness of Red Cross Volunteers (RCVs) in mitigating floods in targeted communities. Interviews were conducted with RCVs, village disaster committee members and residents of 14 villages in Kampong Cham, Kandal and Prey Veng provinces. The RCVs provided motivating examples in flood mitigation and increased community awareness, establishing a foundation upon which community mobilization efforts could be built and expanded. CBFMP training provided RCVs with skills, knowledge and confidence to impart concepts and practices in disaster preparedness and flood mitigation to communities. While most villagers resorted to regular coping mechanisms, they recognized the efforts of RCVs, especially in mitigation activities initiated in collaboration with local authorities. One area identified for further development to increase RCV effectiveness was improvement in the communications system, particularly in reducing the time taken to disseminate flood situation reports from the Red Cross to villages. A refresher training-of-trainers course was held in June 2001, with additional RCV-requested modules on community organization and participation techniques, leadership skills, fund raising methods and water sanitation.
AUDMP is an eight-year program designed to reduce the natural disaster vulnerability of urban populations, infrastructure, critical facilities and shelter in Asian cities. Currently, projects under the AUDMP are being implemented in sites in nine countries - Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Pipeline projects are planned in China and Vietnam. Core funding for the AUDMP comes from the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Additional funds come from ADPC and collaborating institutions in target countries. The program is managed by USAIDŐs Regional and Urban Development Office for South Asia (RUDO/SA) and is implemented by ADPC in Bangkok, Thailand.
For more information about AUDMP, please contact AUDMP, Tel: (662) 524 5354 Fax: (662) 524 5350
E-mail: audmp@ait.ac.th