Dear Readers,
Greetings from Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC).
The Regional Community-based
Avian-Human Influenza (AHI)
management practitioner’s
workshop is presently underway
in Bangkok. The workshop,
scheduled from 10-13 March will
share case studies identified
from the
ADB-funded project
‘Strengthening Community Based
Management of AHI in Asia’ and
will consist of examples of
activities in community-based
management of AHI in Asia. The
case studies will also be used
as a basis to highlight
underlying themes such as
community engagement and
community participatory
processes. The case studies and
the lessons identified will then
be collated to become part of a
toolkit for community-based
management of AHI in Asia.
To know more about the project,
please visit
ADPC proudly announces opening
of an office in Dhaka,
Bangladesh to coordinate
activities for the Earthquake
and Tsunami Preparedness
Program. The office went under
operation on 16 February 2008.
The inaugural session was
attended by Executive Director
a.i., ADPC, Mr. Ian Rector,
Chief Technical Advisor of
Bangladesh Comprehensive
Disaster Management Programme (CDMP),
Mr. Saidur Rahman,
Director of
Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness
Centre (BDPC), Mr.
N.M.S.I. Arambepola, Director of
Urban Disaster Risk Management (UDRM)
and Mr. Aloysius J. Rego,
Director of Disaster Management
Systems (DMS) from ADPC. ADPC
will specifically carry out
seismic hazard and vulnerability
mapping of Dhaka, Chittagong and
Sylhet city corporation area,
contingency planning for
Earthquake hazard and training,
advocacy and awareness raising
with regard to Earthquake and
Tsunami hazard.
I also present the Asian
Disaster Management News,
September-December 2007:
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction into Education Sector
download, please click
). I am further pleased to
invite you to browse through our
www.adpc.net for more ADPC
news updates, publications,
events and training calendar for
On that note, I now inform you
about our activities for the
month of February 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director a.i.
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |
ADPC in action
Emergency management planning for schools under the school based disaster
risk management project,
Sri Lanka
The following
activities are undertaken with
support from GTZ.
20-26 Jan: A mock drill was
conducted for pilot schools’ staff
and teachers. A consultation meeting
with Disaster Management Committee (DMC)
officials and other stakeholders was
held to discuss on the outcomes of
pilot experiences and to assist the
schools in finalizing the school
emergency plan for the Ministry of
1-4 Apr: A one day
workshop on “Guidelines for school
safety” will be conducted to
finalize the draft guidelines for
school safety and Meepe emergency
plan. This guideline would be
utilized as national guidelines for
all schools in Sri Lanka.
Tsunami warning
center operation assessment, 6-17
Feb, Myanmar
ADPC conducted an
assessment of the tsunami warning
center operation in Mandalay. The
activity was undertaken in order to
improve the Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
of the tsunami early warning system
in Myanmar. CONOPS assists national
tsunami warning centers (NTWCs) in
mapping the operational flow of
hazard and non-hazard information
between organizations, defines the
intra-department reporting
relationships within the NTWC, and
develops a robust decision-making
process for the generation of
tsunami warnings.
Brief updates on
PROMISE activities
The Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities in
Asia (PROMISE) has demonstration
projects in Hyderabad (Pakistan) and
Kalutara (Sri Lanka), as well as
Chittagong (Bangladesh), Dagupan
(Philippines), Da Nang (Viet Nam),
and now Jakarta (Indonesia) for
Phase 2 of the program. The program
is funded and supported by the US
Agency for International Development
- Office of US Foreign Disaster
Assistance (USAID-OFDA).
Feb: PROMISE-Bangladesh signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with the National Institute of
Local Government (NILG). NILG is
mandated to conduct training
courses for local government
functionaries, both at the urban
and local level. Two school
awareness sessions were held at
Ananda Bazar Govt. Primary
school for 300 students, and at
Halishahor Munshi Govt. Primary
school for 350 students and
teachers. A presentation was
made on hydro-meteorological
hazard, vulnerabilities of
school buildings and students
during disasters, and measures
for school disaster risk
reduction. School disaster
management committees comprising
teachers, students and parents
were formed at the end of the
Feb: PROMISE-Indonesia had a
kick-off workshop hosted during
the Regional Planning Board
meeting of the Jakarta
Provincial Government. Dr.
