ADPC conducts
Cross-Border Exercise Management
Workshop, 18-22 Feb, Thailand
The purpose of the
Cross-Border Exercise Management
workshop is to strengthen the
capacity of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos
and Vietnam to manage influenza
outbreaks in humans in international
border provinces by providing
exercise management training to a
group of approximately 35 people,
mostly health professionals, from
these countries.
Following are the
To build participants’ expertise
in exercise management
To provide participants with the
skills and knowledge to design,
conduct and evaluate discussion
and functional exercises
To practice these skills and
knowledge in the development and
conduct of exercises focusing on
outbreaks of influenza in humans
in international border
To adapt and refine the draft
exercise materials utilized in
the workshop for discussion
exercises to be held in 2008
To prepare a work plan for the
preparation of exercises in 2008
Climate Forecast
Applications for Disaster Mitigation
in Timor-Leste Stakeholder Meeting,
25 Feb, Timor-Leste
The Office of Foreign
Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of USAID
is providing support to expand the
Climate Forecast Applications for
Disaster Mitigation Program to
Timor-Leste. ADPC and the National
Meteorological and Geophysical
Agency of Timor-Leste will convene a
Climate Forecast Applications for
Disaster Mitigation in Timor-Leste
Stakeholder Meeting in Dili. The
meeting will bring together 20
participants from various government
agencies, international
organizations, and non-governmental
organizations in order to constitute
a national working group to guide
program implementation and discuss
program activities.
FAO expert meeting on
Climate Change and Disaster Risk
Management, 28-29 Feb, Italy
ADPC will attend the
expert meeting on Climate Change and
Disaster Risk Management in Rome,
Italy. The meeting will be hosted by
the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
It is one of a series of expert
meetings being organized to support
a high-level conference on World
Food Security and the Challenges of
Climate Change and Bio-energy to be
held in Rome in June 2008.
ADPC holds Regional
Consultative Committee for Disaster
Management (RCC), 8-10 May, Colombo,
Sri Lanka
The 7th
Meeting of the Regional Consultative
Committee for Disaster Management (RCC)
will be held from Thursday, 08 May
to Saturday, 10 May in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. The meeting is being
co-hosted by the Government of Sri
Lanka and ADPC with support from the
Government of Australia.
The special theme of
the 7th RCC Meeting will be on
rights based, Community led
disaster risk management.
The Meeting will also have sessions
on lessons learnt from recent
disasters, progress made on the
implementation of the RCC Program
on Mainstreaming disaster risk
reduction into development (RCC
MDRD), the ongoing global campaign
on Hospitals Safe from Disasters
and on progress on implementation of
the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)
in Asia in light of the Delhi
Declaration on Disaster Risk
Reduction in Asia, adopted at the
Second Asian Ministerial Conference
on Disaster Risk Reduction, New
Delhi, October 2007.
Disaster Management Practitioners
(DMP) workshop for South East Asia,
2-4 April 2008
The workshop theme
focuses on Building on the
themes of previous DMP workshop, the
5th DMP workshop will focus on
“Sustaining Partnerships: Meeting
the Challenges of Scaling-Up CBDRM
The theme will
provide continuity to the earlier
DMP workshops held in 2006 and 2007:
Disaster Management
Workshop for SEA
Government Policy
Planning and
Program Activities:
Partnerships for
Risk Reduction
Disaster Management
Workshop for SEA
2007-Learning from
Practices: Strengthening
Policy and
