
Component 4: Flood Emergency
Management Strengthening (FEMS)
MRC's Flood Management and Mitigation Program
Information Resources
Communities, Case Study 3: Reaching out to the
Public, Raising Community Awareness to Flood
Risk Reduction in Cambodia
Safer Communities, Case Study 4: Sustaining the
Flood Preparedness and Emergency Management
System in Cambodia Creating the momentum for
Safer Communities, Case Study 7: Creating a
Safer Tomorrow for the Future Generations: A
Comprehensive Approach to Ensure the Safety of
Children in Vietnam
Safer Communities, Case Study 8: Reaching out to
the Public Raising the Awareness of the
Community in Flood Risk Reduction in Vietnam
Manual on Flood Preapredness
Program for Provincial and District
Level Authorities in the Lower Mekong
Basin Countries

Safer Communities
- Case
Study 3: Reaching out to the Public,
Raising Community Awareness to Flood
Risk Reduction in Cambodia

- Case
Study 4: Sustaining the Flood
Preparedness and Emergency Management
System in Cambodia Creating the momentum
for mainstreaming

- Case
Study 7: Creating a Safer Tomorrow
for the Future Generations: A
Comprehensive Approach to Ensure the
Safety of Children in Vietnam

- Case
Study 8: Reaching out to the Public
Raising the Awareness of the Community
in Flood Risk Reduction in Vietnam

Flood Preparedness Plan (FPP)
Kandal Provincial FPP

Public Awareness Materials
Flood Booklet-khmer

Teacher Info kit-Khmer

Progress Reports
- 2-yr
Progress Report-Sept 2004 to Aug
