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ADPC Programs and Activities . . .
ADPC Executive Director Named Fellow of the University of Wollongong
On December 15, 2000, Australia's University of Wollongong, a premier research university in Australia which has been voted as the Australian University of the Year for two consecutive years (1999-2000 and 2000-2001), conferred on Dr. Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Bangkok, fellow of the University in December 2000, for his invaluable contribution to the field of education and environment. The citation was presented by Prof. Gerard Sutton, vice-chancellor of the University of Wollongong. Also present at the ceremony was the H.E. Savanit Kongsiri, Thai Ambassador to Australia.
Dr. Suvit has held high positions at national, regional and international levels including Adviser to the Prime Minister, Royal Thai Government, on Environmental Affairs, Chairman of the National Environmental Awareness Committee, Government Spokesman, and Regional Director for Asia and Pacific of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). From 1990-1994, he lectured at and later became Vice President of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Other honours conferred on him are: Chevalier Dans L'Ordre Des Palmes Academiques, France; and Member of Phi Delta Kappa, USA. He has also published over 50 books in English and over 200 books in Thai on environmental management and conservation.
Dr. Suvit Yodmani has been Executive Director of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) since June 1999.
Strengthening Disaster Mitigation and Management at the State Level in India (November 2000 to November 2001)
A Consortium, with ADPC as the lead firm, and including the World Institute of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Center for Development Studies (CDS) will implement a one-year Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance project in the Indian States of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. The overall goal of the TA is to enhance the disaster management capabilities of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal in India and thus contribute to reducing the adverse effects of natural disasters on the stateÕs economic and social development. The key objectives of the TA are to support the strengthening of disaster mitigation and management capabilities in the two states including the formulation of a comprehensive natural disaster management plan as well as disaster mitigation plans for major disaster types in the state and to help in managing the rehabilitation efforts in earthquake affected areas of Chamoli district in Uttaranchal. There are five distinct but inter-related components of the project:
Component 1: Strengthening Institutional Capabilities for UP Disaster Management and Mitigation System
Component 2: Assistance to Earthquake Rehabilitation program and Damage Assessment and relief/rehabilitation system review
Component 3: Development of Composite Disaster Vulnerability Index and UP Disaster Management Information System
Component 4: Strengthening community participation in disaster management and public awareness program
Component 5: Project Management and Reporting.
Eleven Consultants, providing expertise on various aspects of this project are being fielded for this project Of these, 3 consultants are International consultants, and 8 are Domestic or National consultants. The project co-ordinator position will be based in Bangkok, and will carry the responsibility for co-ordinating ADPC support to the project.
National Workshop on Extreme Climate Events in Vietnam
Under the Extreme Climate Events (ECE) program supported by United States Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), ADPC in collaboration with the Disaster Management Center (DMC) of Vietnam organized a National Workshop on Extreme Climate Events in Hanoi on 28-29 November 2000. The workshop brought together 40 participants including representatives from DMC, Hydro-meteorological Services, University of Hanoi Department of Meteorology, Ministry of Agriculture as well as disaster managers, agro-meteorologists and agriculture extension workers from six provinces of north-west, north-east, north-central and southern parts of Vietnam. The workshop, coinciding with the issuance of a seasonal forecast, was aimed at sharing the commendations of the ECE program with decision makers from provinces that have been identified to be most vulnerable to El Nino and La Nina events. The workshop represented a first step towards the application of climate forecasts for reducing the impacts of future El Nino and La Nina events at the local level. Funded partly (50%) by DMC's own resources and partly by OFDA funds under the ECE program, the workshop is also a step towards institutionalization of a dialogue mechanism between users and producers of climate information at the provincial level. A more detailed workshop is being planned for April 2001 by DMC in collaboration with ADPC. A representative of the ECE program in the Philippines also attended the recent workshop with a view to share experiences from the Philippines and identify ideas that may be applicable in the Philippines.
Roundtable Conference on Natural Disaster Preparedness: Integrating Public Administration, Science and Community Action
The Roundtable Conference on Natural Disaster Preparedness was held in Marikina City, Philippines from 21-22 August 2000. It was sponsored by the United Nations Global Programme for the Integration of Public Administration and the Science of Disasters (UNGP-IPASD), in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Civil Service Commission. Participants included public administrators, scientists and advocates of community participation. Among the speakers were the Hon. Orlando S. Mercado, Philippines Secretary of National Defense (read an interview with Secretary Mercado on page X), Dr. Ledivina Cari–o of the University of the Philippines, Commissioner Cora Alma de Leon of the Civil Service Commission, Dr. Jeanne Marie-Col of UNGP-IPASD, Dr. Jean Chu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr. Yue Wang of the China International Center for Economy and Technology Exchange (CICETE), Mr. Terrence Jones, UN Resident Representative, and Ms. Zenaida G. Delica of ADPC.