Harkunti Rahayu of the Bandung
Institute of Technology (ITB),
the PROMISE country partner for
Indonesia, presented the
strategy for Flood Risk
Reduction in Jakarta and
Jabotabek Area. The meeting was
attended by all stakeholders in
Jakarta province and by
representatives from USAID
Indonesia. The workshop
resulted in key inputs on the
location of demonstration sites,
the type of activities, and
local champions.
Feb: PROMISE-Philippines had a
turnover ceremony for the
small-scale disaster mitigation
projects, public awareness
calendars, and first aid kits
for trained people from the
eight pilot barangays and the
City. Dagupan City Mayor Alipio
Fernandez gave a message of
thanks and support to the
Project, and the program ended
with the expression of thanks
and commitment from the Barangay
Captains. The Technical Working
Group and the Barangay Captains
of the pilot communities had a
study tour on 28 Feb to Guagua
and Minalin municipalities in
Pampanga province. The visit to
Guagua’s Municipal Disaster
Coordinating Council was to
showcase the MDCC’s experience
in Disaster Risk Management and
the Municipal GIS and how it is
used for DRM, monitioring,
community moblization, emergency
response, local ordinances, and
indigenous mitigation. The
visit to Minalin was to see the
Community-Based Disaster
Response Organizations, a
peoples' organization mobilized
by the Pampanga Disaster
Response Network.
PROMISE-Vietnam held a training
class on construction monitoring
techniques and a field visit for
18 members of four Community
Development Groups. These
training classes on Disaster
Preparedness and Building
Practices were expanded to six
wards of Cam Le district to
include risk identification and
assessment, development of
disaster preparedness plan, and
good building practices towards
a safer community. Five more
training classes were conducted
this month for a total of 19 out
of 20 classes proposed by the
community; around 150 persons,
of which there were 60 women,
attended, bringing up the total
of 570 grassroots people trained
on CBDRM and safer construction
Round table meeting
on development of contingency plan,
17 Feb, Bangladesh
A round table meeting
on the development of contingency
plans for major cities in Bangladesh
was held in Dhaka. The meeting was
presided over by Mr. Abdul Bari
Khan, Additional Secretary Ministry
of Food and Disaster Management of
Bangladesh Government. Dr. Bhichit
Rattakul, Executive Director a.i. of
ADPC was present as special guest.
Among other guests, Mr. Ian Rector,
Chief Technical Advisor of
Bangladesh Comprehensive Disaster
Management Programme (CDMP), Br.
Gen. Abu Nayeem (Md.) Shahidullah
Director General, Directorate of
Fire Service and Civil Defense,
Bangladesh, Mr. Saidur Rahman,
Director of BDPC, Mr. Arambepola,
and Mr. Aloysius J. Rego, Directors
from ADPC were also present. About
45 experts and officials from 23
agencies and organization
participated in the meeting. The
project is funded under the CDMP.
Bangladesh project partners visit
ADPC, 20 Feb
The Secretary of the
Ministry of Water Resources and the
Director of Flood Forecasting and
Warning Circle at Bangladesh Water
Development Board visited ADPC to
hold discussions on the ongoing
program on “Flood Forecast
Technology for Disaster
Preparedness” in Bangladesh as well
as updates on the ADPC-facilitated
Regional Multi-hazard Early Warning
System for Indian Ocean and
Southeast Asia, in which Bangladesh
is one of the participating
countries. The meeting noted and
appreciated the contribution of the
ongoing flood forecasting program in
Bangladesh in increasing the lead
time of flood forecasts and in
enhancing institutional and local
responses to flood warnings as
witnessed during the 2007 flooding.
