Vol. 4, No. 1  October 1998

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Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP) Hilights

Earthquake Scenario for Kathmandu Valley

As a key event under the Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Project (KVERMP), the National Society of Earthquake Technology - Nepal (NSET) hosted the Kathmandu Earthquake Scenario and Action Plan Development Workshop, February 19 - 21. The workshop brought together 30 senior-level managers of lifeline/critical facilities and emergency response organizations within Kathmandu Valley and another 40 observers from various national and international institutions. The workshop focused on the following questions: If a serious earthquake occurred in Kathmandu Valley today (of the same magnitude as did in 1934), what would be the likely effect? What plans can we make today to reduce the effects of such an earthquake?

Workshop participants were presented with a grim scenario for Kathmandu Valley based on project investigations. Preliminary estimates indicate that, out of the present population of 1.2 million, about 40,000 people would die and about 95,000 would require hospitalization. (Existing hospitals have a combined capacity of 2,200 beds.) About 60% of the valley's building stock is expected to be damaged beyond repair, leading to approximately 900,000 homeless people. Extensive damage to road networks, telephone, electricity and water supply systems is also projected. The damage, by any estimate, would far exceed the existing response capabilities.

As a result of the workshop, participants realized the severity of the problem and the need to undertake vulnerability reduction measures in their respective organizations. Also participants formed a new network -- with NSET identified as the node -- to continue to coordinate and cooperate on matters related to earthquake disaster risk reduction for Kathmandu Valley.

Our Partners

Continuing with sketches of local project partners in the AUDMP network, we introduce NSET:

National Society for Earthquake Technology - Nepal (NSET)

NSET, founded in 1993, is a professional society dedicated to addressing the high risk of earthquake disasters in Nepal. Its membership, currently at 20 and growing, represents a broad spectrum of concerned professionals, including scientists, engineers, planners, policy makers, and journalists.

The goal of the organization, broadly, is to reduce the impact of future earthquakes in Nepal. Specifically, NSET strives to raise awareness about earthquake risk and vulnerability reduction, and contribute to the development and implementation of science and technology related to earthquake disaster mitigation. Towards this end, NSET has built a vibrant network of alliances between and non-governmental agencies in Nepal, as well as international organizations, whose work concerns seismic safety.

NSET is involved in a broad range of activities. Among other efforts, the organization facilitates research, publishes and distributes earthquake awareness materials, organizes professional meetings, seminars, training programs, assists in the development of educational curricula on seismic safety, and provides advice and assistance to governmental, non-governmental and other organizations in matters of earthquake preparedness and mitigation.

NSET has recently added project management to its portfolio of activities with the start of the Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Project (KVERMP) under the AUDMP. They are assisted by GeoHazards International (GHI), a non-profit foundation in Stanford, California, whose mission is to mobilize and assist individuals, applied researchers, NGOs and government agencies in cities in developing countries in their efforts to reduce death, injury and poverty caused by earthquakes.

For more information about the KVERMP and NSET, please see ADPC's Web page: http://www.adpc.ait.ac.th/audmp/nepal.html. KVERMP hazard maps can be found on GHI's home page at: http://www.geohaz.org/kvermp.html

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