The conference stressed the importance of information sharing among the scientific community, local public officials and community members to strengthen local people's capacity to protect themselves from the impact of natural disasters. To illustrate the importance of this type of cooperation, the experience of Qinglong County was cited. The early warning given to the population by the scientists and public officials of Qinglong County about the probability of an earthquake with a strong magnitude bore fruit when an earthquake struck with a 7.8 magnitude. The warning heightened the awareness of the various sectors of the local community to their natural environment and allowed them to prepare for and consequently reduce the impact of the disaster significantly.
During the conference, commitment from various sectors was generated to support this information-sharing and capacity-building initiative. The conference also included an exposure visit to a local community facility in Marikina City, where the site of the precursor measurement for the earth's crust stress is located.
First Meeting of the ADPC Consultative Committee on Regional Cooperation (RCC)
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ADPC organized the first meeting of the ADPC Consultative Committee on Regional Cooperation in disaster Management (RCC) from 20-22 November 2000 in Bangkok. The RCC is a focused group setup within the framework of ADPC Advisory Council and includes members working in key government positions in the national disaster management systems of the countries of the Asian region. RCC provides a consultative mechanism for: development of action strategies for disaster reduction in the region; promotion of cooperative programs on a regional and sub-regional level; and providing guidance to the work of ADPC and its future directions.
The meeting was attended by 26 RCC delegates from 17 countries and regions. The meeting identified the needs and priorities of Asian countries and areas for promoting regional and sub-regional co-operation as well as ways to enhance effectiveness of existing mechanisms. The meeting provided substantive guidance to current and planned programs of ADPC. The discussions were focussed around following thematic areas:
- Building capacity, training and public support for disaster management and mitigation
- Development of national disaster management plans and information systems
- Improving legislative and institutional arrangements and enhancing political will for disaster management and mitigation
- Integration of disaster risk reduction into national development process
- Scientific and technical inputs for disaster management (including early warning)
Training and Workshop Schedule 2001
A. Regular Courses
- Public Health in Complex Emergencies Course (PHCE), in collaboration with the School of Public Health of Colombia University, Bangkok, Thailand, dates to be announced, Fee: US$ 1,800. (to be confirmed).
- Sixth International Course on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM-6), Bangkok, Thailand, 2-13 July, Fee: US$ 2000.
- Twenty-Seventh International Disaster Management Course (DMC-27), Bangkok, Thailand, 19 March-6 April, Fee: US$ 2500.
- Twenty-Eighth International Disaster Management Course (DMC-28), Bangkok, Thailand, 5-23 November, Fee: US$ 2500.
B. Program Based Training Courses & Workshops
Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP)
- Second Regional Course on Urban Flood Mitigation (UFM-2), Bangkok, Thailand, 14-25 May, Fee: US$ 2000.
- Third National Course on Natural Disaster Mitigation in Sri Lanka, in collaboration with Center for Housing Planning and Building (CHPB) and Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA), Sri Lanka, dates to be announced.
Livelihood Options for Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia
- First National Course on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM) in India in collaboration with the Disaster Mitigation Institute (DMI), Ahmedabad, India, 10-21 April, only for Indian nationals.
Communities Based Disaster Management Program
- Regional Course on Training of Trainers for CBDM-Bangkok, Thailand, April 16-28.
- National Course on Training of Trainers for CBDM- Philippines, July 16-27.
- National Course on Training of Trainers for CBDM- Vietnam, August 13-24.
- National Course on Training of Trainers for CBDM- Laos/Cambodia, Oct 1-12, 2000.
Program For Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER)
- Regional Medical First Responders Course (MFR) for India, Indonesia, Nepal & Philippines, (per Country), by invitation only.
- Regional Course on Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue (CSSR) for India, Indonesia, Nepal & Philippines, by invitation only.
C. Special Courses on Requests
As in previous years, ADPC's Training & Education Division will be pleased to organize specialized courses and study tours tailor-made to meet the learning needs of particular audience. These courses can be organized in your country or at Bangkok. Few of the upcoming special courses on request are as follows:
- Course on Slum Community Based Disaster Management for Staff of NGOs, & Government Agencies in Dhaka (SCBDM), Sponsored by the TERRE des Hommes, Dhaka, Bangladesh, dates to be announced.
- Training on Mine Action Awareness in collaboration with Thai Mine Action Center (TMAC), This orientation training is being held monthly in different areas in Sakaew Thailand, Started on 24-25 July 1999 and will continue until 120 training is completed.
- Training for Tianjin Bureau of Civil Affairs on Basic Disaster Management, Training for Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs on Basic Disaster Management, Bangkok, Thailand, April 2001.
- Flood Mitigation Course for Coastal Areas in Vietnam, as Requested by AIT and Vietnamese Government, tentatively set on first quarter.