Discussions on
developing flash flood forecast,
23-26 Feb, Bangladesh
ADPC held discussions
with Bangladeshi partner
institutions, namely the Bangladesh
Meteorology Department (BMD), Flood
Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC),
Institute of Water Modeling (IWM),
Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC)
in order to discuss data
availability for the project on
developing flash flood forecast for
northeast Bangladesh under the Flood
Forecast Technology for Disaster
Preparedness in Bangladesh
Collaboration on
curriculum development with Shanghai
Fisheries University, 24-25 Feb,
ADPC provided support
to Shanghai Fisheries University on
the development of curriculum on
integrated coastal resource
management. The technical inputs
were on the integration of disaster
risk reduction component into
integrated coastal resource
Climate forecast
applications for disaster
mitigation, 25 Feb, Timor-Leste
The Office of Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of USAID
provided support to expand the
“Climate Forecast Applications (CFA)
for Disaster Mitigation Program” to
Timor-Leste. ADPC and the National
Directorate for Meteorology and
Geophysics of Timor-Leste convened a
stakeholder meeting in Dili bringing
together 21 stakeholders from
various government agencies,
international organizations, and
non-governmental organizations. The
participants formed a National
Working Group for Climate Forecast
Applications in Timor-Leste in order
to guide and spearhead efforts to
strengthen the country’s capacity
for disaster risk reduction,
primarily through the establishment
of an end-to-end climate forecast
generation and application system.
They also agreed on the CFA
Timor-Leste project work plan and
future collaborative activities.
USAID Bangladesh
mission visits ADPC, 7 Mar
USAID Bangladesh
Mission representative visited ADPC
to give a briefing on the ongoing
Flood Forecast Technology for
Disaster Preparedness in Bangladesh
project, which is being implemented
by ADPC in partnership with national
and international partners, and
supported by USAID Bangladesh. ADPC
and USAID Bangladesh mission will
also discuss the development of
early warning system in Bangladesh.
implementation of Flood Preparedness
Programs at Provincial, District and
Commune Levels in Lower Mekong Basin
(Phase III):
School Flood Safety
Program Workshop, 7 Mar, Cambodia
One day workshop was
held on School Flood Safety Program
(SFSP) in Kratie Province,
Cambodia in selected 20 schools from
the Orientation Sessions, Department
of Education Youth and Sports (DoEYS),
NGOs and Provincial Committee on
Disaster Management (PCDM) of Kratie.
The objectives of the workshop were
to consolidate the experiences and
lessons learnt from the SFSP
Orientation sessions, to develop an
action plan with PCDM, DoEYS and
other line agencies to further
conduct flood safety awareness
programs in the schools by the
teachers as part of regular activity
of the school, and to review
existing Information, Education,
Communication (IEC) materials
on flood risk reduction in the
National Flood Forum,
Lao PDR, Cambodia and Vietnam
The Mekong River
Commission (MRC) Secretariat in
joint collaboration with the
National Mekong Committees (NMCS) and
National Disaster Management Offices
(NDMOS) of Lao PDR, Cambodia and
Vietnam will be organizing National
Flood Forum (NFF) in the three
project countries. This event is an
important activity of the project
under Component 4 of Flood
Management and Mitigation Programme,
supported by European Commission
Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO)
and implemented by MRC and ADPC on
following dates:
18 Mar -
Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh,
21 Mar - Lao
Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR
10 Apr - Tien
Giang, Vietnam
The NFF will provide
country level forum for the national
and provincial agencies to discuss
flood management and mitigation
initiatives in the countries. It
would also provide an opportunity to
the NMCS and its line agencies to
ensure its contribution to the
implementation of the National
Strategy for Disaster Management as
per commitment to the Hyogo
Framework for Action (HFA).
Representatives from related
national line agencies as well as
the provincial authorities, NGOs, UN
Agencies and Development partners
will also be invited.
