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ADPC's strength lies in our willingness to be flexible and innovative. ADPC delivers technical assistance and support disaster risk reduction and climate resilience, based on the needs expressed by the countries we serve.

ADPC approaches are comprehensive in enhancing capacities of countries by utilizing science-based information; strengthening governance systems for effective risk management at all levels; and by improving grounded application of disaster and climate risk reduction measures in sustainable development.

A new ADPC strategy 2030 is under development intended to provide ADPC overall guidance over the coming decade, the major issues identified in the region, the type of engagement where ADPC provides added value, as well as setting the Vision, Mission, describe our Values and Approach.

Six strategic themes and three cross-cutting themes of disaster risk management have been identified, and these describe how we approach the global, regional, and national challenges posed by disasters and climate change, and how we intend to work towards achieving greater resilience and sustainable development.

The six strategic themes are risk governance, urban resilience, climate resilience, health risk management, preparedness for response, and resilient recovery, while the three cross-cutting themes are gender and diversity, poverty and livelihoods, and regional and transboundary cooperation. These themes interconnect to form a holistic approach to disaster risk management. They are intersecting and multi-disciplinary and reflect the call to the international community by different global and regional frameworks to work across sectors, audiences, and disciplines to address all aspects of disaster risk at all levels.