Dear Readers,
The e-update
for the month of March,
covering ADPC events,
activities, announcements
comes to you as ADPC
organizes the first ever
regional training course on climate
risk management: science,
institutions, and society
from the 21 April – 2 May
For the past
two decades ADPC has
developed and field tested
various approaches and
strategies of strengthening
institutional and
professional capacities to
skillfully integrate climate
risk information into
critical decision
process. These experiences
are shared with 30
participants, globally.
In the month
of March, ADPC conducted its
37th Disaster
Management Course (DMC). The
widely acclaimed and popular
course spans over three
weeks. The next DMC is
scheduled for Nov 2008.
ADPC, acting
as the secretariat of the
Regional Consultative
Committee (RCC) for Disaster
Management is organizing
its 7th meeting from the
8-10 May 2008 at
Colombo, Sri Lanka. The
event is being co-hosted
with the Government of Sri
Lanka with support from the
Government of Australia.
The special
theme of the 7th RCC meeting
will be on rights
based, community led
disaster risk management.
The meeting will also have
sessions on lessons learnt
from recent disasters,
progress made on the
implementation of the RCC
Program on Mainstreaming
disaster risk reduction into
development (RCC MDRD),
the ongoing global campaign
on Hospitals Safe from
Disasters and on
progress on implementation
of the Hyogo Framework for
Action (HFA) in Asia in
light of the Delhi
Declaration on Disaster Risk
Reduction in Asia, adopted
at the Second Asian
Ministerial Conference on
Disaster Risk Reduction, New
Delhi, October 2007.
I am further
pleased to invite you to
browse through our website
www.adpc.net for more
ADPC news updates,
publications, events and
training calendar for 2008.
On that note,
I now inform you about our
activities for the month of
March 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |
Building Partnerships
Dr. Eddie Bernard,
Director, Pacific Marine
Environmental Laboratory of National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) visited ADPC
on 18 Mar. ADPC made presentations
on the Integrated Early Warning
Systems for Indian Ocean and South
East Asia for tsunami and other
hazards. Dr. Bernard has kindly
accepted ADPC’s invitation to become
a member of the Regional Technical
ADPC in action
Climate Change
Screening, Nepal
ADPC took part in the
Climate Change Screening of DANIDA
development cooperation portfolio in
Nepal, where ADPC is sub-contracted
to provide inputs on climate risks,
vulnerability and change. A draft
report has been presented to the
Embassy of Denmark in Kathmandu, for
review. The screening has identified
some recommendations for
consideration by the Embassy of
Denmark in Kathmandu, relating to
its development programme and for
future projects.
Country project
events from the Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE), Feb-Mar:
– Bangladesh Disaster
Preparedness Center (BDPC)
organized a three day
community-based emergency
response course (C-BERC) from
2-4 Mar at Kapashgola Road,
Chowk Bazar, Chittagong. The
training supported the emergency
response structure at city level
as well as promoted skill
enhancement of community
volunteers. The training was
facilitated by ADPC with
Bangladesh Red Crescent
Society. A total of 28
participants attended –20 Change
Agents (two from each Ward), two
representatives each from
Chittagong City Corporation, the
Fire Service and Civil Defence,
school teachers, and
PROMISE-Bangladesh project
A formal meeting was held on 16
Mar between the Chittagong City
Corporation, Ward Commissioners
and PROMISE-BD team to provide
an update on the progress of
- The newest country project,
PROMISE-Indonesia became
operational with a technical
scoping/project orientation
workshop on 15 Feb. The
workshop was held at the
Regional Planning Board (Bapeda)
of the Jakarta Provincial
Government-JPG (DKI) and was
attended by 40 officials of JPG
and stakeholders; Mr. Yusak
Oppusunggu of USAID-Jakarta;
Tuty Kusumawaty, Secretary of
Bapeda DKI; and Harkunti P.
