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24 Aug - 4 Sep 2009


In 2001, ADPC in collaboration of the two Regional Offices of the World Health Organization (WHO), for South East Asia (SEARO) and the Western Pacific (WPRO) developed and implemented a course on public health and emergency management for Member States of the two WHO regions. This approach gave rise to the development of the Public Health and Emergency Management in Asia and the Pacific (PHEMAP) Program. The PHEMAP Steering Committee composed of representatives of WPRO, SEARO, and ADPC, and the principal development cooperation partner (most recently the Royal Government of Norway) provides leadership and direction for the PHEMAP Program which aims to strengthen national capacities for managing health risks of emergencies in the Asia and Pacific regions. The PHEMAP Program has established a technical and organizational framework for the development and implementation of international and national courses over the past eight years since 2001 and will

continue its implementation up to 2009. The 9th Inter-regional PHEMAP course is organized by ADPC and WHO (SEARO/WPRO), with funding support from the Royal Government of Norway will be conducted in Bangkok, Thailand, from 1-12June

National PHEMAP courses have been implemented in Cambodia, China, Fiji, Mongolia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu and Viet Nam by Ministries of Health with support from WHO and other agencies. Other activities, such as the Management of the Dead and the Missing in Disasters, have also been organized by ADPC, SEARO, and WPRO. Briefly, the PHEMAP Program’s goal is to strengthen national capacities for managing health risks of emergencies in the WHO Asia and
Western Pacific regions.


The course will give greater emphasis to the risk management, program management, operations management and leadership roles of health emergency managers. PHEMAP course will enable graduates to address the challenges of managing emergency health risks by making improvements to the capacity of their respective health emergency management systems and institutions. PHEMAP-9 graduates and all other graduates of the previous PHEMAP courses are also expected to contribute to the development and implementation of PHEMAP courses at national and sub-national levels. Moreover, PHEMAP courses are specifically designed for people who play critical health emergency management and coordination roles in managing the health risks of emergencies. The inter-regional PHEMAP course will familiarize health emergency managers with policy-making, risk management, emergency response and recovery planning, international standards and regional cooperation. They will be able to adopt roles as a program manager and operations coordinator by applying tools and processes, such as capacity assessment and development, information management, incident management, and risk communication to improve emergency health services that include environmental health, mass casualty management, feeding and nutrition, emergency medical systems, psychosocial support and communicable disease control. Please refer Annex 1 for details regarding the PHEMAP Course Curriculum.

The PHEMAP program objectives are:

  1. To enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of health human resources at national, subnational and community levels by offering a range of training courses and capacity building activities.

  2. To promote and facilitate regional collaboration and national coordination in health emergency management through the development and implementation of formal and informal networks and other activities.

  3. To contribute to capacity building in other regions and countries by offering PHEMAP initiatives. This course is about learning: opportunities for learning will come from the course facilitators, but it will also comes from the interaction with fellow participants from other countries in the Asia Pacific regions, as well as from the extensive range of documentation that the participants will receive.


The wide variety of experiences that participants bring to the Course requires a design, based on adult learning principles, that builds on their current experiences and gives them the opportunity to practice newly learned knowledge and skills. To make the Course truly useful, participants must also think about how they will use what they learn after they return to their work. An interactive approach will help both facilitators and participants evaluate how well the new information is being learned.


PHEMAP Programme Goal and Objectives
The goal of the PHEMAP Programme is “to strengthen national capacities for managing health risks of emergencies in the Asian and Pacific regions”.

General Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, participants should be able to develop their own management and leadership
capacities to

  1. discuss risk management, policy development, and emergency response and recovery planning;

  2. apply tools and processes, such as capacity assessment and development, health assessment, information management, incident management, and risk communication, in their roles as a program manager and an operations manager;

  3. apply lessons learned to the improvement of emergency health services that include environmental health, mass casualty management, feeding and nutrition, emergency medical systems, psychosocial support and communicable disease control.

  4. develop plans for strengthening health emergency management capacity in their respective
    country settings, and their own personal development plans as Health Emergency Managers.


The course will be relevant to senior-level public health officers (director-level positions and above) who have health emergency management responsibilities. Health emergency managers includes emergency heath coordinators in national and provincial health ministries, health care facility managers and WHO health emergency management program focal points. Teaching staff and representatives of academic institutions who are involved in health emergency management education would also benefit from this course.


The course fee is US$2,500 per participant. This includes the cost of tuition fee, course materials (books, CD ROM, handouts, training kit), hotel accommodation on a single room, all meals, and morning/afternoon break refreshments. The fee package does not cover the cost of airfare and other personal purchases. The course fee is to be paid in advance by bank transfer to ADPC account or deposited at the time of course registration in cash or cashier’s check/bank draft payable to ADPC. Please refer below details. Kindly confirm your mode of payment.

Account Name ADPC Foundation
Account Number 381-00228-2
Bank Name Kasikorn Bank
Bank Address 58/1 Phaholyothin Road, Klong Luang, Pathumthani, Thailand


PHEMAP Application form
PHEMAP Brochure

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Further Information 

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)

SM Tower, 24th floor
979/69, Paholyothin Road
Samsen Nai, Phayathai
Bangkok, 10400

Tel : (66-2) 298 0682-92
Fax : (66-2) 298 0012-13

Public Health in Emergencies Team 

Bradford Philips

Janette Lauza-Ugsang
Project Manager

Sanjeeb K. Shakya
Project Coordinator

  Copyright © 2006 ADPC. All rights reserved.