Training and Learning
Consultation Workshop on Coastal
Community Resilience, 15 Feb,
ADPC, in
collaboration with the Myanmar
Department of Meteorology and
Hydrology, facilitated a
national consultation workshop
on coastal community resilience
in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The
workshop brought together forty
representatives from government
and non-governmental
organizations. The Coastal
Community Resilience (CCR)
initiative promotes tsunami and
other hazard readiness through
the collaboration of national
and local emergency management
agencies, coastal managers,
training institutions, and local
communities. It is part of a
broader program on establishing
a multi-hazard early warning
system for tsunami and
hydro-meteorological hazards for
Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia,
which is being facilitated by
ADPC and funded by the Regional
Tsunami Trust Fund through
Updates from
Partnerships for Disaster
Reduction Southeast Asia - (PDRSEA
Phase IV)
Disaster Management
Practitioners (DMP) workshop for
South East Asia, 2-4 Apr
The workshop
theme focuses on Building
on the themes of previous DMP
held in 2006 and 2007. The 5th DMP workshop
will focus on “Sustaining
Partnerships: Meeting the
Challenges of Scaling-Up CBDRM
Download Brochure

Workshop, 19-20 Mar, Vietnam
Based on the
experiences gained in
implementing PDRSEA IV’s pilot
project in Vietnam, a National
Advocacy Workshop on the role of
local authorities in CBDRM will
be organized in collaboration
with Central Committee for Flood
and Storm Control (CCFSC),
UNESCAP and ADPC, with support
The workshop will
share the experiences of PDRSEA
IV with local authorities in
order to convince the various
stakeholders about the
importance of supporting CBDRM
strategies. High-level decision
makers, local government,
donors, UN agencies and NGOs
will be invited to the workshop.
Advocacy and
pilot implementation project in
Education sector in Southeast
Asia - Support to the
implementation of the Hyogo
Framework of Action through
RCC’s program on mainstreaming
of DRR into development planning
and implementation
15–18 Jan,
Philippines: Orientation session
and pilot testing the DRR module
in schools at Basilan province,
Mindanao, Philippines was
conducted. A total of four
teachers from both public and
private schools were trained. An
evaluation on teaching the DRR
module in class rooms was
facilitated in the following
week at Basilan province.
17– 19 Jan,
Cambodia: Training of Trainers
(TOT) for 50 teachers from
Kratie, Prey Veng and Kandal
province were trained on how to
teach DRR in class rooms at
Pedagogical Research Dept, MoEYS,
Phnom Penh. An evaluation on
teaching methodologies was
organized as part of school
safety day activities in pilot
schools after the DRR module has
been taught to students.
Activities involved quizzes,
hazard hunts and poster painting
to evaluate the students’
16– 17 Jan, Lao:
A Project Working Group meeting
was conducted with the National
Disaster Management Office (NDMO)
and National Research Institute
for Educational Science (NRIES)
members to discuss for advocacy
workshop preparation and work
assignments. A discussion with
Urban Research Institute (URI)
on 1st draft study
paper on impact of disaster on
education sector was held.
National Advocacy
19–20 Mar-
26 Mar-
Philippines: date and venue to
be confirmed by National
Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC)
National Advocacy
Workshops will be jointly
organized by Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS),
National Committee Disaster
Management (NCDM) and ADPC with
support from DIPECHO and UNDP.
The objective is to raise public
awareness on how investments in
risk reduction affects education
as well as in disaster resilient
school construction could help
in minimizing financial losses
incurred by MoEYS in the
aftermath of a disaster.
The workshops
will orient the officials from
MoEYS and other related
Ministries (Ministry of
Planning, Finance and Public
Works) and to identify the gaps
in the present system of school
construction and initiate
mainstreaming of disaster risk
reduction (DRR) into development
policies, planning and
Workshop on
approaches to coastal community
resilience, 26-29 Feb,
ADPC presented
the Coastal Community Resilience
(CCR) framework and
implementation activities at the
workshop on approaches to
coastal community resilience,
held in Seychelles. The workshop
was organized by the UNESCO/IOC
and International Federation of
the Red Cross as an event at the
inter-sessional meeting of the
ICG/IOTWS Working Group 6.
