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Vol. 6, No. 3-4 July-December 2000
Editor's Corner... |
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Editor's Corner...
Dear Readers, It is with pleasure that we offer you this issue of Asian Disaster Management News on "Networking in Disaster Management." While putting together this issue, it proved an arduous task to gather documented success stories on networking in disaster management or analyses on what makes networks work and what makes them not work. So, instead we chose to present two examples. First, of a national level network in its conception phase and the second, of a regional network that has been in existence for six years. While talking about the rationale behind India's upcoming knowledge network for disaster management, Dr. Bhandari defines the purpose of any working network. It provides "a platform to facilitate an interactive, simultaneous dialogue with all the players dealing with natural disasters, major or minor, both [in-country] and abroad." He also seems to emphasize the flexibility of the core of the network that could "expand or shrink as per the felt needs." Referring to her experiences with the Duryog Nivaran network, Madhavi Ariyabandu also calls for more flexibility and feels that "allowing some time for the network to evolve would have resulted in a less rigid and more appropriate network structure." She also points to the challenge of striking a balance between network members' "great enthusiasm to be a part of the network" and "little interest in carrying out the responsibilities undertaken on its behalf." She doesn't mince words in saying that centralized funding for all the activities of a network is not a good idea. The two examples, while highlighting the need for networking point to some very important lessons. Flexibility, inter-disciplinarity, multi-source financing and capacity to continuously learn and evolve seem to emerge as some of the key ingredients of networks that work. In this issue, we have also introduced two new columns. First, "from our readers" that includes feedback from our readers. Second, "interview" that features interviews with people working on policy, program management and operational aspects of disaster management. This time we have featured an interview with Honorable Secretary Orlando S. Marcado of the Philippines. In this issue, we have also inserted an advertisement. With expanding readership across the entire Asian region as well as the rest of the world, subscription fee received from our readers is not enough to support the publication and distribution of this newsletter. We hope that earnings from limited advertisement space will help us make this publication sustainable. The next issue will focus on tourism and disaster management. A recent WMO publication on the subject observed that "tourism developments are often located in areas exposed to, or likely to be exposed to, sudden-onset natural disasters" and "should tourists become victims of a natural disaster, the negative impact on the image of the destination concerned can be serious." As the role of tourism in most Asian economies becomes increasingly important, there is also greater discussion on making tourism sustainable. We believe that natural disaster risk management has to be an essential part of this process of making tourism sustainable. In the next issue of the newsletter we shall review some of the issues around this theme. This issue was produced with assistance from Kishor Pradhan, who provided inputs on the structure of this issue, and William savage who provided editorial assistance. Lolita Bildan provided valuable assistance in the production and circulation management of this issue. From this issue onwards, the editorial team is also joined by Wineenart Punvut (layout and graphic design) and Ambika Varma (information inputs). As always, we look forward to hearing from you. Should you have any suggestions, queries or articles to submit, please don't hesitate to drop us a line. Tel: (66 2) 524 5378; Fax: (66 2) 524 5360 |
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