Rahayu, Project Coordinator for
PROMISE Indonesia. The workshop
was officially opened and
inaugurated by the Secretary of
Bapeda DKI and informed the
stakeholders about PROMISE-
– The Department of the Interior
and Local Government -
Government of the Philippines (DILG)
organized the 1st
National Conference on
Mainstreaming DRR in Local
Governance in Makati City from
4-6 Mar. It was attended by
representatives of different
local Government units (Dagupan
City, Makati City, Leyte,
Province of Albay),
International organizations
(EMI, DKKV German Committee for
Risk Reduction part of ISDR,
ADPC), Government agencies (Phivolcs,
OCD) and local NGO’s (Center for
Disaster Preparedness (CDP) and
others). Mayor Fernandez
presented the
PROMISE-Philippines project
emphasizing mainstreaming DRR
into local governance.
participated in DILG’s newly
elected officials training for
Dagupan City’s barangays from
10-13 Mar. This training aimed
to equip the newly elected
officials in their service for
the barangays. TWG member
Rhoderick Dawis coordinated with
the DILG to incorporate CBDRM by
showing the Project PROMISE
experience as an example during
the NEO training. Ms. Emma
Molina, TWG focal person, and
Ms. Luneta gave the CBDRM
– Sarvodaya conducted a workshop
on City Level Risk Reduction
Plan Development on 20 Mar at
Panadura with the patronage of
Hon. Minister Mahinda
Samarasinghe, Minister of
Disaster Management and Human
Rights, City Mayor- Kalutara,
Mr. Al-Haj Mubarak, and Deputy
Mayor Mr. Jauffer. Participants
developed outlines for risk
reduction in their respective
areas. ADPC gave briefings on
the progress of the PROMISE
program in their different
country sites (Bangladesh,
Indonesia, Pakistan,
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Viet
PROMISE-Vietnam participated in
a contest on “Women with CBDRM”
on 8 Mar, International Women’s
Day. The contest was initiated
by Hoa Xuan ward. More than 200
women from 11 sections
participated in the contest on
CBDRM knowledge.
Training and Learning
Symposium on Regional
Disaster Management Support System,
19-21 Mar, Thailand
ADPC participated in
the Regional Symposium on Regional
Disaster Management Support System
– Satellite Information Access
Mechanism in Bangkok, organized by
UNESCAP under “Towards Improved
Capacity in Disaster Management
Using Satellite-based and Spatial
Information System in Asia and the
Pacific” project which is supported
by the Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA).
Workshop on
Development of Contingency Plan, 17
Mar, Bangladesh
Day long workshop on Development of
Contingency Plan for Major Cities in
Bangladesh was held at Dhaka. The
workshop, under the Comprehensive
Disaster Management Programme (CDMP)
had representatives from 12
different organizations, providing
technical inputs regarding the
present situation in hazard
ADPC Website Resources
ADPC’s Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
has demonstration projects
on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction into Local Governance in
the Philippines and Sri Lanka. To
read more about the projects, visit
the following links:
Mitigation in Asia
(Issue No. 57)
Variability and Change:
Adaptation to Drought in
Bangladesh: A Resource Book and
Training Guide
Adaptation to Climate
Variability and Change in
Drought-Prone areas of
Bangladesh: A Case Study
Impacts of
Disasters on the Education
Sector in Cambodia
Impacts of Disasters on the
Education Sector in Philippines
Impacts of Disasters in the
Education Sector in Lao PDR
CBDRR NL-Vol4no3
Safer Cities 20:
Community Based Early Warning
System and Evacuation: Planning,
Development and Testing.
ADPC newsletter,
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction into Education Sector,
Sep- Dec 2007
for online versions of the above
Training project on
Urban Disaster Mitigation, 21-25
UDRM developed a training project
for Habitat for Humanity
International (HFHI) on Urban
Disaster Mitigation. The training
will be held from, to benefit 35
technical staff members that are
involved in post-disaster housing
repair and reconstruction in South
Asia and Southeast Asia. HFHI is a
nonprofit, ecumenical Christian
housing ministry that seeks to
eliminate poverty housing and
homelessness from the world, and to
make decent shelter a matter of
conscience and action. As of
December 2006, HFHI has built and
rehabilitated more than 45,700 homes
and served nearly 230,000 people
around the Asia-Pacific region
alone, and more than 225,000 houses
around the world, providing more
than 1 million people in more than
3,000 communities with safe, decent,
affordable shelter. In addition, up
to 30,000 families are expected to
benefit from Habitat programs to
help victims of the 2004 Asian