Building Partnerships
CBDRM video feature,
Feb, Philippines
Center for Disaster
Preparedness (CDP) and the Technical
Working Group (TWG) participated in
the development of a video on
Mangin’s CBDRM efforts, funded by
Oxfam Great Britain. Pre-production
was done in early February, and the
filming was done in the 3rd week of
February. The video features
various PROMISE activities
undertaken in Mangin as one of its
eight implementation sites,
including: CBDRM Training,
Participatory Risk Assessment,
community participation, community
Risk Reduction Plan including the
Early Warning System and Evacuation
Plan, flood response simulation
exercise, winning the Regional
Kalasag Award for disaster
preparedness, and the partnership
between Barangay Mangin’s disaster
coordinating council with the city’s
Calendar of Events
37th Regional course on Disaster
Management (DMC-37),
17 Mar- l 4
Apr, Bangkok
Download brochure here

assessment training, Bangladesh
Under the “Flood
Forecast Technology for Disaster
Preparedness in Bangladesh” project,
ADPC will conduct training on
vulnerability assessment for local
institutions in five different
locations. The training will be
conducted in partnership with
Center for
Environmental & Geographic
Information Services (CEGIS) and Bangladesh Water Development
Assessment of tsunami
warning center operation, Mar, Sri
ADPC will conduct an
assessment of the tsunami warning
center operation in Sri Lanka in
March. This activity is being
undertaken in order to improve the
Concept of Operations (CONOPS) of
tsunami early warning system in Sri
Lanka. CONOPS assists national
tsunami warning centers (NTWCs) in
mapping the operational flow of
hazard and non-hazard information
between organizations, defines the
intra-department reporting
relationships within the NTWC, and
develops a robust decision-making
process for the generation of
tsunami warnings.
Scoping mission for
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
implementation, Mar, Sri Lanka
ADPC will conduct a
CCR scoping implementation in Sri
Lanka in late March. The Coastal
Community Resilience (CCR)
initiative promotes tsunami and
other hazard readiness through the
collaboration of national and local
emergency management agencies,
coastal managers, training
institutions, and local communities.
It is a part of a broader program on
establishing a multi-hazard early
warning system for tsunami and
hydro-meteorological hazards for
Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia,
which is being facilitated by ADPC
and funded by the Regional Tsunami
Trust Fund through UNESCAP.
National consultation
workshop on Coastal Community
Resilience, Maldives
ADPC, in
collaboration with the National
Disaster Warning Center and other
partners working on integrated
coastal resource management in
Maldives, will facilitate a national
consultation workshop on coastal
community resilience in Maldives in
late March 2008. The workshop will
bring together representatives from
government agencies and
non-governmental organizations. The
Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
initiative promotes tsunami and
other hazard readiness through the
collaboration of national and local
emergency management agencies,
coastal managers, training
institutions, and local communities.
It is a part of a broader program on
establishing a multi-hazard early
warning system for tsunami and
hydro-meteorological hazards for
Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia,
which is being facilitated by ADPC
and funded by the Regional Tsunami
Trust Fund through UNESCAP.
Flood Emergency
Management Strengthening (FEMS)
under Component 4 of the Mekong
River Commission's Flood Management
and Mitigation Program - in the 4
Mekong countries of Cambodia,
Vietnam, Lao PDR and Thailand
Study tour for
delegation from Vietnam to Cambodia
The study tour is
being organized from 20- 26 Apr 2008
to provide a great chance for
provincial and district authorities
of both countries to learn and share
their experiences, good practices
and enhance the existing cooperation
on flood preparedness and mitigation
activities. The study tour aims:
To explore the
good practices and share real
experiences on flood
preparedness planning and
implementation in Mekong Delta
provinces and districts in
Vietnam and Cambodia and
To promote
partnership, networking and
cooperation on
trans-boundary flood
preparedness and emergency
Cambodia Flood
Preparedness Manual (FPM) Writeshop
A writeshop will be
conducted in the fourth week of
April 2008 in collaborating with
National Committee for Disaster
Management (NCDM) and other DM
partners in Cambodia. The Cambodian
DM practitioners, program managers
and senior officers who have
in-depth experiences and knowledge
on flood preparedness will be
invited for the workshop.
ADPC Website Resources
ADPC Reading
Asian Disaster
Management News,
September-December 2007:
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction into Education Sector
The Program for
Hydro-Meteorological Disaster
Mitigation in Secondary Cities
in Asia (PROMISE): Disaster
Mitigation in Asia Issue 56
A Study on
Impacts of Disasters in the
Education Sector in Lao PDR
Disaster Risk Management in the
Comprehensive (Multi-sectoral)
Development Planning Process at
the Local Level:
Workshop report:
“Consultation on Integrating
Disaster Risk Management into
the Local Planning System: Focus
on the Comprehensive Planning
Process,” December 2007:
specialist: Agriculture Risk
For further
information on the position,
please visit our web site at
ADPC Regional
Training Schedule for 2008