Program for Enhancement of Emergency
Response (PEER)
is a
regional training program initiated in
1998 by the U.S. Agency for
International Development’s, Office of
U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA)
to strengthen disaster response
capacities in Asia.
1998-2003, under Stage 1, countries
involved were India, Indonesia, Nepal
and Philippines. In Stage 2 which
started in 2003, Bangladesh was added.
In Year Five of the Stage 2, Pakistan
was also added. These countries were
selected to participate in the program
based on their high seismic
vulnerability, their need to improve
their disaster response capacity, and
the interest on the part of their
national governments to participate in
the program.
success in the Latin America and the
Caribbean (LAC) region is brought and
expanded to vulnerable Asia Countries,
through the following progression of the
more information, please visit PEER